Лицо показывает отношение действия к тому, кто его производит: говорящему, его собеседнику или человеку, который в разговоре вообще не участвует.
Лица глаголов нужны для того, чтобы показывать, кто производит действие, к кому это действие относится. Лиц три. Есть первое: я читаю, мы читаем; второе: ты пишешь, вы пишете; третье: он/она/оно рисует, они рисуют.
Глаголы в каждом лице могут изменяться по числам, отсюда формы множественного и единственного числа у всех лиц.
- 1 лицо
- 2 лицо
- 3 лицо
- Как определить лицо глагола
- У каких глаголов нет лица
- Лицо глагола в русском языке
- 1 лицо глагола
- 2 лицо глагола
- 3 лицо глагола
- Таблица
- Как определить лицо глагола?
- Образец рассуждений
- Категория лица и спряжение
- Вывод
- Видеоурок «Лицо и число глагола»
- How to determine the face of a verb
- 2nd person singular of the verb. Russian lessons: how to identify the face of a verb
- Table of faces of the verb in Russian
- How to recognize a face?
- Determining the face of a reflexive verb
- Faces of verbs in Russian
- Why pay attention to the face of the verb?
- How is the category of a person related to other characteristics of the verb?
- Face and time
- Face and inclination
- Personal and impersonal verbs
- Spelling of personal endings of verbs
- Choosing a vowel for an unstressed verb ending in 3 steps
- How to avoid unnecessary work?
- Morphological parsing of the Verb
- Unstable:
- Reflexivity of a verb
- A sign of transitivity of a verb
- Type of Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb tense
- The verb’s face
- Verb gender
- Verb number
- Sample morphological analysis of verbs
- Determine the conjugation of the verb
- What is verb conjugation?
- Why define the conjugation of a verb?
- How to determine the conjugation of a verb?
- The second conjugation includes:
- The first conjugation includes
- How to apply the rule?
- Inflexible verbs
- Special conjugation verbs
- Determine the face of the verb in Russian according to the table
- Verb face category
- The procedure for determining the face of a verb
- The relationship of the category of a person with other signs of the verb
- What time of the verb came up. Verb tense. We practice and understand with examples
- Determine the type of the verb
- Past tense verbs
- Present tense verbs
- Endings of first conjugated verbs
- Endings of second conjugation verbs
- Future verbs
- Endings of perfective verbs of the first conjugation
- Endings of perfect verbs of the second conjugation
- Currently,
- Future time
- How to determine the face of a verb in the past and present tense and what it is
- What is the face of a verb
- Face detection algorithm
- German grammar (reference)
- Verb (Verb)
- Conjugation of verbs
- Classification of verbs (continued).
- Present conjugation of weak verbs (Präsens)
- What is verb conjugation? What verbs are conjugated? How to determine the face and number of conjugated verbs?
- Russian language
- Change of verbs by person and number in the form of the present and future tense (conjugation)
- Can you say «I will win»?
- Conjugation of verbs
- First and second conjugation
- Impersonal verbs
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1 лицо
В первом лице глагол показывает, что действие совершает тот, кто говорит. Он может совершать это действие один или с другими людьми.
В первом случае к глаголу можно будет подставить местоимение Я: я пою, я прыгаю, я буду купаться. Во втором случае – местоимение Мы: мы поем, мы прыгаем, мы будем купаться.
Про местоимение
Обратите внимание, местоимение не всегда должно быть в предложении. Оно может опускаться для того, чтобы сделать описание более динамичным: «И вот я бегу по тропинке к лесу. Сворачиваю вправо. Останавливаюсь и тяжело дышу. Снова бегу. Заставляю себя не оглядываться». Местоимение только одно, но по личным окончаниям понятно, что действие относится к первому лицу.
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2 лицо
Оно используется тогда, когда действие выполняет собеседник – тот, кто участвует в диалоге. Понять просто – если бы он не был нашим собеседником, мы не могли бы сказать ему «ты» или «вы», но мы это говорим: «Почему ты всегда опаздываешь?», «Сколько ты еще будешь сидеть над этой задачей?», «Кому это вы все пишете?» – понятно же, что эти вопросы можно задать только «собеседнику».
Иногда это лицо используется в предложениях, которые не относятся к конкретному человеку, а имеют обобщенное значение. Прежде всего – в пословицах и поговорках: «[Ты] не говори «гоп» пока не перепрыгнешь», «[Ты] тише едешь – дальше будешь».
После буквы «ш» во втором лице всегда надо писать мягкий знак. Даже если после этого окончания пишется «-ся»: Ты (что делаешь?) учишь, учишься, моешь, моешься.
Когда будете объяснять эту орфограмму, так и говорите: «В окончании после «ш» пишем мягкий знак, потому что лагол во втором лице».
Про «Вы»
Местоимение «вы» пишется с маленькой буквы, если мы обращаемся к нескольким лицам: «Товарищи, вы ведете себя отвратительно!»
Если мы обращаемся к одному человеку (в письме и даже в переписке в ВК или Телеграме) и говорим с ним на «Вы», то это «Вы» надо писать с большой буквы: «Антон Леопольдович, спасибо Вам большое!»
Видео:Лицо и число глагола. Как определить лица и числа глаголов?Скачать
3 лицо
Оно называет действия, которые совершает кто-то, кто не участвует в разговоре. Представьте, две бабушки сидят, болтают, одна посмотрела в окно и говорит другой: «Вон, Танька коров гонит». Танька = она, то есть лицо, которое в диалоге двух бабушек не участвует.
Если глагол в третьем лице, к нему можно подставить местоимения Он/Она/Оно или Они: он/она/оно пляшет, светит, зовет; они зовут.
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Как определить лицо глагола
Надо подставить к нему местоимение. Запомните вот этот список:
- Я, Мы.
- Ты, Вы.
- Он/она/оно, Они.
Некоторые люди советуют задавать вопросы, смотреть на личные окончания – это все слишком долго.
Вот еще таблица с примерами по всем лицам в настоящем и будущем времени.
Видео:Склонения и окончания глаголовСкачать
У каких глаголов нет лица
У глаголов в прошедшем времени. Сравните:
- Я ехал, Мы ехали.
- Ты ехал, Вы ехали.
- Он ехал, Они ехали.
В древнерусском языке лицо еще было, но в современном русском его в прошедшем времени нет.
Как правильно говорить
Надо говорить так: «Глагол В 1/2/3 лице». Нельзя говорить: «Первого, второго, третьего лица». Потому что лицо – это непостоянный признак и один и тот же глагол может быть в разных лицах.
Это все, что вам надо знать о лицах. Если есть вопросы – задавайте в комментариях, отвечу.
Видео:Изменение глаголов по временам. Что такое время глагола? Как определить время глагола?Скачать
Лицо глагола в русском языке
Лицо глагола — это характерный грамматический признак, который выражает, кто совершает действие. Различают 1, 2 и 3 лицо у глаголов в форме настоящего и будущего времени.
Рассмотрим, что такое лицо глагола в системе этой самостоятельной части речи.
У глагола имеется ряд грамматических признаков (вид, переходность, наклонение, время и пр.), которые кардинально отличают его от существительных, прилагательных, местоимений и т. д. Категория лица является словоизменительным признаком, который можно указать у глаголов только в формах настоящего и будущего времени изъявительного наклонения и в формах повелительного наклонения.
Источник изображения: igroland59.ru
В морфологии русского языка различают 1, 2 и 3 лицо глагола. Грамматические формы лица с помощью характерных окончаний показывают, кто именно совершает или будет совершать действие. Рассмотрим более подробно категорию лица глаголов.
Видео:Так определять спряжение глаголов нельзя | Часть 5 | Русский языкСкачать
1 лицо глагола
Форма 1 лица глагола обозначает, что действие совершает или будет совершать сам говорящий самостоятельно или вместе с другими участниками действия. Формы 1 лица единственного и множественного числа соотносятся с местоимениями «я» и «мы» и отвечают на вопросы:
- я что делаю? что сделаю?
- мы что делаем? что сделаем?
