Времена в английском языке – важная часть грамматики и камень преткновения начинающих. Чтобы не путаться во временах, просто изучить теорию не достаточно, нужно закрепить знания с помощью упражнений. Эти упражнения на времена в английском языке помогут вам лучше разобраться в одной из главных тем английской грамматики.
Если вы хотите освежить в памяти тему времен в английском языке, прежде чем проходить упражнения, посмотрите это видео, где я разбираю времена в активном залоге.
- Упражнение 1. Глагол в Present Simple
- Упражнение 2. Неправильные глаголы
- Упражнение 3. Времена Continuous
- Упражнение 4. Present Simple или Present Continuous?
- Упражнение 5. Времена Simple или Continuous?
- Упражнение 6. Past Simple или Present Perfect?
- Упражнение 7. Времена Past Perfect и Future Perfect
- Упражнение 8. Времена в английском языке
- Упражнения на все времена действительного залога. учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
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- Предварительный просмотр:
- По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
- 12 типов времени в английском языке: упражнения с ответами
- Английские упражнения на времена группы Simple
- Present Simple
- Past Simple
- Future Simple
- Ответы на английские упражнения
- Английские упражнения на времена группы Continuous
- Если Вы устали учить английский годами?
- Present Continuous
- Past Continuous
- Future Continuous
- Ответы на английские упражнения
- Английские упражнения на времена группы Perfect
- Present Perfect
- Past Perfect
- Future Perfect
- Ответы на английские упражнения
- Английские упражнения на времена группы Perfect Continuous
- Present Perfect Continuous
- Past Perfect Continuous
- Future Perfect Continuous
- Ответы на английские упражнения
- Английские упражнения на сравнение времен
- Present Simple vs Present Continuous
- Past Simple vs Present Perfect
- Ответы на английские упражнения
- Английские упражнения на согласование времен
- Английское упражнение 1
- Английское упражнение 2
- Английское упражнение 3
- Ответы на английские упражнения
- Заключение
Видео:ТЕСТ НА ВРЕМЕНА В АНГЛИЙСКОМ *с объяснением простым языком* LinguaTrip TVСкачать
Упражнение 1. Глагол в Present Simple
В этом упражнении вам нужно поставить глагол в одну из форм Present Simple. Напомню, таких форм всего две: глагол в начальной форме и глагол с окончанием -s.
- He has some sugar. – У него есть немного сахара.
- Jacob and Tina have a lot in common. – У Джейкоба и Тины много общего.
- I do not keep expired pills. – Я не храню просроченные таблетки.
- He runs the company with his brother. – Он управляет компанией со своим братом.
- She does not like my job. – Ей не нравится моя работа.
- Do you know how it works? – Вы знаете, как это работает?
- Cats never miss a chance to sleep. – Кошки никогда не упускают возможности поспать.
Этот справочник включает таблицы глагола to be, общие таблицы времен, таблицы по каждому времени в отдельности, включая пассивный залог, а также подборку неправильных глаголов
Упражнение 2. Неправильные глаголы
Неправильные глаголы отличаются тем, что образуют 2-ую и 3-ю формы нестандартным способом. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму, какую именно – поймете из контекста.
- John opened his eyes and breathed deeply. – Джон открыл глаза и глубоко вдохнул.
- I have never seen an elephant. – Я никогда не видел слона.
- She brought me some milk. – Она принесла мне молока.
- The Kingdom has fallen. – Королевство пало.
- We understood him but have not forgiven. – Мы поняли его, но не простили.
- Who dug the hole here? – Кто здесь копал яму?
- There is a broken chair here. Who broke it? – Здесь сломанный стул. Кто его сломал?
Видео:Тренажёр по всем английским временамСкачать
Упражнение 3. Времена Continuous
В этом задании вам нужно раскрыть скобки и поставить глаголы в нужную видовременую форму: Present Continuous, Past Continuous или Future Continuous. Обращайте внимание на перевод, чтобы понять, какое выбрать время.
- The mouse is sneaking. – Мышь крадется.
- I am waiting patiently. – Я терпеливо жду.
- Lucy is playing guitar with Jake. – Люси играет на гитаре с Джейком.
- We were waiting for Sandy but she was not coming. – Мы ждали Сэнди, но она не шла.
- What were you trying to do? – Что ты пытался сделать?
- I will be working after lunch, let’s meet after work. – Я буду работать после обеда, давайте встретимся после работы.
- You are not going anywhere! – Ты никуда не идешь!
Видео:Весь английский Intermediate за 3 часа! Урок-шпаргалка по английскому B1-B2 (на базе Синего Murphy)Скачать
Упражнение 4. Present Simple или Present Continuous?
В английском языке существуют отдельные формы для неопределенного (простого) времени и длительного. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужную форму – Present Simple или Present Continuous.
- My uncle walks two miles every day and feels very well. – Моя дядя ходит пешком по две мили в день и чувствует себя очень хорошо.
- We really need another vacation. – Нам действительно нужен еще один отпуск.
- Sorry, I can’t talk now, I amrunning to see the doctor at the moment. – Извини, я не могу говорить сейчас, я прямо сейчас бегу на прием к врачу.
- My dad always says that I should find another job. – Мой папа всегда говорит, что мне лучше найти другую работу.
- Take an umbrella, it is going to rain. – Возьми зонт, скоро будет дождь.
- I added some pepper to the soup, now it smells better. – Я добавил немного перца в суп, теперь он пахнет лучше.
Видео:времена в АНГЛИЙСКОМ до автоматизма | как довести английский до автоматизма? | примеры с объяснениемСкачать
Упражнение 5. Времена Simple или Continuous?
Это упражнение на все времена Simple и Continous. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в одну из форм:
1. You will be safe now. – Теперь вы будете в безопасности.
2. Yesterday I found a coin in the garden. It looked very old. – Вчера я нашел монету в саду. Она выглядела очень старой.
3. Jake was watching TV when someone knocked on the door. – Джейк смотрел телевизор, когда кто-то постучал в дверь.
4. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. – Жизнь – как коробка шоколадных конфет. Никогда не знаешь, что получишь.
5. We were just talking about you! – Мы только что о тебе говорили!
6. I can’t pick you up from the school today, because I will be working in the evening. Mom will pick you up. – Я не могу заехать за тобой в школу сегодня, потому что вечером буду на работе. Мама за тобой заедет.
Видео:Все английские времена упражнения #1. Английские времена упражнения. Времена в английском языкеСкачать
Упражнение 6. Past Simple или Present Perfect?
