Сказуемое в английском языке (The predicate) обозначает действие или состояние предметов, лиц, действий, которыми выражено подлежащее. Данный член предложения отвечает на следующие вопросы: Что делается с подлежащим? Что делает подлежащее? Что оно такое? Каково оно? Рассмотрим особенности образования сказуемого, основные его формы, а также наведем примеры для лучшего усвоения темы.
- Сказуемое в английском языке: основные виды
- Простые сказуемые
- Составное именное сказуемое
- Составное глагольное сказуемое
- Подводим итоги
- What is a predicate in English
- What is a simple verb predicate?
- Modal verb predicate — what is it?
- Phrasal predicate is not difficult!
- Compound nominal predicate
- Subject and predicate example sentences in English
- Formal subject it
- Predicted in English
- Compound verb predicate in English
- Compound nominal predicate in English
- Coordination of predicate and subject
- Concordance of subject and predicate in English
- Concordance of uncountable nouns
- STATISTICS — is or are?
- Predicted in English: types with examples
- Ways to Increase Internet Speed
- «Extend speed» option
- Increase the Internet by 1 GB
- 3GB and 4GB acceleration
- Additional traffic rate
- Other methods of service connection
- Auto Renewal Option
- Disconnecting
- Additional features
- Third party utilities and applications
- Consistently low connection speed
- Internet on «Beeline»: speed dropped. Reasons, ways to accelerate — modern technologies — tips for all occasions on News4Smart.ru
- Ellipsis in English
- Auxiliary verbs
- Personal pronouns
- Infinitive clause
- A story about a series of events
- English Sentence Structure — Word order in affirmative and negative sentences
- What does the offer consist of?
- Which sentence members are required in English?
- Word order in an English sentence
- Word order in an affirmative sentence
- Negative sentence word order
- Remarks:
- Predicted in English: types, rules, examples
- Types of predicates in English
- Simple predicate
- Subject and predicate in English
- Subject matter
- Predicate
- The use of the infinitive in English
- Subject infinitive
- Infinitive as part of a compound predicate
- Using the infinitive as a complement
- Types of utterances in English
- 1. Approval
- 2. Negation
- 3. Interrogative sentences
- Predicted in English: the formation of various types of sentences, the rules of speaking and writing, ways of expression in speech
- Mixed predicate types
- An exercise
- Predicted in English — types, forms, example sentences
- Simple predicate (The Simple Predicate)
- Composite predicate types
- The compound nominal predicate (The Compound Nominal Predicate)
- English grammar
- 2. Formation of various verb tense groups
- 3. Table of times. Active Voice
- Compound specific verb predicate
- Word order in an English sentence, part 1
- Affirmative sentences
- The verb to be in affirmative sentences
- Offers with there is / there are
- Pronoun it
- Negative sentences
- Word order in questions
- Closed questions
- 💥 Видео
Сказуемое в английском языке: основные виды
Сказуемое подразделяется на несколько определенных видов. Оно бывает:
- простым,
- составным.
Если говорить о составных сказуемых, то они делятся на два типы:
- составное именное,
- составное глагольное.
Первое образуется следующим способом => глагол-связка + именная часть.
Способ образования второго => модальный глагол + инфинитив
Это только основная схема, но важно помнить, что в составном именном сказуемом глагол-связка выражается to be в разных формах, но… в качестве связки могут выступать слова to look, to seem, to turn, to get, to become и пр. Что касается именной части, то ею могут выступать – герундий, причастие, числительное, инфинитив, местоимение, наречие, прилагательное, существительное.
В составном глагольном сказуемом в качестве модальных глаголов используются must, may, can, ought etc. Причем обратите внимание, что составным глагольным сказуемым может служить также конструкция, которая состоит из некоторых глаголов + инфинитива или герундия.
Простые сказуемые
Выражаются глаголами в личной форме, причем они могут быть в любом наклонении, залоге и времени:
She wears a uniform => Она носит униформу.
He looks at the window => Он смотрит в окно.
Mary is cooking her favourite cookies => Мэри готовит ее любимое домашнее печенье.