Я (что делаю?) смотрю фильм. Мы (что делаем?) смотрим фильм.
Глаголы в форме 1 лица имеют характерные личные окончания:
- ед. ч. -у/-ю
- мн. ч. —ем(I спр.), -им ( II спр.)
Понаблюдаем, как образуются формы 1 лица настоящего и будущего времени глагола несовершенного вида «говорить» и глагола совершенного вида «привести»:
- я говор ю , буд у говорить — мы говор им , буд ем говорить;
- я привед у — мы привед ём .
Видео:Морфологические признаки глаголаСкачать
2 лицо глагола
Форма 2 лица глагола обозначает, что действие совершает собеседник говорящего. Грамматические формы 2 лица соотносятся с местоимениями «ты» и «вы» и отвечают на вопросы:
- ты что делаешь? что сделаешь?
- вы что делаете? что сделаете?
Ты (что сделаешь?) польёшь огород. Вы (что сделаете?) польёте огород.
Глаголы в форме 2 лица имеют личные окончания, написание которых с буквой «е» или «и» зависит от принадлежности глагола к первому или второму спряжению:
- ед. ч. -ешь (I спр.) -ишь ( II спр.)
- мн. ч. -ете (I спр.),-ите ( II спр.)
Посмотрим, как образуются формы 2 лица настоящего и будущего времени:
- ты гово ришь , буд ешь говорить — вы говор ите , буд ете говорить;
- ты привед ешь — вы привед ёте .
Формы 2 лица единственного и множественного числа имеют глаголы в повелительном наклонении, которые отвечают на вопросы:
- ты что делай? сделай?
- вы что делайте? сделайте?
Формы 2 лица единственного числа повелительного наклонения образуются с помощью суффикса -и- или нулевого суффикса:
- ты (что делай?) говор и , (что сделай?) привед и ;
- ты (что делай?) сядь , (что сделай?) набрось .
Формы 2 лица множественного числа повелительного наклонения имеют постфикс -те:
- вы (что делайте?) говори те ;
- вы (что сделайте?) приведи те .
Видео:Времена глаголов. Как определить время глагола?Скачать
3 лицо глагола
Форма 3 лица глагола показывает, что действие принадлежит тому, о ком или о чём ведется речь. Формы 3 лица единственного и множественного числа соотносятся с местоимениями «он», «она», «оно», «они» и отвечают на вопросы:
- он, она, оно что делает? что сделает?
- они что делают? что сделают?
Он (что делает?) пилит бревно. Они (что делают?) пилят бревно.
Глаголы в форме 3 лица имеют характерные личные окончания:
- ед. ч. -ет (I спр.), -ит ( II спр.)
- мн. ч. -ут/-ют (I спр.), -ат/-ят( II спр.).
Образуем формы 3 лица глаголов настоящего и будущего времени:
- он, она, оно говор ит , буд ет говорить — они говор ят , буд ут говорить;
- он, она, оно привед ет — они привед ут .
Единственное число
Множественное число
Как определить лицо глагола?
Используя рассуждения, приведенные нами, можно легко определить лицо глагола. Но все же укажем алгоритм, как пошагово определить, какое лицо имеет глагол.
- 1 шаг — задать вопрос к глаголу (что делаю? что делаешь? что делает? и пр.);
- 2 шаг — выделить личное окончание глагола;
- 3 шаг — определить значение, кто выполняет действие (соотнести глагол с личным местоимением);
- 4 шаг — сделать вывод, какое лицо имеет глагол.
Образец рассуждений
Глагол «поможет» отвечает на вопрос что сделает? Это слово имеет личное окончание -ет . Глагол обозначает, что действие выполняет тот, о ком говорится в тексте. Его можно соотнести с местоимением «он» (он поможет). Значит, этот глагол имеет форму 3 лица единственного числа.
Глагол «укусишь» отвечает на вопрос что сделаешь? Он имеет личное окончание -ишь и обозначает, что действие принадлежит собеседнику. Форму глагола соотнесем с местоимением «ты» (ты укусишь). Значит, это глагол находится в форме 2 лица единственного числа.
Видео:Как правильно определить спряжение глаголов? Как пишутся окончания глаголов?Скачать
Категория лица и спряжение
Категория лица тесно связана со спряжением глаголов.
В русской грамматике изменение глагола по лицам и числам называется спряжением.
Значение лица глаголов выражается с помощью личных окончаний. Система окончаний 1, 2 и 3 лица единственного и множественного числа соотносится с первым или вторым спряжением глагола.
Глаголы I спряжения имеют в формах 1, 2 и 3 лица окончания, в большинстве которых пишется буква «е»:
- 1 лицо я игра ю — мы игра ́ е м
- 2 лицо ты игра́ е шь — вы игра́ ете
- 3 лицо он игра́ е т — они игра́ ю т .
В формах 1, 2, 3 лица глаголы II спряжения имеют окончания, в которых пишется буква «и». Изменим по лицам и числам глагол «верить»:
- 1 лицо я ве́р ю — мы ве́р и м
- 2 лицо ты ве́р и шь — вы ве́р и те
- 3 лицо он ве́р и т — они ве́р я т .
Видео:Виды глагола в русском языке. Как определить вид глагола?Скачать
Видеоурок «Лицо и число глагола»
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How to determine the face of a verb
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2nd person singular of the verb. Russian lessons: how to identify the face of a verb
Written speech has always caused and will cause much more difficulties than oral speech, because the Russian language contains very few words that are the same when writing and speaking. One of the problems of writing that often confronts schoolchildren and students is how to determine the face of a verb. In order to do this quickly and correctly, there are many recommendations and examples.
When solving the problem of what the face of a verb is, it is important to take into account that this grammatical category is one of its inconstant features. It allows you to determine who is performing the action and how many participants in the speech.
Person and number are mutable grammatical categories used to form word forms.
The ability to determine this sign is necessary for conducting, in which accurate knowledge of the constant and unstable signs of a given part of speech is mandatory.
And also it may be needed for spelling correct writing of the text.
The faces of the verbs indicate who is performing the action. However, not in all cases it is possible to determine the correlation of an action with a speech participant. Therefore, this category is not inherent in all words of this part of speech.
It is characteristic of the following forms:
- imperative mood;
- indicative mood of the future tense;
- indicative mood of the present tense.
In no other cases (past tense, infinitive) the existence of this category is impossible — it is absent.
Table of faces of the verb in Russian
The verb in Russian has three types of person, they can be defined both in the singular and in the plural. Each combination of these two features has its own meaning.
The table will help to understand these values:
Unit. h. | Mn. h. | |
1st l. | Direct correlation of the named action with the speaker (the subject of speech): I will find a treasure; I am reading a novel. | Correlation of action with a certain group of persons, including the speaker: we breathe air; we are reading a novel. |
2st l. | Correlation of the named action to the interlocutor: you will find a treasure; you buy candy. | Correlation of the action with a certain group of people, including the interlocutor: you are telling; you buy cakes. |
3st l. | Correlation of the named action with an object (being / object) that does not participate in speech: he will find a treasure; she is going to school. | Correlation of the action with a group of persons or objects not participating in speech: they go to the theater; they will receive a prize. |
Important! At 3 y. singular, an object can be expressed in three variants of additional meaning: an object of the masculine gender (he), the feminine gender (she) and the neuter gender (it).
How to recognize a face?
Determining the face of present and future verbs becomes a simple task if you follow simple recommendations. It is best to remember these tips.
This sign can be determined by the question:
- What am I doing / what am I going to do? (draw / draw) What are we doing / what are we going to do? (draw / draw) — speaks of the belonging of the word to 1 sheet;
- What are you doing / what are you going to do? (draw / draw) What do / what do you do? (draw / draw) — verbs of the 2nd person singular answer such questions;
- What does / does what? (draws / draws) — questions 3 p. singular. 3rd person plural questions: what do / what will they do? (draw / draw).
The simplest way is to substitute personal pronouns. Pronouns are selected that are suitable in meaning, their list must be learned by heart:
- 1l .: if the pronouns I are suitable for actions, we (I lie, we lie);
- 2 l .: if you fit, you (you lie, you lie);
- 3 l .: if he, he, it, they fit (he lies, they lie).