Present Pefrect и Past Simple часто вызывают затруднения, поскольку во многих случаях переводятся на русский язык одинаково. Проверьте, знаете ли вы, в каких случаях используется Past Simple, а в каких Present Perfect.
Выберите правильный вариант перевода.
Видео:ВРЕМЕНА В АНГЛИЙСКОМ за 15 минут | Простое Объяснение с ПримерамиСкачать
Упражнение 7. Времена Past Perfect и Future Perfect
Past Perfect чаще встречается в художественной литературе, чем в разговорной речи. Future Perfect используется редко и в устной речи, и в письменной. Знаете ли вы, в каких случаях используются эти времена?
Выберите правильный вариант перевода.
Видео:Что нужно знать на уровне Intermediate | План ИзученияСкачать
Упражнение 8. Времена в английском языке
В этом задании вам нужно раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в видовременную форму, подходящую по смыслу. Обращайте внимание на перевод, чтобы понять, какое время глагола лучше подходит.
Видео:Тест на времена английского языкаСкачать
Упражнения на все времена действительного залога.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Упражнения можно использовать для отработки, закрепления и контроля времен английского языка. Соответствуют уровню средней и старшей школы.
Видео:Present Simple. ВСЕ ПРОЩЕ, чем вы думаете!Скачать
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Видео:это упражнение поможет вам довести ВРЕМЕНА в АНГЛИЙСКОМ до АВТОМАТИЗМАСкачать
Предварительный просмотр:
на все 16 времен
Упр. 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
1. Where is your luggage? — I (to leave) it at the station. I (to take) it tomorrow when Nick (to come) to help me. 2.1 (to read) about an hour when he (to come). 3. The play (not yet to begin) and the people (to talk) in the hall. 4. Yesterday I (to buy) a new pair of gloves, as I (to lose) the old ones. 5. We (to walk) in silence. He already (to tell) me all that (to be) interesting about himself, and I (to have) nothing to tell him. 6. The moon (not to rise) yet, and only two stars, like two distant lighthouses, (to shine) in the dark blue sky. 7. One night a little swallow (to fly) over the city. His friends (to fly) away to Egypt six weeks before, but he (to stay) behind. 8. What you (to do) these three months? 9. Our train starts late in the evening, so if you (to come) at seven o'clock, we still (to pack) our luggage. 10. When you (to see) him last? 11. I (to meet) him when he (to walk) across the park. 12. You ever (to act) on the stage? — Why, yes, that's what I (to do) for the last six years. 13. Don't enter the bedroom! The child (to sleep) there, and he always (to wake) up when somebody (to open) the door.
Упр. 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
1. What you (to do) when I (to come) in? 2. When I (to come) to his house, they (to tell) me that he (to leave) an hour before. 3. On checking up his answers he (to find) out that he (to make) several mistakes. 4. When I (to leave) home, the snow already (to stop), but a strong wind (to blow). 5. You (to read) this book? — Yes, I (to read) it. I (to think) it (to be) very interesting. 6. What the children (to do) now? — Oh, they (to play) the new table game which I (to buy) for them the day before yesterday. 7. They (to reach) the corner of the street by now and (to stand) at the bus stop. 8. After we (to walk) about two hours, we arrived at a picturesque glade covered with fresh grass.
9. We could not go out because it (to rain) hard since early morning. 10. She (to teach) at our school for twenty years now. 11. Ring me up as soon as you (to come) home. 12. He (to begin) to write his composition at three o'clock. It is already eleven, and he still (to write) it. He says he (to finish) it by twelve. 13. We (to help) our librarian to put the books in the right order for already three days, but we (to arrange) only half the books.
Упр. 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
1. The first person whom Andrew (to see) as he (to enter) was his old nurse. She (to sit) on the sofa. During the last five years she greatly (to change) and now (to look) a very old woman. 2. She is going to read the letter she just (to receive). 5. How long you (to wait) for me? I am really very sorry. 4. Yesterday I (to meet) a friend of mine whom I (not to see) for a long time. 5. Ring me up at eleven o'clock, I (not yet to sleep). 6. You (to be) late for the concert if you (not to take) a taxi. 7. The sun (to set) a long time ago, and it (to begin) to get really cold. 8. When I (to come) home yesterday, my sister already (to return) and (to sit) at the fireplace looking through some old photographs. 9. He (to smoke) three cigarettes and (to look) through all the books on the shelf, when at last he (to hear) his friend's steps approaching the door. 10. He just (to approach) the door, when she (to enter). 11. He (to write) the composition for three hours and he (to say) he soon (to finish) it as he (to think) over the conclusion now. 12. Hardly 1 I (to go) out when I (to remember) that I (to forget) to take my umbrella. 13. Where is the baby? — The nurse (to put) it to bed. 14. He said he (to work) for a long time without achieving good results.
Упр. 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
1. When I (to come) to Pete's house last Sunday, he (to read) a new book. He (to say) he (to give) it to me soon. Today I (to take) it from him. Now I (to read) it. I (to finish) it by Friday. If you like, I (to give) it to you on Saturday when you (to come) to see me. 2. When will he come? We (to wait) for him for already half an hour. 3. On leaving the hall the students (to thank) the professor who (to deliver) the lecture. 4. We already (to cover) about ten miles when Peter, who (to look) out of the window for the last five or ten minutes, suddenly exclaimed: "Here is the station!" 5. When morning came, the storm already (to stop), but the snow still (to fall). 6. Yesterday by eight o'clock he (to finish) all his homework, and when I (to come) to his place at nine, he (to read). 7. I (to wait) for permission to go abroad for already three weeks, but I (not to receive) the visa yet. 8. Everybody (to be) at the door of the museum, but my friend (not yet to come). 9. We (to drink) tea when the telephone (to ring). 19. Johnny noticed that everybody (to look) at him, and he (to feel) shy. Ц. Light (to travel) more quickly than sound.
Упр. 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
- Peter (to read) by the fireplace when the door (to open) and the maid (to enter). The cook (to follow) her. 2. When the mother (to satisfy) herself that the children (to sleep) peacefully in their beds, she (to take) out the Christmas presents and carefully (to put) them into the stockings which (to hang) at the beds. 3. If you (to ring) me up tomorrow, I (to tell) you all about it. 4. The lesson (not yet to begin), and the children (to talk) loudly in the corridor. 5. I (to live) in St. Petersburg since 1991. 6. By the fifteenth of January the students (to pass) all the examinations. 7. The students (to write) the paper by dinner-time. 8. They (to sail) down the river for many hours before they (to come) to the village. 9. I (not to be) to my home town for five years. 10. The rain (to stop) by the time we (to reach) home. 11. The message (to arrive) five minutes after he (to leave) the house. 12. It (to be) nearly eleven o'clock when we (to begin) doing this work. 13. At last the reply from my grandmother (to come), and my mother (to tell) me that she (to come) soon. 14. Here you (to be) at last! I (to wait) for you for twenty minutes. You (not to be) ashamed?