Обратите внимание! Сказуемое в английском языке может представлять собой как одно слово, так и состоять из нескольких слов. В последнем случае мы будем использовать вспомогательные и смысловые глаголы. Сказуемые могут выражаться глаголами в любых залогах и видоизмененных формах (таблица это наглядно показывает):
She has been watching her favourite movie => | Она смотрела свой любимый фильм. |
Our neighbours will come back in a minute => | Наши соседи возвратятся через минуту. |
Sarah will prepare for her exams in July => | Сара будет готовиться к своим экзаменам в июле. |
На заметку! К простым сказуемым относятся также те, которые выражаются фразовыми глаголами и устойчивыми сочетаниями, которые в общем образуют одно целостное понятие, иными словами – фразеологическое выражение =>
She pays no attention to his remarks => Она не обращает внимания на его замечания.
The grandparents take care of their little grandchildren => Бабушка и дедушка заботятся о своих маленьких внуках.
Составное именное сказуемое
Как мы уже говорили, оно состоит из глагола связки и именной части. Говоря о глаголе-связке, то в большинстве случаев им будет выступать глагол to be , который может быть в любом лице и времени => is/are/were/was/am…
На заметку! в отличие от русского языка, в английском глагол to be не опускается в настоящем времени.
Что касается именной части, то она служит для выражения основного смыслового значения сказуемого. При этом именная часть характеризует подлежащее => что оно собой представляет, каково оно, что оно такое, или кто.
На заметку! Под именной частью речи мы подразуемваем любую часть речи, кроме междометия и союза. К тому же, именная часть может выражаться придаточным предложением.
Предложения, в которых именная часть представлена =>
- Местоимением
The cake is yours => Пирожное твое.
It is him => Это он.
- Существительным
He was a gardener => Он был садовником.
She is the brightest student => Она самая умная (смышленная) студентка.
- Местоимением или существительным с предлогом
My parents are strongly against it => Мои родители категорически против этого.
Her grandmother was in despair => Ее бабушка была в отчаянии.
- Числительным
She is twenty-five => Ей 25 лет.
This young girl is seventeen => Этой молодой девушке 17 лет.
- Прилагательным
The sky is blue => Небо голубое.
The paper is yellow => Бумага желтая.
The cake is delicious => Пирожное изумительно вкусное.
- Наречием
My close friends are far away => Мои близкие друзья очень далеко.
The theory was over so we began to practice => Теория закончилась, поэтому мы приступили к практике.
- Инфинитивом
Her task was to help them to cope with everything => Ее заданием было помочь им справиться со всем.
His ideology is to help everybody who is in need => его идеология – помочь каждому, кто нуждается.
- Причастием
The store is closed => Магазин закрыт.
The eggs are boiled => Яйца сварены.
- Герундием
His the most sincere wish was painting => Его самым заветным желанием было рисование.
Her greatest wish is cooking => Ее самое большое желание – готовить.
Составное глагольное сказуемое
Схема образования такого сказуемого => комбинация modal verb+infinitive.
Модальные глаголы, которые используются в составных глагольных сказуемых:
- Need – надо, нужно,
- Shall/should – выражает необходимость, приказание,
- Must – необходимо, нужно,
- May – мочь, иметь возможность,
- Can – уметь, могти,
- Ought (to) – следует, должен
- Will/would – выражает намерение, желание, обещание,
- To have (to) – должен (сильная форма),
- To be (to) – должен (в форме приказа).
После модальных глаголов идет смысловой глагол, который выражается инфинитивом без частицы to:
- I can write an article => Я могу написать статью.
- You must start learning English => Вы должны начать учить английский.
- She may not come today => Вероятно, что она сегодня не придет.
- They are to start that project => Они должны начать тот проект.
- I have to visit my relatives => Я должен навестить моих родственников.
Как вы заметили, в последних двух примерах частицу to мы используем. Но это не исключение из правил, а особенность образования модального глагола, который в своем составе имеет частицу to (have to, be to, ought to).
Еще несколько ярких примеров составных глагольных сказуемых в предложениях:
- You should have followed their advice => Тебе следовало бы последовать их совету.
- She may have seen that movie earlier => Вероятно, что она уже видела фильм ранее.