Formal signs are personal endings of words:
It is better to draw such a plate on a separate sheet as a template. Choose your own examples, by which information about the endings will be well remembered, and use it when completing the assignment.
- It is important to remember that the face of a word denoting an action performed in the past tense does not need to be identified. The same applies to the infinitive -.
- It is better to use all methods until the definition of the grammatical category becomes a simple task. Then you can choose one method you like. If difficulties arise, one should check oneself according to the well-known methods of determining the face of a verb in the present and future tenses.
The phenomenon can be explained as follows: singular and plural of all forms coincide.For example: ate (singular) — this can be said in relation to all three forms: I ate, you ate, he ate. It is the same with the plural. So, form 3 l. plural matches the forms of 1 l. and 2 liters. including: they ate — we ate, you ate.
Therefore, in the morphological analysis of the verb denoting an action performed in the past tense, this meaning is omitted.
Before determining the face of the verb, you will have to repeat the recommendations and use a special
The sequence of actions will be as follows:
- Write out a word to complete the assignment.
- Determine its time. Present or future — we conduct further analysis.
- Find a pronoun that fits the meaning. Find out or remember his personal identity — these categories coincide in words of both parts of speech. For example, if you are suitable for the word come (pronoun 2 l. Singular), then the verb come will also have 2 l.
- Ask a question, with its help set the value of this category.
- Highlight the ending is a formal feature. By the way, this method is the most reliable. By the table of endings of verbs, you can determine the personal identity.
Determining the face of a reflexive verb
The indicators of a reflexive verb are the postfixes (suffixes in the position after the end) –я and –с. For example: swimming, laughing, studying, hoping, dropped, packed up, got out.
Important!Nouns and pronouns in the accusative case can never stand next to words of this form.
In order to establish a participant in the action indicated by the word in this form, you need to do the following:
- Write it out along with the adjoining or noun.
- Substitute a pronoun to the noun and / or use it to establish the meaning of the grammatical category.
For example, they say goodbye, bathe, laugh — verbs 3 l., Because they can be substituted for «they» (3 l.); you say goodbye, swim, laugh — 2 singular persons, because the pronoun «you» is suitable for them.
A source: https://cvetynvrsk.ru/sad/2-oe-lico-edinstvennoe-chislo-glagola-uroki-russkogo-kak-opredelit-lico-u.html
Видео:Спряжение глаголов. Что такое спряжение глаголов в русском языке? Для чего нужно спряжение глаголов?Скачать
Faces of verbs in Russian
Among the morphological characteristics of the verb, the important is the variability of:
- persons
- numbers
- at times
- childbirth
- inclinations
- pledges
- condition (return)
A tiny morpheme of one word contains the basic information for the communicating parties: who is talking about whom, when the action takes place, who does it.
For example: hairstylesю — an active real action of one person, who speaks about himself (from one person), is being performed at the present time and is directed by the narrator to a third-party object. Of the listed characters, we could not determine only the genus. Important! All categories of verbs are inextricably linked and dependent on each other. They need to be considered in a complex. Changing a verb by person and number is called conjugation.
Conjugate verbs based on the table (Table 1) of personal pronouns.
Table 1. Personal pronouns
Verbs are consistently compared with all personal pronouns, respectively, changing the endings.
- i work, we work
- you work, you work
- he (she, it) works, they work
- the author of the statement — я I think we investigated
- addressee — you find out you are considering
- or the object of the narration — he passed, it configures, it will stop, they design (Table 1)
LM is used to quickly and accurately determine the face and number of a verb. To do this, you need to select an appropriate pointer for the word being tested:
- protect (they) — 3rd person, plural
- come (you) — 2 person, singular
- forget (we) — 1 person, plural
Why pay attention to the face of the verb?
The ability to control faces and numbers of verbs will help:
- Complete the examiner’s task — write down the text from the second / third person. For example:
- I will see him and be scared (from the 1st person)
- you will see him and be scared (from the 2nd person)
- he will see him and be scared (from 3rd person)
- Observe the spelling of morphemes:
- at the end of the verb 2 l., sing. h. it is written «b» — you read, write
- at the end of the verb 3 l. «B» is not written — it bites, they try
Important! It is necessary to distinguish the shape of 3 liters. from indefinite form (n / f). Check: “hard question — hard answer, soft question — soft answer” (what does it do? Bites — 3rd face; what to do? Bite — n / f). Three more reasons to explore the tense category of a verb:
- From what kind of person (1st.
2nd, 3rd) the story is being told, the dynamics, stylistic coloring, persuasiveness of speech depend.
Spelling of personal endings of verbs (indicative mood)
How is the category of a person related to other characteristics of the verb?
If we take a closer look at the verb, we will find that the face can not always be identified. It is worth considering its time, mood, semantics (the general meaning of a group of words).
Face and time
The verb is used in the present, past and future tenses. In the present and in the future, the character is easily guessed:
- I cook, I cook — I (1 l.)
- fix, fix — you (2 y.)
- breaks, breaks — he (3 y.)
And in the past — no:
- was I visiting? you? he?
- came — we? you? they? — everything is suitable, context is needed to clarify.
But in this form, the genus manifests itself: spoke (m. R.) — spoke (f. R.) — spoke (s. R.)
Face and inclination
Remember, there are three moods of the verb:
- indicative (“ordinary” verbs) — conceived, fly, rolled;
- conditional (about what was not, but could have been) — I would have eaten, I would have written;
- imperative (prompting to action) — bring, stay, add.
We have already spoken about the indicative.
What about the other two? The conditional mood is formed onlyo from the verb prbygone time. Can’t say “I would read«/ «I would read.» Can — «I (you, he) would read ”. And in the past tense, we know that the face of the verb does not make itself felt.
The imperative mood manifests personal belonging in its own way:
- the appeal to the 2nd person is expressed clearly and clearly (using the suffixes -i, -te, zero) — sing, come in, beat (you), write out, fill in (you);
- a “vague” form of joint action (invitation) is used — sing it, get together, let’s go;
- for the third person compound forms are characteristic — let him enter (he), let him visit (they).
Personal and impersonal verbs
In our language there are many verbs describing states, phenomena, processes. It is impossible to determine their face. They are called so — impersonal:
- it got cold, it got cold
- I can’t sleep, I felt sad
Sometimes ordinary verbs are used in the sense of impersonal. Compare: paint smells (3 l.) — paint smells (impersonal)
Spelling of personal endings of verbs
In textbooks, and on the Internet, there are many tables where the personal endings of the verb are painstakingly collected and classified. For example, this (Table 2). Here are observations of the change in this mobile part of speech by faces and numbers. The table only illustrates how cleverly the verb adapts to the needs of our language.
There is usually no problem with choosing a personal ending. After all, no one will say “we are having dinner « or «she’s dancing ”.The most insidious pitfalls are associated with the type of verb conjugation. They concern only unstressed positions (no questions arise with shock cases).
Important! It is the type of conjugation that determines which vowel is written at the end of a word in an unstressed position.
Choosing a vowel for an unstressed verb ending in 3 steps
Sometimes poor schoolchildren are forced to learn the table by heart, so as not to confuse e-i, y-a, y-z when conjugating a verb: he is a peg, they dry, you drag . But it is safer to learn how to use the “Three steps” algorithm, which always leads to the desired result. Let’s check: What vowel to insert: we put onм (1 sheet, plural); you buildsh (2 l., Unit h.
- Determine the view (perfect /thatсdo? or imperfect /thatдwant?). We ask a question for the verb:
- thatдdo we want? nadvam — imperfect form;
- thatсare you doing? build — perfect view.
- We put the verb in n / f, keeping the form, without losing the prefixes (this is important):
- thatдwant? put on;
- thatсdo? build.
- We determine the type of conjugation and vowel in the unstressed ending (Table 3):
- put on — not on to bear, not excl. — 1 conjugation, at the end th: put on;
- build — on to bear, not excl. — 2 conjugation, at the end -and: build.