Упр. 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла-голы в требующемся времени.
1. The day (to be) cold and it (to rain). When I (to reach) home, my raincoat (to be) all wet. I (to take) it off, (to shake) the water off it, (to hang) it up and (to go) into the living-room. My children (to play) on the carpet. When they (to see) me, they (to jump) up and (to run) up to me. 2. I (to hear) this song several times already, but I cannot remember the words. I (to write) them down as soon as I (to hear) this song again. 3. Hardly 1 he (to open) the suit-case, when he (to find) the tie which he (to think) he (to lose) long before. 4. Shut the door! The room (to be) full of smells which (to come) from the kitchen. Mother (not to like) kitchen smells in the room. 5. Last night he (to finish) the book which he (to begin) writing a year ago. 6. He said he (to listen) to the same stories for a long time. 7. By the evening he (to translate) ten pages. 8. You ever (to be) to the new stadium? — Yes, I (to be) there last Saturday. 9. The old lady was happy: she (not to see) her son for three years. 10. What you (to do) yesterday? 11. How many pages you (to translate) for today?
Упр. 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
1. You always (to spend) summer at the sea side? — Yes, as a rule. Last summer I (to go) t-> the mountains, but I (not to find) the rest there a.^ pleasant as near the sea. 2. When they returned, they (to tell) us many interesting things which the
(to see) during their journey. 3. When I (to leave home, it (to rain). 4. By the end of the year he
read) about two hundred pages. 5. We were happy when the sun (to rise), for the night (to be) very cold. 6. Where you (to put) my dictionary? I cannot find it anywhere. 7. I (not yet to fall) asleep when the telephone (to ring). 8. What you (to do) from six till nine yesterday? 9. The children (to play) here at eleven o'clock, but now they (to go) home. 10. Go to see your old grandfather as soon as you (to arrive) in Novgorod. 11. At last the librarian (to give) me the book which I (to wait) for during two months. I was very glad. I (to go) home and (to begin) reading it at once. 12. Don't speak to him: he (to be) very busy, he (to do) some very urgent work, 13. I did not want him to go there: I (to be) afraid that something (to happen). 14. I did not notice that my watch (to stop), and when I (to arrive) at the station, my train (to leave) and I (to have) to ask when the next train (to come). 15. He (to wait) for fifteen minutes when at last he (to see) her at the end of the platform.
Упр. 8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
1. What you (to do) here? — I (to prepare) for my report. — How long you (to prepare) for it? — Oh, I (to work) since morning. 2. He (to teach) at school for five years when the war (to break) out. 3. She (to study) English since last year. 4. What you (to read)? — I (to read) a magazine. — How long you (to read) it? — I (to read) it for half an hour. 5. She (to live) in Moscow for ten years when her sister (to come) to live with her. 6. Our teacher (to come). Now he (to speak) with our monitor. 7. They (to speak) when I (to look) at them. 8. I (to walk) about an hour when I (to see) a little house not far from the river. 9. When he (to read) the newspaper, he (to give) it to his brother. 10. Ho (to leave) for Rostov in 1990 and since then he (to live) there. 11. At this time tomorrow we (to discuss) your report. 12. Now she (to read) the book which I (to give) her yesterday. 13. You ever (to be) to London? — Yes, I (to be) there last summer. 14. What your friend (to do) now? — She (to have) dinner. She usually (to have) dinner at this time. 15. I (to buy) a new dress. I (to show) it to you tomorrow when you (to come) to my place. 16. So you begin working tomorrow! And who (to take) care of your children when you (to go) to work? 17. Hello, Peter! Where you (to go)? — I (to go) to the library.
Упр. 9. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
1. On entering the drawing-room he (to find) that his two friends (to get) up and (to wait) for him. 2. The sportsmen (to train) since early morning; now they (to go) over the high jump, as they (not to be) satisfied with their results. 3. Five minutes (not to pass) when the train for which we (to wait) (to appear) in the distance. 4. Tomorrow father (to come) late. We (to do) all our homework and (to drink) tea when he (to come). 5. When Mrs. Smith (to come) home yesterday, she (to see) that her daughter (to cook) supper and (to wait) for her with the table laid. 6. Where is Nick? — He (not to be) at home, he (to go) to the cinema. Wait for him, he (to come) in half an hour. 7. It was very late. I (to go) to bed and (to fall) asleep when my father (to return) home. 8. I'll join you when I (to drink) my tea. 9. When I (to come), he (to live) in the same old house where I first (to meet) him. He (to tell) me he (to wait) for me for already some time. 10. The pupils (to do) a lot of exercises before they (to learn) to write dictations well. 11. I could not hear a sound: they (to stop) talking.
Упр. 10. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
1. When we (to come) to the station, the train already (to arrive). The passengers (to hurry) to occupy their seats in the carriages. 2. The concert (to be) a greater success than we (to expect). We were very glad. 3. He (to tell) me that if no one (to Icome) to meet me at the station, I (can) leave the suit-cases in the cloak-room and go to the hotel where he (to reserve) a room for me. 4. He (to be) here five minutes ago, but you (to be) out. He (to ask) me to tell you that he (to come) again tonight. 5. Lanny (to return) home after seven years of absence. During these seven years he (to study) in Cape Town where his people (to send) him. Lanny was glad at the thought that he (to do) what they (to hope) he (to do) and that soon he (to be) among his people again. 6. You (to read) "The Murder of Roger Ack-royd" by Agatha Christie? — No, I (not yet to read) it. But I (to hear) that it (to be) a very interesting book. I (to read) it as soon as I (to get) it.
Упр. 11. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
1. When we (to come) to the station, our train already (to leave), and we (to have) to wait for two hours before another one (to come). 2. I was anxious to see the place where I (to spend) my childhood. 3. Victor asked me to explain the new rule to him, as he (to miss) the previous lesson. 4. John Gray (to visit) Russia in 1989 and (not to be) here since that time. 5. When the train (to stop), I (to look) out of the window but (not to see) any of my friends there. I (to send) them a telegram and hoped that they (to meet) me. As I (to discover) later, they (to receive) it ten minutes before the train arrived and could not meet me. 6. We were greatly surprised not to find Ann at home. It turned out that her sister (to forget) to give her our message, and Ann (to leave) the house fifteen minutes before we (to come). 7. I decided not to put on my raincoat as it (to stop) raining already and the sun (to shine) brightly. 8. The young people entered the theatre. The performance already (to begin), and they (to have) to wait till the first act (to be) over. Nina never (to be) here before and she (to like) the theatre very much. 9. I did not recognize Helen as I (not to see) her for a very long time and she greatly (to change). 10. The sight of the school building brought back the old days to us. Here we (to spend) many years together. We (to learn) to read and write; here we (to experience) our first joys and sorrows. We recollected our first day at school, how we (to come) to our first lesson looking alarmed and excited. 11. When the teacher told the boy to recite the poem, the boy (to burst) into tears: he (not to remember) anything, though he (to try) to learn his lesson so hard. 12. Jane usually works in the library. She (to work) there now. She already (to gather) the necessary material and now she (to write) her report.