- A lot of things are to be done because of this statement => Из-за этого указа нужно сделать много вещей.
Обратите внимание на глаголы, которые чаще всего используются с составными глагольными сказуемыми:
to start, to begin, to go on, to stop, to continue, to finish.
Несколько примеров:
- He began to do everything as you said => Он начал делать все так, как ты сказал.
- I have finished translating this => Я закончил переводить это.
- She stopped explaining everything => Она прекратила объяснять все.
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Подводим итоги
Сказуемое в английском языке играет важную роль при построении предложения. Научившись правильно их употреблять в разных формах, временах и лицах, вы научитесь грамотно говорить, без ошибок и ляпов. При этом обратите внимание на согласование подлежащего и сказуемого в английском языке.
С примеров, приведенных выше, видно, с какими предлогами, частицами и связками употребляются основные члены предложения и в какой форме, числе и лице их лучше использовать. Но… английская грамматика богата исключениями, что и определяет интересность ее изучения. Изучая подлежащее и сказуемое вместе, вы повышаете шансы на лучшее понимание темы. И тут грамматика вам тоже в помощь!
What is a predicate in English
The main members of the sentence (the main parts of the sentence), both in Russian and in English, are the subject and the predicate. On our website, dear readers, we have already talked about the subject. Today we will focus on the second main member of the sentence — the Predicate.
This main member of the sentence in English (as well as in Russian) denotes the action, state, and quality of the object or person expressed by the subject of this sentence. As we can see, the subject and the predicate are completely related to each other in the sentence and dependent on each other. This means that, as a rule, when parsing the structure of a sentence, they should be studied together.
There are four main types of predicate in English:
- simple verb predicate;
- modal verb predicate;
- phrasal verb predicate;
- compound nominal predicate.
Now we will engage in a detailed study of each of the four types of predicate.
What is a simple verb predicate?
A simple verbal predicate or The Simple Verbal Predicate is usually expressed by a semantic verb in a personal form, which can be a simple or complex form of any tense, mood and voice:
- They are goingto the library today. “They’re going to the library today.
- Shall I changeyour books? — Change your books?
- Waitfor me. I am coming — Wait for me. I’ll be back soon.
- Ann is notat home, she is — Anna is not at home, she is absent.
- I want some ice-cream. — I want some ice cream.
- We saw Green yesterday. “We saw Mr. Green yesterday.
- Do not bother him; he is busy with writing an article. — Don’t bother him, he’s busy writing an article.
- I listen to the music every day after work. — I listen to music every day after work.
- The music calms me. — Music calms me down.
- My mother prefers tea without sugar. — My mom prefers tea without sugar.
A special kind of simple verbal predicate is the predicate, which is expressed by the phrase there is in different tenses. In such sentences, the subject always follows the predicate:
- There isa fine park in our village. — There is a beautiful park in our village.
- There wasn’t a supermarket in our street. — There was a supermarket on our street.
- There is a nice lawn in front of our block of flats. — There is a beautiful flowerbed in front of our house. — There were few students at the lectures yesterday.
- There was fog outdoors and it was wet yesterday. — It was foggy outside and it was damp yesterday.
- There are eighteen armchairs in the hall. “There are eighteen chairs in the lobby.
- There were a lot of participants on the competition. — There were many participants in the competition.
Modal verb predicate — what is it?
The modal verbal predicate The Modal Verbal Predicate consists of a modal verb (can, may, ought, must, should, need, be, have, have got) in a personal form and an infinitive (indefinite verb form) or its semantic verb stem.
The second part of the modal predicate can also be a combination of the infinitive of the conjugate verb to be, to look, to appear, to seem, to feel and others and the predicate. The modal predicate expresses the attitude of a person to an action or state (here possibility, necessity, probability, desirability, etc. are expressed). For example:
- Can you swim well? -Can you swim?
- He ought to be more polite. — He should be more polite.
- It must be about eight. — Now, probably about ten.
- My father can play chess very well. — My father is very good at playing chess.
- You should drink this vitamin juice. — You must drink this vitamin juice.
- Children must not play with matches. — Children should not play with matches.
- He should be more courageous in that affair. “He should have been more daring in that case.