Table 3. Types of conjugation (start from the second sp.)
- other Verbs
- 2 on-line (shave, lay)
- build up
In ⃞ — e, y, y
- all verbs in to bear
- 7 on -net (watch, see
offend, hate, endure, twirl, depend)
- 4 on (hear, breathe, drive, hold)
In ⃞ — and, a, i
The correctness of the choice can be checked according to table 2.
How to avoid unnecessary work?
A source: https://nauka.club/russkiy-yazyk/lica-glagolov.html
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Morphological parsing of the Verb
When characterizing a verb, the following main morphological features of the verb should be indicated.
- mood;
- tense, person, gender (for verbs in pronounced incl.);
- number.
Reflexivity of a verb
The postfix -sya / сь denotes the reflexivity of the verb, that is, the subject of the action with his object, the active person with the passive. For example, “I dress myself” can be deciphered as “I dress myself”. Moreover, “I dress my son” is the irreversible form of this verb. This sign has two states, the verb can be reflexive or non-reflexive.
A sign of transitivity of a verb
The meaning of the transitivity of a verb is associated with the presence of an object of action or its absence. For example, “pick berries” is an example of using a transitive verb, while “The child is already talking” is an intransitive one. Transition is a more general feature than recurrence, and includes it.
Type of Verb
In the morphological parsing of a verb, the form denotes its perfection or imperfection. Semantically, the view describes the completeness of the action, its outcome, the end or continuation of the process. For example, “to do” is an imperfect form of the verb, “to do” is perfect. Typically, the species is designated with the prefix c-.
The perfective verbs have two tenses, the past and the future simple, “I have done”, “I will do”. Imperfective verbs have three possible tenses, past, present and future complex, “I did”, “I do”, “I will do”. Perfective verbs are used when the process is complete and / or the process has a finished result.
Imperfective verbs are used to describe lengthy or repetitive processes.
The inflection of the verb expresses the relationship between action and reality. It happens mainly indicative, conditional and imperative. The indicative mood is used to describe the real state of affairs regardless of the time (“I did, do and will do”).
The conditional mood expresses the possibility of action if certain prerequisites or conditions are met (“I would write to you if I had time”). The imperative mood expresses the addressee’s urge to action through an order, advice or request (“Do it right away”).
Also, sometimes the desirable, permissive, propositional and intentional moods are distinguished, but not all of them are clearly expressed in the Russian language by grammatical methods.
Conjugation of a verb is the manner in which it changes by numbers, persons, tenses and gender. In Russian, there are 1 and 2 types of declension.
The 1st type of declension includes verbs with the initial endings -et, -at, -t, -ut, -yat, -yt, -t, and some others. They acquire the endings -y, -y in the first person, -eh in the second, -th in the third.
The 2nd type of declension usually includes verbs with endings: -y (-yu), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-at). They are conjugated on faces with the endings -em, -te, -ut, -yut.
There is a good verse for memorizing the verbs of the second conjugation:
To the second conjugation, we will carry without a doubt All the verbs that are on, Excluding shaving, laying, And also: look, offend, hear, see, hate, drive, breathe, hold, endure,
and depend, and twirl.
Verb tense
In Russian, only verbs in the indicative mood change from time to time. The tense of the verb expresses the time of the action described by the verb, in Russian there are three types of tense, past, present and future. Imperfective verbs can change in all tenses: I did, I do, I will do.
Perfect verbs can exist only in the past and future tenses: I did, I will. In the past tense, verbs acquire the suffix -л. The future tense of verbs is simple and complex. Simple is characteristic of perfect verbs (I will water the flowers).
Complex future tense is used with imperfect verbs and uses the auxiliary verb “to be” (I will water the flowers).
The verb’s face
The face of the verb expresses by grammatical methods the speaker’s attitude to the subject of the action. The first person means the coincidence of the speaker and the subject of the action and uses the pronoun «I». «I’m going.» The second person means that the action is performed by the speaker’s interlocutor and uses the pronouns «you» and «you». «You go». Third party means that the subject of the action is not present during the conversation and uses the pronouns “he”, “she”, “it”, “they”.
Faces of verbs, in addition to pronouns, are indicated by endings. For example, the first person of the present and future tense uses the endings -y, -yu. The second person ends in — you, — you, or — you, — you, depending on the declension and number. Verbs in the third person end in -et, -yut, or -it, -at / yat, depending on the declension and number.
Past tense verbs do not change by person, but they have gender.
Verb gender
Past tense singular verbs acquire endings indicating the gender of the subject of the action. The masculine verbs have no generic ending, the feminine verbs have the ending -a, the middle one — -o.
Verb number
The number expresses the singularity or plurality of the subject of the action. It is expressed using endings. In the past tense, this is done with the ending -and (I salted, we salted). Unit value and plural in the present and future tense, it is expressed by endings, which are a combined indicator of a person and a number. In unit: 1 l. -y (s), 2 p. — you or — you, 3 l. — no or — needle; in plural: 1 l. -em or -im, 2 l. — -te- or -ite, 3 l. — -ut (-yut) or -am (-yat).
Sample morphological analysis of verbs
Maxim loudly whistled a merry song.
Whistled is a verb.
The initial form is to whistle.
Irrevocable, transitional, imperfect form, I conjugation; indicative, past tense, singular, masculine. Predicate.
Guidelines for the initial form of the verb: what to do? what to do?
For verbs in the past tense, you cannot determine the person, but you can determine the gender; for verbs in the form of the present and future tense — on the contrary: you can determine the person, you can not — the gender.
A source: https://www.slovogriz.ru/morfologicheskii-razbor/glagol
Determine the conjugation of the verb
What is verb conjugation?
Why define the conjugation of a verb?
How to determine the conjugation of a verb?
How to apply the rule?
What verbs are called multi-conjugate?
What are special conjugation verbs?
Test on the topic «Verb conjugation»
Test «Spelling of verbs and participles»
Verb conjugation is perhaps one of the most difficult topics in the Russian language course.
However, it is imperative to master it well: not a single school dictation can do without verbs.
In addition, tasks related to determining the conjugation of a verb will certainly be found in the test part of the final exams in the Russian language — the OGE in the ninth grade and the USE in the eleventh.
Despite the fact that it is taught in elementary grades to determine the conjugation of a verb and correctly write its personal endings, there are plenty of mistakes for this rule in the works of schoolchildren of all ages.
To conquer His Majesty The verb is not easy But we still — step by step — will try to do it. First, let’s figure out what this notorious verb conjugation is.
What is verb conjugation?
Conjugation is the change of a verb by person and number.
How does it look in practice?
The face and number of a verb can be determined by substituting one of the appropriate personal pronouns for it.
Let’s remember these pronouns:
So, you can substitute the pronoun you for the verb go: (you) go — it means that this is a verb of the 2nd person singular. And the pronoun we is substituted for the verb we sing — this is a verb of the 1st person plural. (They) glue — 3rd person plural, (I) tell — 1 person singular, etc.
Now we will learn how to conjugate verbs (that is, change them by person and number).
This is how, for example, the verbs do and glue are conjugated:
The endings of the first, second and third person verbs are called personal. The verb forms formed during conjugation have the same name.
By the way, we selected the endings of the verbs for a reason. There are a huge number of different verbs in Russian. But almost all of them, according to their personal endings, are divided into only two types.
The first type of verbs (i.e. verbs of the first conjugation) has personal endings:
-y (or -yu), -em, -e, -e, -no, -ut (or -yut).
The endings of the second type of verbs (i.e. second conjugation verbs):
—Y (or -yu), -im, -you, -it, -it, -at (or -at).
You probably already noted that we conjugated verbs of both types: the verb to do refers to the first conjugation, and the verb to glue — to the second conjugation.
The personal endings of the first and second conjugations of the verbs must be remembered!
Why define the conjugation of a verb?
Indeed, why? Why do teachers periodically complicate the life of schoolchildren, forcing them to cram — in poetry and in prose — verbs-exceptions, to repeat over and over again the seemingly memorized rule for determining conjugation? It turns out that there is a reason — and an important reason.