Упр. 12. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
ANN. Hello, Kate. I am so glad you (to come) at last. Where you (to spend) the morning?
KATE. I (to be) in the bookstore choosing new books in English.
ANN. It (to rain) still? It (to be) rather dark in the room.
KATE. No, the rain (to stop), but the wind (to blow). On my way to your place I (to meet) Mary. You (to know) her?
ANN. Of course I . I (to know) her since childhood. When we (to be) children, we often (to play) together. Where you (to meet) her? I (not to see) her for a long time. What she (to look) like?
KATE. She (not to change) a bit. She (to go) to the library when I (to meet) her.
ANN. What she (to tell) you?
KATE. She (to tell) me she recently (to return) from a very interesting trip and that she (to travel) a lot and (to see) many interesting things. She (to want) to see all her friends soon.
ANN. Oh, then she (to come) to see me, too, I (to think).
KATE. Yes, that (to be) a pleasant meeting, I (to be) sure. But what (to be) the time? My watch (to stop) and I (not to know) the exact time.
ANN. It (to be) ten minutes to three.
KATE. Oh, then let's begin working at once. At four o'clock I must go. My mother (to wait)
for me at the metro station at a quarter
Упр. 13. Переведите на английский язык,
употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
1. Сколько дней вы уже читаете эту книгу? 2. Только когда она была в поезде, она вспомнила, что оставила книгу дома. 3. Они живут в этом доме уже пять лет. 4. Моя сестра была больна уже несколько дней, когда я узнала об этом. 5. Ты знал, что он не написал сочинение? 6. Мы не получаем от нее писем уже несколько месяцев. 7. Сколько лет вы уже работаете на этом заводе? 8. Он уже ушел, когда Лена включила радио. 9. Я работаю над этой проблемой уже три месяца. 10. К счастью, дождь уже перестал, когда мы вышли. 11. Сколько лет вы работаете в этой школе? 12. В одиннадцать часов мы еще работали. 13. В одиннадцать часов мы уже работали три часа. 14. Я уже три раза говорил тебе, что надо переписать упражнение. 15. Я уже целый час читал после обеда, когда пришел пана. 16. Я не приду. Я буду писать сочинение весь вечер.
Видео:Все времена английского до автоматизма. Упражнения. Времена в английском языке. Времена английскогоСкачать
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
времена действительного залога
презентация для 7 кл.
Основные случаи употребления видо-временных форм английского глагола изъявительного наклонения в действительном залоге. Таблица
Основная цель данного метариала — привести в систему имеющиеся знания по теме «Видо-временные формы английского глагола изъявительного наклонения».
Упражнения для формирования грамматических навыков по теме: «Видовременные формы английского глагола. Действительный залог»
Упражнения по темам: Present, Past, Future Simple., Present, Past, Future Continuous., Present, Past, Future Perfect.
«Времена английского глагола в действительном залоге»
Методическую разработку можно использовать как основной, так и дополнительный учебный материал, что позволит углубить знания обучающихся по дисциплине. Цель методической разработки заключаются в.
Упражнения на все 16 времен действительного залога.
Тренажёр для изучения времен английского глагола в действительном залоге
Главной задачей своей работы я считаю поддержание интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка. Так как этот процесс достаточно трудоёмкий, учащиеся часто быстро теряют интерес к предмету, чтобы так.
Видео:Упражнение на времена в английском языкеСкачать
12 типов времени в английском языке: упражнения с ответами
Английский язык делится на временные пазлы, которые можно складывать и получать необходимое время. У каждого времени есть определенная особенность, когда всегда соблюдается. Тему время на английском языке, упражнения помогут закрепить.
Simple имеет характерность в виде изменения только 1 слова. Во всех других временах видоизменяются 2 и больше слов: добавляется вспомогательный глагол, окончание, дополнительное слово между ними.
Главная особенность английской речи – наличие фактических действий и процесса. Факт – это Simple и Perfect, завершенный глагол (сделал, выучил). Процесс – это длительность действия, окончание которого нам неизвестно (делал, учил). Для этого используются тоже 2 типа времен: Continuous и Perfect Continuous. Во всех случаях у каждого времени остаются характерные особенности.
Подобные особенности нужно запомнить, но не думать о них в процессе обучения. Они помогают систематизировать знания. Закреплять изученный материал лучше на упражнениях.
Видео:Тренажёр по всем английским временам №2Скачать
Английские упражнения на времена группы Simple
Simple – простое время, в котором видоизменяется только 1 слово:
В настоящем добавляется s к 3 лицу единственного числа;
В прошлом добавляется ed или третья форма неправильных глаголов;
В будущем добавляется will к начальной форме глагола.
Present Simple
Перевести на English:
- Каждый день Маша просыпается в 8 утра.
- Она всегда чистит зубы и причесывается.
- Она всегда одевается сама.
- Мама, брат и Маша ездят в школу в 8.30.
- Со школы она возвращается в 15.00.
- Она делает уроки до 18.00.
- Она помогает маме помыть посуду.
- Мама, я устаю от школы.
- Каждый день Билл просыпается в 6 утра.
- Он всегда умывается и одевается сам.
- Он помогает папе работать на ферме.
- Он ухаживает за курами и коровами.
- Иногда Билл моет их.
- В 8.30 Билл и его папа едут в школу.
- Билл приходит домой в 15.00.
- Он помогает папе собрать урожай в саду.
Past Simple
Перевести на русский язык:
- Dasha went to the kindergarten.
- She got up at 7 am and always wanted to sleep.
- Sometimes she brushed her teeth by herself.
- She never brushed her hair or dressed by herself.
- Dasha did not eat breakfast in the morning.
- Mom and Dasha went to the kindergarten together.
- Dasha was returning from kindergarten at 18.00.
- She did not do the homework.
- She did not clean the house.
- I was tired of kindergarten!
- Bill lived with mom last summer.