- My mother can cook very tasty cakes. — My mom knows how to cook delicious pies (cakes).
- They need to meet Mr. Anders. “They need to meet Mr. Anders.
- Rogers may enter the room. — Mr. Rogers can enter the room.
Phrasal predicate is not difficult!
The phrasal predicate The Group Verb Predicate consists of a verb with a weakened meaning in the personal form (most often these are the verbs to have and to take) and a noun. This combination forms a single semantic and grammatical whole. This combination is often equivalent to a simple verb predicate:
- I have dinner — I’m having dinner.
- I
- They have a rest. — They are resting.
- They rest.
Phrasal predicate, as a rule, denotes a short (one-time) action. The most commonly used combinations of this type are:
- to have dinner (breakfast, supper, lunch, tea, a snack) — have lunch (breakfast, dinner, lunch, tea, snack);
- to have a lesson (lessons) — have a lesson (lessons);
- to have a talk — talk;
- to have a look — to take a look;
- to have a cold — freeze;
- to have a good time — have a good time;
- to have a rest — to have a rest;
- to have a bite -;
- to have a drink — to drink;
- to have a smoke — smoke;
- to have a quarrel — quarrel;
- to have (take) a walk — take a walk;
- to take a bath — take a bath;
- to take a seat — sit down;
- to take a tram (bus, etc.) — take a tram, bus;
- to take care — take care;
- to pay a visit — to give a visit;
- to pay attention — pay attention;
- to catch a cold — catch a cold.
Let’s have a swim. — Let’s swim.
Did you have a talk with him? — Have you talked to him?
Compound nominal predicate
The compound nominal predicate The Comroynd Nominal Predicate consists of the linking verb to be in the personal form and the predicate (nominal part). The predicate in this case denotes any sign of the subject, and the linking verb serves to connect the subject and the predicative and expresses the person, number, mood and time. Unlike Russian, in English the verb to be is never omitted. Note:
- Our village isvery beautiful. — Our village is very beautiful.
- Arethey ready? — They are ready?
In addition to the verb to be, some other verbs can also be used as a linking verb:
The verbs to seem, to look, to appear in the meaning of «to seem, to look» and the verb to feel in the meaning to feel:
- Your cousin lookstired. — Your cousin looks tired.
- Their auntseemed very excited. — Their aunt seemed very agitated.
- He feels- It feels great.
The verbs to get, to become, to turn, to grow meaning “to become”:
- Musousin will become a programmer. — My cousin will become a programmer.
- She turned- She turned pale.
The verbs to remain, to keep, to continue, to begin, to start, to finish, to stop, to cease, to go on in the meaning of the beginning, continuation and completion of an action or state:
- My parents kepttalking. — My parents kept talking.
- Everybody in the room remained — Silence was kept throughout the room.
- Startworking right now, please. — Start working now, please.
- He stoppedchatting at once. — He stopped chatting instantly.
The subject (Те Predicative) can be expressed in the following words and groups of words:
- noun in general or (sometimes) in the possessive case without a preposition or with a preposition:
A source: https://englishfull.ru/grammatika/skazuemoe.html
Видео:времена в АНГЛИЙСКОМ до автоматизма | как довести английский до автоматизма? | примеры с объяснениемСкачать
Subject and predicate example sentences in English
Sentence members are grammatically significant parts into which a sentence can be broken down. They can consist of both individual words and phrases, that is, groups of interrelated words.
Of these, the subject and predicate play the most important role, they are called the main members of the sentence.
The subject is the person or object that plays a key role in the sentence.
The subject in English can be expressed:
- My pencil is broken.
- My pencil is broken.
- He is a good pianist.
- He is a good pianist.
- Smoking is not allowed here.
- Smoking is prohibited here.
- To lie is bad.
- Lying is bad.
- Five volunteered to help us.
- Five volunteered to help us.
Or any other word or phrase that is used in a sentence as a noun:
- Lehman Brothers has become the first victim of the financial crisis.
- Lehman Brothers became the first victim of the financial crisis.
Formal subject it
Since in all English sentences the subject must be present, in impersonal sentences where the actor is absent, it is necessary to use the formal subject it, which does not have its own meaning.