Try, without knowing the rules, to insert the missing letters into the verbs:
Not an easy task, is it? Even if nature has endowed you with innate literacy, it is not easy to write the personal endings of verbs correctly.
It is much easier for those who have determined that the verb sow refers to the first conjugation, and the verb to see refers to the second.
From the list of personal endings of the first conjugation of the verbs, we choose the ending that is suitable in meaning for the verb sem — -EM. And we write the verb correctly:
From another list — personal endings of the second conjugation — select the desired personal ending for the verb vidm — -ИМ. Let’s write the verb correctly:
By the way, the vowels in the suffixes of the present participle also depend on the conjugation of the verb. If the participle is formed from the verb of the first conjugation, its suffixes will be as follows:
-usch-, -uch-, -om-, -em-.
The participles formed from verbs of the second conjugation have the following suffixes:
-shch-, -ych-, -im-.
So, the ability to determine the conjugation of the verb is necessary in order to correctly write the personal endings of the verbs and the suffixes of the participles. Now another quite reasonable question arises — how exactly to determine the conjugation of a verb?
How to determine the conjugation of a verb?
To determine the conjugation of a verb, first of all, we put it in an indefinite form.
Recall: in indefinite form (it is called in another way the infinitive) the verb answers the question What to do? or what to do? — look, seek, carry, cherish, hope, etc.)
We look at what the verb ends with. For example, the verb to look ends in -et, to search — to -at, carry — to -t, cherish — to -ch, hope — to -yat (we discard the postfix -sa), etc.
But, in fact, itself rule.
The second conjugation includes:
— all verbs ending in the infinitive with -Share, except for three — shave, lay, lean;
— 11 exception verbsthat end in -ET и -To (they need to be remembered!) —
The first conjugation includes
all other verbs, including exception verbs shave, lay, build.
Note. This method of defining conjugation is only suitable for verbs that do not have stress on the personal ending.
Do not try to determine the conjugation of verbs with stressed personal endings by the indefinite form.
Firstly, this is not necessary, since the vowels under stress are heard clearly, which means that for their correct spelling in the endings of the verbs, the rule does not need to be applied.
Secondly, determining the conjugation of verbs with stressed personal endings by the infinitive, you run the risk of getting confused: the verb fly, for example, ends in an indefinite form in -ET (and if you apply the rule to it, it turns out that it is the first conjugation).
However, the personal forms of the verb fly have all the endings of the second conjugation (yearsthem, yearsish, yearsite, yearsum, yearsyat).
Therefore, this verb must also be attributed to the second conjugation.
The conjugation of verbs with stressed personal endings is determined by the endings themselves, and not by the indefinite form!
How to apply the rule?
So, we found out that it is necessary to determine the conjugation of a verb in order to correctly write vowels in personal endings. In practice, it looks like this.
Suppose you want to insert missing letters in verbs:
(we) this,
(they) pricks
(you) you drink
(he) hold
The personal endings of these verbs are unstressed, and to determine the conjugations, you need to put the verbs in an indefinite form.
Sem — sow. In the infinitive, the verb ends in -yat, which means it belongs to the first conjugation. Remembering personal endings of verbs 1 conjugation:
We select from the list the ending that suits us in meaning: -EM. We write the verb correctly: seed.
Injecting — to inject. In the indefinite form, the verb ends in -one and, therefore, also refers to the first conjugation (we do not pay attention to the postfix -sha in this case: it does not affect the spelling of the verb). Choose a suitable ending from the list:
Without gaps, the verb looks like this: prick.
Saw — Saw. The infinitive of this verb ends in -it — hence, we have before us a verb of the second conjugation. Let’s remember personal endings of second conjugation verbs and choose from them what fits the meaning:
Without gaps, the verb is written like this: you saw.
Hold — hold. The verb ends in the infinitive in -at. Remember: the verb keep is one of the four exception verbs in -at, related to the second conjugation (the prefix y-does not affect the spelling of the verb). We choose an ending that is suitable for the meaning from the list:
We write the verb in accordance with the rule: will hold.
Inflexible verbs
There are verbs in Russian that, when conjugated, acquire personal endings of both the first and second conjugation. There are only three such verbs: want, run and dawn. Since these verbs cannot be attributed to either the first or the second conjugation, they are considered multi-conjugated.
Let’s analyze the forms of the verb want. It has singular endings of the first conjugation: hocheat it, hochem. But the plural forms are conjugated according to the second type of conjugation: hotthemthoughitethoughyat.
All personal endings of the verb run percussion: beigethem, beigeish, beigeite, beigeum, runut. As you can see, in the third person plural, the verb has the first conjugation ending -out. The rest of its forms are conjugated by the second conjugation.
Verb breezeto grow not used in the first and second person. As for the third person, in the singular the verb acquires the ending of the second conjugation (breezeum), and in the plural — the end of the first conjugation (breezeut).
Special conjugation verbs
Verbs in Russian, when conjugated, acquire, as a rule, personal endings of one of two types of conjugation. The exception is special conjugation verbs with specific personal endings. These are the verbs to eat and to give — the most ancient words, apparently, one of the first to appear in all languages of the world. Let’s analyze their forms.
The verb is (meaning «to eat») in the plural it is conjugated like the verbs of the second conjugation:them, unitsite, unitsyat. But in the singular, the endings in the forms of this verb are special: eм (ending -m), esh (ending — you), eArt (ending -st).
The verb give in the plural is conjugated as verbs of the second conjugation (dadthem, dadite), and as a verb of the first conjugation (dadut). As for the singular, here the endings are specific, like the verb has: yesм (the ending to), Yessh (ending is you), yeahArt (ending -st).
A source: http://bacenko.ru/podgotovka-k-ege/opredelyaem-spryazhenie-glagola/
Видео:Как определить спряжение глагола? Часть 3 | Русский языкСкачать
Determine the face of the verb in Russian according to the table
The verb is the most flexible part of speech in Russian. He has many characteristics of conjugation and word formation abilities. These include the voice, moods, numbers, tenses, the face of the verb — the correlation of the relationship with the speaker, which is studied in grades 2-4.
Verb face category
The category of the face acts as the most important morphological feature: it is responsible for the correlation of the speaker with the object of the message, and is also a feature that determines the formative suffixes and endings. It also helps connect the predicate with the subject. In Russian, the face of verbs is a fickle sign, but it always indicates the subject of the action. Used by 3 persons per unit. and many others. number.
The GL’s belonging to one of the personal forms leaves information about the speaker, correlates him with the object of the conversation, as well as about the time of what is happening. For example: sick is a long-term action performed by an outsider — her, him (3 years old) at the present time.
Examples of changes by persons in units. and many others. number in the table
The personal forms of the GL of the indicative (present and future) and imperative mood are formed from the base of the infinitive with the help of special endings and answer special interrogative constructions:
- 1st person the verb («what do / do» — singular and «what do / do?» — plural) — the action was performed by the person who speaks, or with his participation.
- 2st person the verb indicates that the subject of the process is the addressees (addressees) of the author of the utterance. Relevant questions are «what are you doing / are you going to do?» in units h. and «what are you doing / will you do?» — in plural h
- 3st person indicates that the action is performed by an outside person who is not participating in the conversation. GL 3 l. answers the questions «what does / will do?» in units h. and «what do they do / do?» in pl. h.
The procedure for determining the face of a verb
If you need to recognize a person, it is enough to correlate the given GL with a personal pronoun, ask an appropriate question, find the end of the word and check with the table below.
Example: She is preparing dinner. The subject of the action — she, is expressed by the pronoun 3 l., The question to the predicate — what does it do? N.F. — cook, second conjugation. The ending -it- confirms the earlier conclusion that the verb is worth 3 liters.
The relationship of the category of a person with other signs of the verb
It is impossible to assimilate what the category of a verb person is, if you study it in isolation from the categories of mood and tense. This will help you more accurately find out the spelling of the endings and other characteristics in the sentence.