- He drew a lot and went to the movies.
- His mother was a singer and traveled a lot.
- She saw almost the whole world!
- Mom was in London last summer.
- Bill missed her a lot.
- They ate pizza together and drank cola.
- Together they bought Bill new cars and books.
- Bill really liked the gifts.
- Bill did not want to go home.
- That is why his mother went with him!
- She was not long on the farm.
- She had to leave for a concert in New York.
Future Simple
Вставить глаголы по смыслу:
- Dasha ___ at the university.
- She ___ up at 9 am, brush her teeth and brush her hair.
- She ___ makeup!
- She ___ and ____ her hair.
- Dasha ___ breakfast herself.
- Dasha and mother ___ breakfast together.
- She ___ lunch-box with her.
- She ___ return home late at night.
- She ___ a lot.
- Dasha thinks she ___ very well.
- She ___ her mother with cleaning the house.
- I ___ of the university!
- Bill ___ hard.
- His mother ___ [not] anymore.
- His father ___ [not] anymore.
- He ___ for a work when he wants to.
- He ___ technical engineer.
- He ___ with computers.
- Many people ___ him for help.
- He ___ everyone so everyone will be happy.
Ответы на английские упражнения
Английское упражнение на Present Simple | Английское упражнение на Past Simple | Английское упражнение на Future Simple |
1. Every day Dasha wakes up at 8 am. | 1. Маша ходила в садик. | 1. Will study |
2. She always brushes her teeth and brushes her hair. | 2. Она вставала в 7 утра и всегда хотела спать. | 2. Will get |
3. She always dresses by herself. | 3. Она редко чистила зубы сама. | 3. Will do |
4. Mom, brother and Dasha go to school at 8.30. | 4. Она никогда не причесывалась и не одевалась сама. | 4. Will dress and brush |
5. She returns from school at 15.00. | 5. Маша не завтракала по утрам. | 5. Will cook |
6. She does homework until 18.00. | 6. Мама и Маша вместе шли в садик. | 6. Will have |
7. She helps mom to wash the dishes. | 7. Маша возвращалась из садика в 18.00. | 7. Will take |
8. Mom, I’m tired of school. | 8. Она не делала домашнее задание. | 8. Will return |
9. Every day Bill wakes up at 6 a.m. | 9. Она не убиралась дома. | 9. Will learn |
10. He always washes and dresses himself. | 10. Я уставала от садика! | 10. Will study |
11. He helps dad to work on the farm. | 11. Билл жил у мамы прошлым летом. | 11. Will help |
12. He cares for chickens and cows. | 12. Он много рисовал и ходил в кино. | 12. Will not get tired |
13. Sometimes Bill washes them. | 13. Его мама была певицей и много путешествовала. | 13. Will study |
14. At 8:30, Bill and his dad go to school. | 14. Она видела почти весь мир! | 14. Won’t work |
15. Bill arrives home at 3 p.m. | 15. Мама была в Лондоне прошлым летом. | 15. Won’t work |
16. He helps dad to harvest in the garden. | 16. Билл очень по ней скучал. | 16. Will go |
17. Они вместе ели пиццу и пили колу. | 17. Will be | |
18. Они вместе покупали Биллу новые машинки и книги. | 18. Will work | |
19. Биллу очень понравились подарки. | 19. Will ask | |
20. Билл не хотел возвращаться домой. | 20. Will help | |
21. Поэтому мама поехала с ним! | ||
22. Она не была долго на ферме. | ||
23. Ей нужно было уезжать на концерт в Нью Йорк. |
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ARVE Error: src mismatch
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qj6Pq_uJjg
src in: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_Qj6Pq_uJjg?wmode=transparent&rel=0&feature=oembed
src gen: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_Qj6Pq_uJjgActual comparison
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qj6Pq_uJjg
src in: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_Qj6Pq_uJjg?wmode=transparent&rel=0
src gen: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_Qj6Pq_uJjg
Английские упражнения на времена группы Continuous
Continuous – это длительное время с формулой to be + ing :
В настоящем: to be (am, is, are) + ing;
В прошлом: to be II (was, were) + ing;
В будущем: will + be + ing.
Видео:Все о Глаголах Состояния | Английская Грамматика Среднего Уровня: Часть 1Скачать
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Present Continuous
Перевести на английский язык:
- Я иду в магазин за хлебом и яйцами.
- Она танцует хип-хоп на сцене.
- Они смотрят страшный фильм в кинотеатре.
- Он сейчас делает трюки на велосипеде.
- Я ем бургер с колой в Макдональдсе.
- Она тренируется перед соревнованиями по аэробике.
- Мы с друзьями гуляем по парку.
- Они сейчас бегают наперегонки.
- Андрей выбирает игрушку своему сыну.
- Он с друзьями идет на футбол в спортшколу.
- Катя смотрит в свой новый телескоп.
- Я учу геометрию и физику.
- Она стреляет по мишеням из лука.
- Они сейчас бегают кросс на время.
- Стас озвучивает детский мультфильм.
- Она выступает моделью на подиуме.
- Мы с родителями едем в аквапарк.
- Я помогаю маме с посудой и уборкой.
- Он слушает рок на своем плеере.
- Саша ремонтирует разбитую машину.
Past Continuous
Перевести на английский:
- Маша рисовала картинку вчера в 5 вечера.
- Она чистила зубы вчера в 10 утра.
- Она расчесывала волосы вчера в 10.30 утра.
- Она выбирала одежду вчера в 11 утра.
- Вчера был выходной, поэтому Маша убирала комнату.
- Когда Маша закончила, мама все еще мыла посуду.
- Маша помогала маме мыть посуду, когда приехал папа.
- Папа мыл посуду, пока Маша и мама отдыхали.
- Маша, папа и мама смотрели телевизор.
- «Ты чистила зубы сегодня в 10 утра, Маша?» – спросил папа. «Да!» – ответила Маша.
- «Ты расчесывала волосы сегодня в 10.30, Маша?» – спросил папа. «Да!» – ответила Маша.
- «Ты выбирала одежду сегодня в 11 утра, Маша?» – спросил папа. «Да!» – ответила Маша.
- «Откуда ты знаешь, что я делала утром, папа?» – спросила Маша.
- «Ты пела сегодня утром с 10.00 до 11.00, Маша, пока чистила зубы, расчесывала волосы и выбирала одежду!». – сказал папа. «Прости, пап», – ответила Маша.
Future Continuous
Раскрыть скобки:
- Dasha is planning her vacation. I ___ (draw) on Saturday from 10 to 11 in the morning.
- I ___ (read) the book from 11 to 12 p.m.