For example, this is typical for suggestions about seasons, time of day, weather and distances:
- It is spring.
- Spring.
- It is snowing.
- Snowing.
Also, the formal subject it is used with passive verbs:
- It is believed that you can find a pot of gold at rainbow’s end.It is believed that a pot of gold can be found at the end of the rainbow.
In addition, it can replace the actual subject located after the predicate, expressed by a gerund or infinitive:
- It takes me so long to read texts in English.It takes me so long to read texts in English.
Predicted in English
The predicate is the part of the sentence that expresses its main content — that which is the subject of affirmation, denial, or question.
The predicate can be simple or compound. Compound predicates, in turn, are divided into nominal and verb.
A simple predicate in English is expressed by a personal verb of any tense, voice and mood.
- I music.
- I like music.
- They are sleeping.
- They are sleeping.
(in this case, the verb consists of two words, but it is also considered a simple predicate, since both of its components represent one verb form)
Compound verb predicate in English
A compound verb predicate consists of a personal verb and an infinitive or gerund.
The infinitive or gerund expresses the main action, and the verb in its personal form clarifies it:
- I want to dance.
- I want to dance.
Modal verbs or verbs that express the beginning, continuation or end of an action, as well as the attitude of the actor towards it (to begin, to start, to continue, to want, to decide, to intend and others) can be used as a verb in personal form. .
Compound nominal predicate in English
A compound nominal predicate consists of a linking verb to be (or verbs to become, to grow, to get, to turn) and a nominal part indicating the quality of the subject:
- We are professionals.
- We are professionals.
The noun part can be expressed by a noun, pronoun, adjective, participle, infinitive, or gerund.
Coordination of predicate and subject
The English predicate agrees with the subject in person and number:
- He has much money.
- He has a lot of money.
- I enjoy playing jazz.
- I like to play jazz.
If the subject is expressed by an indefinite pronoun, an interrogative pronoun who or what, a gerund or an infinitive, then the verb is used in the singular.
- No one is listening to me.
- Nobody listens to me.
- Who has broken my vase?
- Who broke my vase?
If the subject is expressed by a collective noun (family, police, committee, etc.), then if it denotes a group as something single, the predicate is used in the singular:
- Our family is very friendly.
- Our family is very friendly.
- The committee has 2 meetings today.
- The committee will hold two meetings today.
If specific members of the group are meant, then the predicate is used in the plural.
- Our family live in different cities.
- Our family members live in different cities.
- The committee require separate suits in the hotel.
- Committee members require separate hotel rooms.
A source: http://learneng.ru/topiki-temy/podlezhashhee-i-skazuemoe-primery-predlozhenij.html
Видео:Учим времена в английском языке. Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect | EnglishDomСкачать
Concordance of subject and predicate in English
Hello, today we’ll talk about how to correctly coordinate the subject and predicate in a number. Yes, this usually does not raise questions, since we can clearly distinguish the subject in the singular or plural by the characteristic ending S (ES) and even know a few cases when the plural is not formed according to the rules.
However, there are times when all this does not help. It is about such cases that we will talk today. However, before you start, I recommend that you remember the basic rules for the formation of plural nouns. These are two related topics, so don’t be lazy.
Concordance of uncountable nouns
The first point of our rule will be to consider the case when the subject is expressed by an uncountable noun.
Let us dwell only on those moments that can cause difficulties.
The following nouns in English (as opposed to Russian) agree with the singular verb:
His research is progressing very well. — His research is very successful.
His advice is really useful. — His advice (s) are very helpful / helpful.
Some uncountable nouns outwardly coincide with the plural form, that is, they end in «-s», but the predicate verb must be used in the singular.
I would also like to draw your attention to the word News. In English, the word news is used only in the singular.
No news is good news.
Some special cases within the framework of this rule need to be analyzed additionally:
STATISTICS — is or are?
The word statistics, denoting the academic subject «statistics», agrees with the verb in singular. However, in the second meaning — «statistical data» — it requires after itself the use of the verb in plural.
A source: http://grammar-tei.com/soglasovanie-podlezhashhego-i-skazuemogo-v-anglijskom-yazyke/
Видео:Самые важные времена в английском языке: ИХ ВСЕГО 5Скачать
Predicted in English: types with examples
The mobile operator «Beeline» provides traffic with package offers that are valid throughout the month.