Видео:Как определить СПРЯЖЕНИЕ глагола? [IrishU]Скачать
What time of the verb came up. Verb tense. We practice and understand with examples
A verb is an action part of speech. Verbs change in numbers, persons and tenses. In addition, they have conjugations, types and moods. In Russian, there are three main forms of verb tense: past, present and future. Let’s talk in more detail about how to figure out the tenses of the verb.
Determine the type of the verb
There are perfect and imperfective verbs. Perfect verbs indicate that the action has already been done (or will be done) and the result has been achieved. The question “what to do?” Is suitable for such verbs. Perfect verbs have only two tenses: past and future.
Imperfect verbs can be in the past, present and future tense. They answer the question “what to do?”.
Past tense verbs
The main signs that the verb refers to the past tense are:
- suffix -l; (walked, flew)
- the endings -а (feminine), -o (neuter) and -i (plural). Masculine verbs in the past tense have no ending. Example: played, played, played, played.
To understand that the verb is in the past tense, the following questions need to be substituted to it, depending on gender and number:
- for the perfect form: «what did you do?» (m), «what did you do?» (f. p.), «what was doing?» (cf. p.), «what did you do?» (plural);
- for the imperfect form: «what did you do?» (m. p.), «what did you do?» (f. p.), «what did it do?» (cf. p.), «what have you done?» (plural).
Present tense verbs
In the present tense, the verb reflects the action that occurs at the moment of speech. The general defining question of such verbs is:
- in the singular — “what is he doing?”;
- in the plural, «what are they doing?»
As noted above, in the present tense there can be only imperfective verbs.
The ending of the verb in the present tense will depend on whether it belongs to the 1st or 2nd conjugation.
Endings of first conjugated verbs
Singular: -y, -yu (first person); -you (second person); -et (third party). Example: I carry, carry, carry; read, read, read
Plural: -em, -em (first person); -ete, -ete (second person); -ut, -yut (third person) Example: carry, carry, carry; read, read, read.
Endings of second conjugation verbs
Singular: -y, -yu (first person); -you (second person); -it (third party). Example: lying, lying, lying; build, build, build.
Plural: — endings -im (first person); -ite (second person); -at, -at (third person). Example: lie, lie, lie; build, build, build.
Future verbs
Future tense verbs reflect an action that is planned to be done or an action that will be done in the future. Defining questions for the singular verbs:
- perfect view: “what will he do?”;
- imperfect form: “what will he do?”.
Questions for plural verbs:
- perfect view: “what will they do?”;
- imperfect form: “what will they do?”.
One interesting feature of imperfect verbs in the future tense is that they turn into compound verbs. The verb “to be” is added to the infinitive in a suitable form. For example: I will walk, we will run, we will play.
Endings of perfective verbs of the first conjugation
Singular: -y, -yu (first person); -eh, -eh (second person); — yes, — yes (third party). Example: I’ll take it, take it, take it; read, read, read.
Plural: -em, -em (first person); -ete, -ete (second person); -ut, -yut (third party). Example: carry, carry, carry; read, read, read.
Endings of perfect verbs of the second conjugation
Singular: -y, -yu (first person); -you (second person); -it (third party). Example: lie down, lie down, lie down; build, build, build.
Plural: — endings -im (first person); -ite (second person); -at, -at (third person). Example: lie down, lie down, lie down; build, build, build.
The verbs in the present tense show that the action takes place at the moment of speech: Vesela shines a month over the village. White snow sparkles with a blue light (I. Nikitin).
Verbs in the present tense can denote actions that are performed constantly, always: After winter, spring comes. The earth rotates on its axis. Mother’s affection knows no end (proverb). Present tense verbs change by person and number. PAST TENS Verbs in the past tense indicate that the action took place before the moment of speech: Late autumn. The rooks flew away, the forest was bared, the fields were empty (N. Nekrasov).
When describing the past, the present tense is often used instead of the past tense: I am returning home from the station yesterday, walking along a dark street. Suddenly I saw something turning white by the lantern. Verbs in the form of the past tense are formed from the indefinite form (infinitive) with the help of the suffix -l-: build — built, built, built; work — work, work, work.
Verbs in an indefinite form in -night, -ti, -path (imperfect form) form the masculine past tense singular without the suffix -l-: to protect — take care / but took care), carry — carried (but carried), oven — pitch / but baked), dry — dry / but dry), etc. From the verb to go the past tense went, went, went; from the verb find the past tense found, found, found; from the verb grow — grew, grew, grew, grew.
Past tense verbs change in numbers (told — told), and in the singular — by gender. In the plural, verbs in the past tense do not change by person.
You should remember the correct stress in the past tense forms of the verbs: took, took, brald, took; was, was, bylo, byle; took, take, took, took; persecuted, persecuted, gnilo, gpamp; whether; lived, lived, lived, lived; borrowed, borrowed, zinyalo, zinyali; give, give, give, give; pokimel, got it, get it; swam, play. plamp; lo, plamp; whether; raised, raised. raised; arrived, arrived, arrived; take, take, take, take; cleaned up, cleaned up.
FUTURE TENS Verbs in the future tense show that the action will take place after the moment of speech: You will see what kind of person he is! You will immediately fall in love with him and make friends with him, my dear! (A. Chekhov); Now I will go home and feed myself with hopes (A. Chekhov). The future tense has two forms: simple and composite.
The form of the future compound imperfective verbs consists of the future tense of the verb to be and the indefinite form of the imperfective verb: I will draw, I will try. A simple future tense is formed from perfect verbs a (I will read it), from imperfective verbs — a composite future tense (I will read it).
The form of the future simple verbs of the perfect form is formed in the same way as the form of the present tense: I will open, open, open, open, open, open; learn, learn, learn, learn, learn, learn. In the future simple, the verbs have the same personal endings as the imperfective verbs in the present tense.
Good afternoon, dear student! Together with my students, we began to study, perhaps, one of the most difficult topics of the Russian language — verbs and their tenses. The fact is that in some languages of the world there are only a few tenses, in Russian there are 3 of them — this is the past tense, the present and the future. In order to correctly understand and use them in our speech and writing, we will consider all three times in more detail.
Present tense verbs in Russian mean a real action that occurs at the moment, now, moreover, they can be conjugated, i.e. change its shape. Verbs in the present tense are one of the most changeable verbs, while in an imperfect form, it should be noted that perfective verbs do not have a present tense, because the action has already been performed!
Present tense verbs in Russian answer the question: what is he doing? For example,
Kate in a hurry to study Kate is in hurry on her way to work.
What is Katya doing? — in a hurry — she is now, at the moment, in a hurry, which means that the time is present.
Every week parents are going to the dacha Every week parents go to dacha.
What are the parents doing? — they are going, every week shows us that the action takes place regularly, that is, in the present tense. Please always pay attention to keywords, they can serve as a clue to you what time to use at one time or another.
In the present tense, the endings in conjugation depend on their conjugation. If you’ve forgotten what conjugation is and is it worth learning, I recommend reading this topic. It will help you understand the complexities of using present tense verbs.
Future time
Very often my students are confused and do not understand why there are so many different verbs in the future tense and how to remember all this. The fact is that the future tense in Russian shows us that the action has not taken place, we plan to do something in the future, no matter how soon or far away. Future tense verbs answer the questions:
What will you do? What do we do? What will we do? What will you do? For example:
When will it start vacationI I will go to Moscow I will go to Moscow, when the holidays will come.
Holidays what will they do? — will begin, they have not yet begun, this time has not come, which means that we understand that the conversation is about the future tense.
What will I do? — I will go, the person is not going anywhere yet, but he is already planning his trip to Moscow, which means that we are talking about the future tense.
In Russian, the future tense is of two types, you can find, for example, the following verb:
Я I will draw this picture and I will give mom I will draw this picture and will present it to my Mom. What will I do? — I will draw, I will give
But you can also see such a phrase, while it will also stand in the future tense:
I am going to draw this picture tomorrow and will present it to my Mom.
What will I do? — I will draw, the action did not happen, he plans to do it, therefore this is the future tense too.