- I ___ (listen) to music from 12 to 13.00.
- I ___ (sleep) from 13.00 to 14.00.
- “___ you ____ (tidy) up from 2 pm to 3 pm?” Mom asks.
- “No, I ___ (do) my homework from 2 pm to 3 pm, mom!” Dasha replies.
- My mother and I ___ (tidy) up from 15.00 to 16.00.
- Mom and Dad ___ (watch) boring shows from 16.00 to 18.00.
- “We ___ (not watch) boring shows, we ___ (watch) funny shows!” Said mom.
- Dasha laughs: “Then I ___ (walk) while you watch your funny shows!”
Ответы на английские упражнения
Английское упражнение на Present Continuous | Английское упражнение на Past Continuous | Английское упражнение на Future Continuous |
1. I am going to the store for bread and eggs. | 1. Dasha was drawing a picture yesterday at 5 pm. | 1. Dasha is planning her vacation. I will be drawing on Saturday from 10 to 11 in the morning. |
2. She is dancing hip-hop on stage. | 2. She was brushing her teeth yesterday at 10 a.m. | 2. I will be reading the book from 11 to 12 p.m. |
3. They are watching a scary movie in a movie theater. | 3. She was brushing her hair yesterday at 10.30 in the morning. | 3. I will be listening to music from 12 to 13.00. |
4. He’s doing bike stunts now. | 4. She was choosing clothes yesterday at 11 a.m. | 4. I will be sleeping from 13.00 to 14.00. |
5. I am eating a burger with cola at McDonalds. | 5. Yesterday was a day off, so Dasha was tidying the room. | 5. “Will you be tidying up from 2 pm to 3 pm?” Mom asks. |
6. She is training before aerobics competitions. | 6. When Dasha finished, mom was still washing the dishes. | 6. “No, I will be doing my homework from 2 pm to 3 pm, mom!” Dasha replies. |
7. My friends and I are walking in the park. | 7. Dasha was helping mom to wash the dishes when dad arrived. | 7. My mother and I will be tidying up from 15.00 to 16.00. |
8. They are racing now. | 8. Dad was washing the dishes while Dasha and Mom was resting. | 8. Mom and Dad will be watching boring shows from 16.00 to 18.00. |
9. Andrew is choosing a toy to his son. | 9. Dasha, Dad and Mom were watching TV. | 9. “We will not be watching boring shows, we will be watching funny shows!” Said mom. |
10. He and his friends are going to football school. | 10. “Were you brushing your teeth today at 10 a.m., Dasha?” Dad asked. “Yes!” Answered Dasha. | 10. Dasha laughs: “Then I will be walking while you watch your funny shows!” |
11. Katya is looking at her new telescope. | 11. “Were you brushing your hair today at 10:30, Dasha?” Dad asked. “Yes!” Answered Dasha. | |
12. I am learning geometry and physics. | 12. “Were you choosing clothes today at 11 a.m., Dasha?” Dad asked. “Yes!” Answered Dasha. | |
13. She is shooting targets with a bow. | 13. “How do you know what I did in the morning, dad?” Asked Dasha. | |
13. They are running cross to time now. | 13. “You were singing this morning from 10.00 to 11.00, Dasha, while you were brushing your teeth, brushing your hair and choosing clothes!” – Dad said. “Sorry, dad,” answered Dasha. | |
14. Stas is voicing children’s cartoon. | ||
15. She is acting as a model on the podium. | ||
16. My parents and I are going to the water park. | ||
17. I am helping my mother with the dishes and cleaning. | ||
18. He is listening to rock on his player. | ||
19. Sasha is repairing a broken car. |
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
ARVE Error: src mismatch
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPIW6kLxI1I
src in: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MPIW6kLxI1I?wmode=transparent&rel=0&feature=oembed
src gen: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MPIW6kLxI1IActual comparison
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPIW6kLxI1I
src in: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MPIW6kLxI1I?wmode=transparent&rel=0
src gen: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MPIW6kLxI1I
Видео:Все времена Английского языка в таблицах с примерами.Скачать
Английские упражнения на времена группы Perfect
Perfect – это время, которое имеет связь с настоящим, но произошло в прошлом (в переводе на русский) с формулой have + III форма неправильного глагола или окончание ed :
В настоящем: have (has для 3 лица единственного числа) + III/ed;
В прошлом: had (II колонка неправильных глаголов) + III/ed;
В будущем: will + have + III/ed.
Present Perfect
Перевести на английский язык:
- Я только что сделал домашнее задание по английскому языку.
- Артем еще не починил свой велосипед.
- Она уже давно говорила об этом.
- Мы только что вернулись с прогулки по парку.
- Он уже посмотрел все серии своего любимого сериала.
- Анатолий еще не понял, что ему предстоит пройти.
- Я только что поговорил со своими друзьями.
- Они уже побеждали в этом чемпионате.
- Паша только что звонил с Испании.
- Она еще не открывала свой подарок.
- Мы уже катались на этом аттракционе.
- Он только что ушел в магазин.
- Я еще не слышал этот трек.
- Марина только что пришла со школы.
- Они еще не вернулись с похода.
Past Perfect
Перевести на русский язык:
- I had watched my favorite movie before my parents returned.
- Sasha had finished her speech by 10 o’clock.
- We had run a cross before time ran out.
- He had done homework before joined his friends.
- Kristina had made a report before the end of the working day.
- She had finished cleaning the house before the guests arrived.
- I had managed to watch the movie before the lights were turned off in the house.
- She had entered the class before the teacher came.
- Misha had washed his car until 18 o’clock.
- They had returned in time before the head of the department arrived.
- I had prepared to eat before my husband returned from work.
- He had fixed the phone by 17 o’clock.
- Cyril had argued before thought.
- Karina had hidden the crime scene before the police arrived.
- I had given back the car till the end of its rent.
Future Perfect
Раскройте скобки:
- Andrey ___ (do) his homework and will go for a walk.
- I ___ (rework) and will get an award at the end of the month.
- He ___ (pass) the track faster and will get the prise.
- Sergey ___ (shave) and then he will join the army.
- I ___ (paint) a picture, then will hang it on my wall.
- She ___ (go) to the shower and then will go for a walk.
- Artem ___ (go) to another country after what he will receive a diploma.
- They ___ (complete) the repair in the house and then will do the garage.
- We ___ (watch) a movie and then will go to a restaurant.
- I ___ (make) tea, then will drink it with cookies.
- Vitaliy ___ (feed) the animals, then will go to work.