At the same time, very active users often encounter a situation when the expiration of the current term is still far away, and access to the Network is already limited or completely closed.
What to do if the Internet speed on Beeline dropped? In this case, the operator provides subscribers with a solution — additional speed. I wonder what this option is and how to use it? Then read on.
Ways to Increase Internet Speed
Today, Beeline subscribers are offered two options: purchasing additional traffic or extending the speed by activating the «Extend speed» and «Automatic renewal» options. They are available if the Internet speed from «Beeline» dropped on the phone or modem when using the tariff plan «All» and «Highway» with a limited amount of traffic.
Each service is divided into two types and makes it possible to choose the required amount of additional Internet according to the needs of the subscriber. Let us consider each of them in more detail and analyze the useful option of automated speed extension, it can be used if the speed of the home Internet from Beeline or mobile has dropped.
«Extend speed» option
You can find out the volume of the remaining traffic by dialing a simple combination of numbers on the device: * 102 #. If the traffic provided by the tariff has really ended, then the «Extend Speed» service will give you the opportunity to stay in touch.
The company has provided for this in several ways in accordance with the needs of subscribers. They differ in the amount of additional megabytes and the price, so each client will be able to choose what suits his particular case.
The user can order the service before the end of the billing period. The package price will depend on the region of location.
Increase the Internet by 1 GB
If the Internet speed on Beeline has dropped, and there are only a few days left until the end of the month, then it is most advisable to activate the option of a minimum extension of 1 GB. Such a measure will be sufficient. The price of the service is 100 rubles.
If you wish to take advantage of the offer to increase the speed, the specified amount will be debited from the subscriber’s account. To connect, you need to dial the number 0674093221 on the device. This is not the only way. There is an even simpler combination: * 115 * 121 #, then the call button.
The Internet will work much faster immediately after dialing a phone number or code.
3GB and 4GB acceleration
If a user spends a lot of time on the Internet and the speed drops quite quickly, then 1 GB will definitely not be enough for him. Depending on the region of location, users are provided with the service of increasing traffic by 3 and 4 GB. In this case, the price increases to 200 and 500 rubles, respectively.
The increase in speed is available until the end of the billing period on tariffs «All» and «Highway». The duration of using the service cannot exceed 30 days. To activate the option, dial the code * 115 * 122 # or number 0674093222 from your phone. The Internet will start working faster as soon as the request is sent.
With such a volume of gigabytes, watching movies, websites and transferring data will not cause any problems.
Additional traffic rate
When connecting to the additional traffic service, if the speed of the mobile Internet from Beeline has dropped, it will entirely depend on the Network in the region of its location. The size of the provided package is irrelevant in this case. For 2 GB traffic, this figure is 236 Kbps, and for 4 GB — 74 Mbps.
If the type of 3G network is used in the region, then the subscriber will use the Internet at the maximum speed — 14,4 Mbps. In addition, this figure depends on the model of the modem used. The option is unavailable if roaming is activated; only subscribers located in Russia can use it.
Other methods of service connection
If the speed of the Internet from «Beeline» on the phone has dropped, then additional gigabytes can be purchased in one of several available ways. The order of additional 1, 3 or 4 GB is available through your personal account. To do this, you need to log in to the personal page of the official portal «Beeline» and fill out an application in the appropriate section.
In addition, the subscriber can call the operator from his device at 0611. The representative of the organization will perform all the necessary actions, after which the user will have access to the Internet at high speed.
Another way to solve the problem when the Internet speed dropped on the Beeline modem is to go to the company’s office. An employee of the department will answer all questions and enable the required option. As you can see, there are enough options for increasing the speed, so each subscriber will be able to solve the issue in a convenient way.
Auto Renewal Option
If you do not intend to find out why the Internet speed on Beeline has dropped, and it is important for you to always be able to enter the Network, then the automatic renewal service will definitely interest you.
When the Internet package comes to an end, the system activates an additional speed of 100 MB or 5 GB, depending on the user’s choice. Auto-renewal for 100 MB is allowed on tariffs «Zero Doubts», «Welcome», «Vseshechka», «All» in versions 1 and 2.