But how, then, to figure out which form should be used in this or that case? The fact is that future tense verbs are simple and complex. Simple verbs in the future are formed from the perfective verbs (which answer the questions what will I do? What will you do?)
I will paint, I will clean, I will take it, I will say, I will sing — they all answer perfect questions. Where a feature that will help you remember this shape is the addition of the letter -c at the beginning of the question:
What will I do? I will take away
Complex future tense verbs are formed from imperfective verbs using the verb be + the infinitive or the initial form of the verb is the form that is in the dictionary, open the Russian dictionary and see that the verb: I guessed it, is in the infinitive form: guess.
Let’s look at examples with complex verbs:
A source: https://kp-tts.ru/podoshla-kakoe-vremya-glagola-vremya-glagola-praktikuemsya-i.html
How to determine the face of a verb in the past and present tense and what it is
Written speech has always caused and will cause much more difficulties than oral speech, because the Russian language contains very few words that are the same when writing and speaking. One of the problems of writing that often confronts schoolchildren and students is how to determine the face of a verb. In order to do this quickly and correctly, there are many recommendations and examples.
What is the face of a verb
When solving the problem of what the face of a verb is, it is important to take into account that this grammatical category is one of its inconstant features. It allows you to determine who is performing the action and how many participants in the speech.
Person and number are mutable grammatical categories used to form word forms.
The ability to determine this feature is necessary for conducting morphological analysis, in which accurate knowledge of the permanent and non-permanent features of a given part of speech is mandatory.
And also it may be needed for spelling correct writing of the text.
The faces of the verbs indicate who is performing the action. However, not in all cases it is possible to determine the correlation of an action with a speech participant. Therefore, this category is not inherent in all words of this part of speech.
It is characteristic of the following forms:
- imperative mood,
- indicative mood of the future tense,
- indicative mood of the present tense.
In no other cases (past tense, infinitive) the existence of this category is impossible — it is absent.
! What is a verbal participle as a part of speech
Face detection algorithm
Before determining the face of the verb, you will have to repeat the recommendations and use a special algorithm.
The sequence of actions will be as follows:
- Write out a word to complete the assignment.
- Determine its time. Present or future — we conduct further analysis.
- Find a pronoun that fits the meaning. Find out or remember his personal identity — these categories coincide in words of both parts of speech. For example, if you are suitable for the word come (pronoun 2 l. Singular), then the verb come will also have 2 l.
- Ask a question, with its help set the value of this category.
- Highlight the ending is a formal feature. By the way, this method is the most reliable. By the table of endings of verbs, you can determine the personal identity.
German grammar (reference)
Online lessons | | German vocabulary | |
Grammar reference | German alphabet | Business correspondence in German | Friendly correspondence in German | German labels
Verb (Verb)
A verb denotes an action, state, or process.
For example:
Das Mädchen schreibt (the girl writes). Der Junge schläft (the boy is sleeping). Es regnet (it’s raining).
The verb is conjugated: it changes in persons and numbers, tenses, moods, has a voice. The conjugated forms of the verb are called personal forms or finite forms. The verb also has three main forms: infinitive (Infinitiv), preteritum (Präteritum) and participle II (Partizip II).
For example:
malen — malte — gemalt; rufen — rief — gerufen.
All verb forms of the German language are derived from these three basic forms. The verb consists of a stem and an ending.
For example, in the infinitive: lach-en, geh-en, les-en, folge-n, brödel-n, meißel-n.
Conjugation of verbs
In German, a distinction is made between weak and strong verbs, which are conjugated in different ways. When conjugating, the ending of the verb always changes. All weak verbs are conjugated in the same way. They form the largest group of German verbs. Strong verbs form their forms according to special rules, often with a change in the root vowel.
This is a small group of verbs that must be memorized (all three basic forms). Irregular verb tables are provided in any good dictionary and grammar textbook.
Irregular verbs (sein, haben, werden, tun) as well as some strong verbs (stehen, bewegen, heben, genesen) do not change when conjugating root vowel.
Classification of verbs (continued).
Also in German there are:
- Modal verbs
- Reflexive verbs
- Separable verbs
- Non-separable verbs
- Verbs with two forms of conjugation
У modal verbs (durfen, konnen, mussen, sollen, wollen, mogen, wissen) when conjugated, the forms of the 1st and 3rd person singular match.
Reflexive verbs or verbs с reflexive pronoun itself (sich waschen, sich kammen, sich setzen, sich freuen, sich interessieren, sich anziehen, etc.) obey the general rules of conjugation. Reflexive pronoun sich changes by faces.
У separable verbs (spazieren gehen, fernsehen, aufstehen, einladen, vorlesen, aufmachen, teilnehmen, ausschlafen, vorschlagen, ankommen, mitmachen, beitragen, etc.) the first component is expressed by a noun, adjective or particle and they have the following conjugation features:
The first, stressed component of the verb is separated and placed after the verb, and in the sentence — at the end of the sentence.
Non-separable verbs (be-, ge-, er-, ver-, zer-, ent-, emp-, miss-, wider-: bekommen, gehoren, erstellen, verstehen, zerstoren, entstehen, empfehlen, misslingen, widerspiegeln) are conjugated like regular verbs .
Also in German there is verbs with two conjugations (melken, weben, sieden, saugen, hangen, erschrecken, loschen, schaffen, bewegen, schleifen, scheren, bleichen, weichen, backen, malen, salzen).
They can conjugate both weak and strong verbs. Some Verbs have 2 values, depending on which the type of their conjugation is determined.
Present conjugation of weak verbs (Präsens)
Präsens forms of weak verbs are formed from the stem of the verb using personal endings.
Personal endings at Präsens:
Face | Singular | Plural |
1 | -e | — (e) n |
2 | — (e) st | — (e) t |
3 | — (e) t | — (e) n |
General case:
Face | Singular | Plural |
1 | ich lache | wir lachen |
2 | du lachst | Ihr lacht |
3 | ersie lachtes | sie lachen |
Verbs stemming from -d, -t, -n, -m (Besides -ln, -lm, -rn, -rm) have before ending -st, -t vowel th:
arbeiten, begegnen
Face | Singular | Plural |
1 | ich arbeite; begegne | wir arbeiten; begegnen |
2 | du arbeitis; begegnis(!) | Ihr arbeitet; begenet(!) |
3 | ersie arbeitet; begegnet(!)es | sie arbeiten; begegnen |
lernen, filmen
Face | Singular | Plural |
1 | ich lerne; filme | wir lernen; filmen |
2 | du lernst; filmst | Ihr lernt; filmt |
3 | ersie lernt; filmtes | sie lernen; filmen |
For verbs stemming from -s, -ß, -z, -x, in the 2nd person singular falls out -s in personal ending:
kingsen, grüßen, übersetzen
Face | Singular | Plural |
1 | ich reise; grüße; übersetze | wir reisen; grüßen; übersetzen |
2 | du reist; grüßt; übersetzt(!) | Ihr reist; grüßt; übersetzt |
3 | ersie reist; grüßt; übersetztes | sie reisen; grüßen; übersetzen |
If the infinitive of a verb ends in -eln, the verb stem loses in the 1st person singular -is- and the 1st and 3rd persons of the plural are formed by the ending -n.
lächand ln, klingand ln
Face | Singular | Plural |
1 | ich lächle; klingle(!) | wir lächeln; klingeln(!) |
2 | du lächelst; klingelst | Ihr lächelt; klingelt |
3 | ersie lächelt; klingeltes | sie lächeln; klingeln(!) |
If the infinitive of a verb ends in Ernie, 1st and 3rd persons of the plural are formed with the ending -n and in the 1st person singular in colloquial speech it is allowed to use the form when the verb stem loses -is-
Face | Singular | Plural |
1 | ich rudere / rudre(!) | wir rudern(!) |
2 | du ruderst | Ihr rudert |
3 | Ersie rudertes | sie rudern(!) |
The above rules cover all cases of conjugation of weak verbs
Pretext | Conjugation of strong verbs |
A source: http://www.studygerman.ru/online/manual/verb1.html
What is verb conjugation? What verbs are conjugated? How to determine the face and number of conjugated verbs?