Ответы на английские упражнения
Английское упражнение на Present Perfect | Английское упражнение на Past Perfect | Английское упражнение на Future Perfect |
1. I have just done my homework in English. | 1. Я досмотрел любимый фильм, до того как мои родители вернулись. | 1. Andrey will have done his homework and will go for a walk. |
2. Artem has not repaired his bike yet. | 2. Саша закончила свое выступление к 10 часам. | 2. I will have reworked and will get an award at the end of the month. |
3. She has talked about this for a long time. | 3. Мы пробежали кросс, прежде чем закончилось время. | 3. He will have passed the track faster and will get the prise. |
4. We have just returned from a walk in the park. | 4. Он сделал уроки до прихода своих друзей. | 4. Sergey will have shaved and then he will join the army. |
5. He has already watched all the series of his favorite series. | 5. Кристина сделала отчет до завершения рабочего дня. | 5. I will have painted a picture, then will hang it on my wall. |
6. Anatoly still has not understood what he had to go through. | 6. Она закончила уборку дома до прихода гостей. | 6. She will have gone to the shower and then will go for a walk. |
7. I have just talked to my friends. | 7. Я успел досмотреть фильм, прежде чем в доме отключили свет. | 7. Artem will have gone to another country after what he will receive a diploma. |
8. They have already won this championship. | 8. Она зашла в класс, до того как пришел преподаватель. | 8. They will have completed the repair in the house and then will do the garage. |
9. Pasha have just called from Spain. | 9. Миша помыл свою машину до 18 часов. | 9. We will have watched a movie and then will go to a restaurant. |
10. She has not opened her gift yet. | 10. Они успели вернуться, до того как пришел начальник отделения. | 10. I will have made tea, then will drink it with cookies. |
11. We have already ridden on this attraction. | 11. Я приготовила поесть, до того как муж вернулся с работы. | 11. Vitaliy will have fed the animals, then will go to work. |
12. He has just gone to the store. | 12. Он починил телефон к 17 часам. | |
13. I have not heard this track yet. | 13. Кирилл поспорил, до того как подумал. | |
14. Marina has just came from school. | 14. Карина скрылась с места преступления до приезда полиции. | |
15. They have not returned from the camp. | 15. Я отдал машину до конца ее аренды. |
Видео:ТРЕНИРУЕМ ДО АВТОМАТИЗМА времена в английском | практика с объяснением | English grammarСкачать
Английские упражнения на времена группы Perfect Continuous
Perfect Continuous составляется из элементов Perfect (have + III/ed) и Continuous (to be + ing) и означает длительное действие в прошлом, которое имеет связь с настоящим:
В настоящем: have (has) + been + ing;
В прошлом: had + been + ing;
В будущем: will + have + been + ing.
Present Perfect Continuous
Перевести на английский:
- Мы готовились к экзамену с самого утра.
- Я чинил автомобиль с 18 часов.
- Они гуляли по Милану с прибытия.
- Коля делал мне татуировку с 8 часов.
- Я чищу свой ноутбук с сегодняшнего утра.
- Света ходила по магазинам с 10 утра.
- Он не приходил с начала года.
- Мы готовили кушать с момента возвращения из магазина.
- Они бродили по лесу со вчерашнего дня.
- Я не находил работу после приезда в этот город.
- Женя играл в компьютер с 12 часов ночи.
- Она тренировалась перед соревнованием с 8 утра.
Past Perfect Continuous
Перевести на русский:
- I had been doing my homework until my favorite show started.
- Olga had been watching the movie until the advertisement began.
- He had been riding his bike until the tire was blown away.
- She had been practicing dancing before she moved to Argentina.
- I had been playing dogs until I was bitten by one of them.
- Kevin had been playing the guitar when they drove home.
- Oleg had been playing games until he was taken to the army.
- We had been playing baseball until it started to rain.
- I had been taking a photo, until the camera has broken.
- Alexey had been teaching history before he left the school.
- I had been playing the casino games until I lost all the money.
Future Perfect Continuous
Перевести на русский:
- By the time Angela arrives, they will have been watching more than an hour of the film.
- By the time you get to Spain, you’ll have been flying more than 6 hours.
- She will have been waiting more than an hour before Oleg’s car will finally start up.
- Next year Marty will have been living in Australia for 9 years.
- By the time we get to work, the guys will have been working more than 3 hours.
- By the time our son goes to college, we will have been living in Iceland for 8 years.
- I will have been composing the fifth sonata by the time my brother returns from the trip.
- They will have been eating this cake until you make a new one.
- I will have been studying in Cambridge for 3 years at the end of the week.
- By the end of winter, they will have been married for 4 years.
- Andrey will have been doing wrestling for 3 years next month.
- By the time you make me an offer, I’ll have been living in London for 3 years.
Ответы на английские упражнения
Английское упражнение на Present Perfect Continuous | Английское упражнение на Past Perfect Continuous | Английское упражнение на Future Perfect Continuous |
1. We has been preparing for the exam in the morning. | 1. Я делал уроки, пока не началось мое любимое шоу. | 1. К тому времени как Анджела приедет, они посмотрят больше часа фильма. |
2. I repaired the car from 18 o’clock. | 2. Ольга смотрела фильм, пока не началась реклама. | 2. К тому моменту, когда ты доберешься до Испании, ты будешь лететь больше 6 часов. |
3. They have been walking around Milan from arrival. | 3. Он ездил на велосипеде, пока не сдулась шина. | 3. Она прождет больше часа, прежде чем автомобиль Олега, наконец, заведется. |
4. Kolya has been doing me a tattoo with 8 hours. | 4. Она занималась танцами, пока не переехала в Аргентину. | 4. В следующем году будет 9 лет, как Марти живет в Австралии. |
5. I has been cleaning my laptop from this morning. | 5. Я играл с собаками, пока меня не укусила одна из них. | 5. К тому моменту как мы доберемся на работу, ребята уже будут работать больше 3 часов. |
6. Sveta has been going shopping from 10 in the morning. | 6. Кевин играл на гитаре, пока они ехали домой. | 6. К тому моменту как наш сын поступит в колледж, мы уже будем жить в Исландии 8 лет. |
7. He hasn’t been coming from the beginning of the year. | 7. Олег играл в игры, пока его не забрали в армию. | 7. Я буду сочинять пятую сонату к тому времени, как брат вернется с путешествия. |
8. We have been preparing to eat since returning from the store. | 8. Мы играли в бейсбол, пока не начался дождь. | 8. Они будут есть этот торт пока ты не приготовишь новый. |
9. They have been roaming the forest since yesterday. | 9. Я занимался фотографией, пока не разбил фотоаппарат. | 9. В конце недели будет 3 года, как я учусь в Кембридже. |
10. I have been looking work after arriving in this city. | 10. Алексей преподавал историю, пока не покинул школу. | 10. К концу зимы они будут в браке на протяжении 4 лет. |
11. Eugene has been playing computer from 12 o’clock at night. | 11. Я играл в казино, пока не проиграл все деньги. | 11. В следующем месяце исполнится 3 года, как Андрей занимается борьбой. |
12. She has been training before the competition from 8 am. | 12. К тому моменту как ты сделаешь мне предложение, я уже буду жить в Лондоне 3 года. |
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
ARVE Error: src mismatch
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnR00y39uEs
src in: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EnR00y39uEs?wmode=transparent&rel=0&feature=oembed
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src gen: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EnR00y39uEs
Английские упражнения на сравнение времен
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Составить предложения в Present Simple и Present Continuous:
- Dasha/go/to the cinema/with Bill.