At the end of one packet, the next one is triggered. The cost of each of them is 50 rubles.
Automatic renewal for 5 GB works on the «All» tariff in versions 3, 4 and 5. The option is activated immediately after the end of the main traffic. Each next 5 GB will cost the user 150 rubles. This option can be activated on other tariffs either independently or as an addition to the Highway option.
Both versions of the speed extension service are connected and disconnected by typing one command. On all of the above tariff plans, the auto-renewal service is activated by the system as soon as the traffic of the main package ends, since it is built-in.
On other tariffs, including archived ones, only the initial version — a 70 MB package can be connected independently. Its cost is 20 rubles. If the option is not included initially, then you can activate it yourself by entering the command * 115 * 23 # or by calling the number 0674717781.
To cancel automatic speed extension, you need to dial * 115 * 230 # or call 0674717780.
Important! The action of the additional traffic of the services «Extend speed» and «Automatic renewal» has a time limit — it is necessary to spend the additionally purchased megabytes and gigabytes before the beginning of the next billing period and the activation of the new main package. Otherwise, they are reset to zero.
Additional features
Sometimes, to increase the speed of Beeline, it is not necessary to activate an additional Internet package. Settings can help solve this problem. Let’s analyze the available options in more detail:
- Not all subscribers think about why the Internet speed of «Beeline» on the phone dropped, but in vain. This could be caused by the automatic download of app updates. In the phone settings, you can change this parameter and prevent the system from installing them without confirmation. Also, a great way to conserve mobile internet traffic is to download updates only when connected to a Wi-Fi network.
- Another effective way to speed up the Internet on your phone or any other device is to clear the cache. When it is full, the speed of applications is significantly reduced. Including those through which you go online or communicate with friends.
- You can speed up the Internet speed on Beeline by correctly configuring your browser. Disable automatic image loading, Java and Flash applications and you will see the difference immediately!
- When using the mobile Internet via 3G or 4G, the reason why the Internet speed from «Beeline» on the modem or phone dropped may be due to signal interruptions. This occurs most often on basements and in buildings with thick walls. To fix the situation, you will have to change the location.
- To increase the speed indicator when downloading a file, you will need to temporarily disable everything that may interfere with this process: downloading other documents, applications for correspondence, antivirus and other running programs.
Third party utilities and applications
To increase the performance and speed of the Internet from Beeline, you can use special programs and utilities:
- Internet Booster — improves Internet experience by automatically clearing the cache, changing connection settings and more.
- Internet Speed Master — increases the speed with one tap on the screen.
- Ashampoo Internet Accelerator — optimizes data transfer by automatically configuring basic connection parameters.
- Speed4Web — automatically optimizes the loading of pages from the web.
Consistently low connection speed
The reason for the low speed of the Internet «Beeline» may be the smartphone itself. There may be several reasons for this:
- If the Internet on your phone works fine over Wi-Fi, but is slow over the mobile network, then you should check the settings in the «Network Mode» section on your smartphone. Maybe you just need to change your preferred network type from GSM to WCDMA or LTE.
- Don’t know why the speed of Beeline’s mobile Internet dropped? Unlicensed phones and tablets from China do not support the frequency bands used to transmit 4G signals in the Russian Federation. To check if this is the problem, you need to insert the Beeline SIM card into another device and start the mobile Internet.
- Some virus applications do not completely block network access, but only limit browser performance. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to scan the phone system with an antivirus application.
Due to the fact that the mobile operator «Beeline» takes care of its subscribers, they can not limit themselves within the paid package. The company offers several ways to increase Internet speed at an affordable cost.
Internet on «Beeline»: speed dropped. Reasons, ways to accelerate — modern technologies — tips for all occasions on News4Smart.ru
A source: https://crownenglishclub.ru/uprazhneniya/skazuemoe-v-anglijskom-yazyke-vidy-s-primerami.html
Видео:Объяснение всех времён в английском языке за 11 минутСкачать
Ellipsis in English
Analyze your speech in Russian. You will probably notice that sometimes you miss certain words, because you automatically assess their significance and understand that without them the perception of speech will not be distorted in any way. Linguists call this omission of words an ellipsis.