Grade 4 Textbook (Part 2)
Russian language
163. Read the sentences. What person and number pronouns are missing in every sentence?
- Write down your sentences. Identify the face of each pronoun. Can we assume that the verb also has the form of a face? Explain your answer.
- Identify the face of the verb in each sentence by the face form of the pronoun.
- Determine the tense and number of verbs. Why have verb endings changed? Highlight endings.
Note! Verbs this и future tense, like personal pronouns, have the form face. Each person’s verb has its own personal ending. When the verb changes by person, its personal ending.
You (2nd sheet, singular h.) I rice [eat] (2nd sheet, singular h.).
Мы (1st sheet, plural) I draw [eat] (1st sheet, plural).
It (3rd sheet, singular h.) I draw [et] (3rd sheet, singular h.).
Change of verbs by person and number in the form of the present and future tense (conjugation)
164. Read the table «Change of verbs by person and number in the form of the present and future tense.»
- Read the questions answered by the present and future tense verbs of each person and number. Name the verbs in this person and number, clearly pronouncing their personal endings.
- What part of the word changes when the verb changes by person and number?
165. Discuss: which of the given verbs does not change in persons and numbers (does not conjugate)? Explain your answer.
I will give, I read, I told, I am friends, I will build.
166. Write down the personal endings of the verbs of each person and number (see table).
- Check the table to see if you have correctly written the endings of the verbs in the 2nd person singular.
- Match each verb to the question it answers.
- Write down each question and next to it the verb that answers that question.
- In parentheses, indicate the time, person, number of the verb. Highlight personal endings.
- What do the words mean seeder, meteorite? Read the meanings of these words in the explanatory dictionary of the textbook.
- Write out the verbs in the form of the present and future tense, determine their tense, person and number. Highlight the personal endings of the verbs.
- Determine the topic of the text, come up with a title for it.
- Which part of the text can be called a description, and which part is a narrative? Explain your answer.
- Write down the descriptive part of the text. Indicate the person and number above the verbs of the present and future tense, highlight the endings of these verbs.
- 1st l., Unit h-y, -y2-e l., unit. h. 3 l., unit. h. 1 l., pl. h. 2 l., pl. h. 3 l., pl. h
167. Conjugate in writing the present tense verb and the verb I will go in the future tense. Highlight the personal endings of the verbs.
168. Read.
They write, work, see, repeat, advise, look, melt, create, build, get up, treasure, talk.
Sample. (What am I doing?) Dear [y] (present, time, 1st l., Singular).
169. Read.
1. The seeders went out into the fields, there will be earth with grains. (V. Nesterenko) 2. Without a kind word, without a warm word, without a gentle word — they do not treat a patient. (Yu. Moritz) 3. We will clean the yard. 4 Sweep 2 autumn litter. (V. Stepanov) 4. A blue meteorite flies somewhere in space. (R. Sef) 5. You go out onto the porch.
In the dark blue sky, stars are blinking here and there. (I. Turgenev) 6. I am waiting for the snow to melt. (M. Chekhov)
Sample. Bud [et] (bud. Time, 3rd l., Singular h.).
Can you say «I will win»?
In Russian, some verbs do not have the 1st person singular present and future tense. These are verbs win, convince, dare, fawn, vacuum, wail, rustle etc. Descriptive expressions or verbs close in meaning will help you to express the speaker’s action:
- (I) will be able to win, I will win. I want (think) to convince, I convince. I will vacuum, clean with a vacuum cleaner.
170. Read.
You look at a pelican — well, a wonderful bird. The head is small, and the beak is huge, and even a bag of leather hangs under it. A whole duck can easily fit in such a bag.
Pelicans feed on fish. And they catch her with a whole flock. They line up on the water in a semicircle and float to the shore. They float, and they themselves flap their wings, lower their heads into the water. They are driving the fish in front of them. They will bring you to a shallow place, and then the fishing itself will begin.
(G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplin)
A source: https://ansevik.ru/russkij_yazyk_4.2/29.html
Conjugation of verbs
The verbs of the present and future tense change in numbers and persons:
Number Face Present Tense Future Simple Tense
U | 1st (i) | I’m lying | look | nawru | I will check |
2nd (you) | you’re lying | watching | lie | watch | |
3rd (he, she, it) | lying | looks | will lie | inspect | |
Multiple | 1st (we) | bye | look | lie | see |
2nd (you) | lying | See | lie | inspect | |
3rd (they) | they lie | are watching | lie | inspect |
The form of the 1st person singular shows that the action is performed by the speaker himself, the plural indicates that the action is performed by several persons, including the speaker.
The form of the 2nd person singular shows that the action is performed by the speaker’s interlocutor, the plural indicates that the action is performed by several persons, including the interlocutor. In some cases, when politely addressed, the plural form is addressed to only one interlocutor.
Verbs in the 2nd person singular of the present and future tense have the endings -eh (-yosh) or -ish. At the end of these endings, a soft sign (s) must be written, for example:
playingь — playingьsya, readyь — ready-madeьXia
The 3rd person singular indicates that the action refers to the person or object being spoken about, the plural indicates that the action refers to multiple persons or objects.
First and second conjugation
Conjugation of verbs — this is a change in verbs by person and number. Only verbs of the indicative mood in the present and future tense can be conjugated. There are two conjugations in Russian: first и second. Conjugations differ in endings.
Number Face Endings1 Conjugation2 ConjugationSingular Plural
1st — i | -y (-y) | -y (-y) |
2nd — you | -you (-you) | you |
3rd — he, she, it | -et (-yet) | -it |
1st — we | -em (-em) | -them |
2nd — you | -ete (-ete) | -it |
3rd — they | -out | — at |
Endings indicating the number and face of the verbs are called personal.
For verbs in the form of a future complex tense, the verb will change in numbers and persons, and the indefinite form remains unchanged with it.
1 th | I willу go, stand | we will-rd go, stand |
2 th | you willeat it go, stand | you willyou are go, stand |
3-e | he (she, it) willem go, stand | they willut go, stand |
In some verbs, when changing according to faces, sounds alternate, for example:
hoдit — hoжу
pusтit — puщу
жгy — fжhey
In reflexive verbs, the particle -sya (or -s) is added to the personal ending, for example:
taught — taughtXia
I play — I playswapping
Please note that in the personal endings of verbs, after hissing under stress, the sound is heard, and the letter e (ё) is written, for example:
LJёt, take careёt, pecёtsya
Inflexible verbs — these are verbs that have endings of different conjugations. There are only 4 different conjugated verbs in Russian: eat, give, want, run.
The verbs to want and to run are multi-conjugated. They are conjugated partly according to the first, partly according to the second conjugation:
1 th | I want to | I am running | we want | we are running |
2 th | do you want | you are running | Do you want to | you are running |
3-e | he wants | he is running | they want | they run |
According to a special type, the verbs to eat and give and the prefixed verbs formed from them will be conjugated: eat, eat, serve, create, and so on.
1 th | I eat | I will give | we eat | we will give |
2 th | you are eating | you will give | you eat | you will give |
3-e | he eats | he will give | They’re eating | they will give |
Impersonal verbs
Impersonal verbs — these are verbs that do not change in persons and numbers and do not have the form of an imperative mood.
Impersonal verbs denote actions that take place on their own, without the participation of the actor or independently of him, they name various states of nature, the world around him and a person, for example:
Me now chills. Outside getting dark.
Impersonal verbs have the form of a conditional mood:
it would get dark, it would get dark
In the indicative mood, impersonal verbs change over tenses and can have two forms:
- 3rd person singular present and future tense:
it gets dark, it gets dark
it was getting dark, it got dark
In sentences, impersonal verbs are predicates, but they do not and cannot have a subject, for example:
I’m shivering. It’s getting dark already.
If there is no subject in the sentence, then the personal verb can be used in an impersonal meaning, for example:
On the street is strong rustled. On the way to carried the flow of cars.
Also, an impersonal verb can be formed from a personal one using the suffix -sya (-s):