- Dasha/eat/popcorn/with Bill.
- Dasha/laugh/with Bill.
- Dasha/spend/time/with Bill.
- Bill/buy/flowers/to Dasha.
- Bill/wear/the best clothes.
- Bill/want/be/attractive/to Dasha.
- Bill/laugh/with Kate.
Past Simple vs Present Perfect
Составить предложения, подписать, какое время было использовано и почему:
- Bill/study/hard/since/last/Monday.
- Bill/help/Kate/with/studying/last/morning.
- Bill/read/the/scientific/book/this/week.
- Kate/read/the/Twilight/yesterday.
- Bill/never/pass/exams.
- Kate/good/student/at/school.
- Kate/study/hard/and/pass/all/the/exams/last/summer.
- Bill/help/his/father/this/morning.
- He/want/to/study/from/9 a.m./to/9 p.m.
- He/be/very/angry! He/be/nervous.
- Kate/help/Bill/to/keep/calm.
Ответы на английские упражнения
Таблица с ответами:
Английское упражнение на Present Simple | Английское упражнение на Present Continuous | Английское упражнение на Past Simple | Английское упражнение на Present Perfect |
Kate goes to the cinema with Bill. | Kate is going to the cinema with Bill. | Bill has studied hard since last Monday. – Действие еще не закончилось, маркер Present Perfect. | |
Kate eats popcorn with Bill. | Kate is eating popcorn with Bill. | Kate helped Bill with studying last morning. – Время имеет значение, маркер Past Simple. | |
Kate laughs with Bill. | Kate is laughing with Bill. | Bill has read the scientific book this week. – Время еще не закончилось. | |
Kate spends time with Bill. | Kate is spending time with Bill. | Kate read the Twilight yesterday. – Время завершено. | |
Bill buys flowers to Kate. | Bill is buying flowers to Kate. | Bill has never passed exams. – Время не имеет значения. | |
Bill wears the best clothes. | Bill is wearing the best clothes. | Kate has been a good student at school. – Время не имеет значения. | |
Bill wants be attractive to Kate. | Чувства не используются в периоде времени «сейчас». | Kate studied hard and passed all the exams last summer. – Время имеет значение. | |
Bill laughs with Kate. | Bill laughs with Kate. | Bill has helped his father this morning. – Время еще не закончилось. | |
He wanted to study from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. – Время имеет значение. | |||
He was very angry! He was nervous. – Описание определенного законченного периода. | |||
Alice has helped Bill to keep calm. – Время не имеет значения. |
Английские упражнения на согласование времен
Английское упражнение 1
Перескажите английские предложения без кавычек:
- Alice said, “I study hard.” – Alice said that she studied hard.
- Alice said, “I am studying hard.”
- Alice said, “I have studied hard.”
- Alice said, “I studied hard.”
- Alice said, “I am going to study hard.”
- Alice said, “I will study hard.”
- Bill said, “I can study hard.”
- Bill said, “I may study hard.”
- Bill said, “I have to study hard.”
- Bill said, “I must study hard.”
- Bill said, “I should study hard.”
- Bill said, “I ought to study hard.”
Английское упражнение 2
Перевести на английский:
- Ее брат сказал, что его собаку зовут Альберт.
- Мама сказала, что очень устала.
- Я увидел женщину, работающую учителем.
- Маша сказала Биллу, что не может посещать его так часто.
- Билл спросил Машу, сколько времени она провела у него в прошлом месяце.
- Маша сказала, что обычно тратит больше времени на учебу.
- Биллу стало интересно, почему Машу стал волноваться этот вопрос.
- Маша сказала, что стала учиться хуже.
Английское упражнение 3
Выбрать нужное английское слово.
- I think that Alice ___ (have/has/had) an idea.
- I think that Alice ___ (have/has/had) an idea.
- I thought that Alice ___ (will have/would have/had) an idea soon.
- Bill said he ___ (studied/has studied/had studied) at school since 2005.
- Alice asks me if the lesson ___ (has been cancelled/had been cancelled/been cancelled).
- Alice asked me if the lesson ___ (has been cancelled/had been cancelled/was cancelled).
- Bill said that he ___ (hasn’t met/didn’t meet/hadn’t met) prettier girl for his life.
- Alice said that she ___ (didn’t tell/doesn’t tell/hadn’t told) anybody about them.
- We didn’t expect that Bill ___ (dated/will date/would date) with Alice.
Ответы на английские упражнения
Английское упражнение на 1:
1. Alice said that she studied hard.
2 Alice said that she was studying hard.
3. Alice said that she had studied hard.
4. Alice said that she had studied hard.
5. Alice said that she was going to study hard.
6. Alice said that she would study hard.
7. Bill said that he could study hard.
8. Bill said that he might study hard.
9. Bill said that he had to study hard.
10. Bill said that he had to study hard.
11. Bill said that he should study hard.
12. Bill said that he ought to study hard.
Английское упражнение 2:
1. Her brother said that his dog’s name is Albert.
2. Mom said that she was very tired.
3. I saw the woman who works as a teacher.
4. Alice told Bill that she couldn’t visit him so often.
5. Bill asked Alice how much time she had spent with him last month.
6. Alice said that she usually spends more time studying.
7. Bill wondered why Alice was worried about this question.
8. Alice said that she has begun to learn worse.
Английское упражнение 3 на согласование времен:
1. I think that Alice has an idea.
2. I think that Alice had an idea.
3. I thought that Alice would have an idea soon.
4. Bill said he has studied at school since 2005.
5. Alice asks me if the lesson has been cancelled.
6.Alice asked me if the lesson had been cancelled.
7. Bill said that he hasn’t met prettier girl for his life.
8. Alice said that she didn’t tell anybody about them.
9. We didn’t expect that Bill would date with Alice.
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