By ellipsis, it is customary to understand sentences where there is no subject or predicate, but they can be reconstructed from the context of the dialogue. Please note that missing words, distorting the perception of speech, is called speech failure, and it is unacceptable even in colloquial speech. And the ellipsis is acceptable.
Moreover, it is he who signals that the person who communicates with us is relaxed and friendly towards us. Agree, we do not think about how to talk with friends, and we do not select the most clear expressions when communicating with loved ones: we know that they will understand us.
Let’s take a simple example. You can probably recall how at school you were scolded for giving not a detailed, but a short answer to the teacher’s question: just “Yes” or “Ok” instead of “Yes, I am”.
In real life, a native speaker would answer quickly and concisely, and a foreigner would start building sentences according to all the rules.
In order to be «your own» among English-speaking people, you need to figure out how and in what cases you can use the ellipsis, and to establish yourself in the idea that sometimes it is possible and even necessary to deviate from school rules
Many fixed expressions in English are built precisely on the ellipsis: see you later, good to see you, anything the matter, the matter of fact, and many others. Let’s see in what cases we ourselves can allow an ellipsis in speech.
Auxiliary verbs
We can omit auxiliary verbs if they do not indicate the time when the action takes place, or if it is obvious from the context.
For example: «You trust me?» (Do you trust me?). If we were building a complete offer, it would be «Do you trust me?»
Remember the phrase Moriarty from the TV series «Sherlock»: «Miss me?» (Did you miss / miss me?) The full sentence would be “Do / Did you miss me?”.
Personal pronouns
If you communicate with one interlocutor, he will understand that you are addressing him or talking to yourself, even if you do not indicate a specific pronoun.
For example, instead of «Do you trust me?» can you say «Trust me?» (Do you trust me?).
Another example: “Nice to meet you” we say instead of the full sentence “It is nice to meet you”.
Infinitive clause
The infinitive after the particle to and duplicating the meaning of a verb from a neighboring sentence can be omitted.
For example: “I will never let you go. I promised to ”(instead of I promised not to do it).
A story about a series of events
If you are listing a sequence of past actions, it is perfectly acceptable to omit the subject. For example: “Popped up into the bus. Paid for the fare. Saw a vacant place Took it. » (took it over).
In both Russian and English, the use of ellipsis makes our speech more natural. However, remember, to simplify speech constructions and omit the subjects or predicates should be done only in colloquial speech and only in informal communication. That is, in a police station or during business negotiations, it is better not to do this. We wish everyone a pleasant learning English and tangible progress after each lesson! Bye!
A source: https://www.english-language.ru/articles/grammar/ellipsis-v-anglijskom-yazyike/
Видео:Как учить времена английского глагола? (3 совета)Скачать
English Sentence Structure — Word order in affirmative and negative sentences
A sentence (in both English and Russian) is a complete thought. It starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop:
We are at home. — We’re home.
John s good food. — John likes good food.
What does the offer consist of?
Both in Russian and in English, a sentence can consist of the following members: subject, predicate, object or complement, adverbial modifier and attribute.
At the lessons our teachers use various interesting materials. — In the classroom, our teachers use a variety of interesting materials.
our — definition, refers to the word «teachers»
teachers — subject
use — predicate (verb)
materials — addition
various interesting — two definitions related to the word «materials» at the lessons — circumstance
Which sentence members are required in English?
In Russian, there may be a sentence without a subject and / or without a predicate: “This is a pen.«; «Late.«,»I’m cold«.
In all sentences of the English language, both the subject and the predicate are required. Compare with the examples above: “It is a pen.«»It is late.«»I am cold.«
The rest of the members of the proposal may be absent (they are called minor members of the proposal).
We arrived. — We arrived.
We — subject, arrived — predicate (verb).
We arrived in the morning.
in the morning — circumstance of time
We arrived at a small station. — We arrived at a small station.
at a small station — circumstance of place
small (small) — definition, clarifying word station (station)
Word order in an English sentence
In English, a fixed word order. That is, each member of the proposal is in its own specific place. In Russian, in almost all parts of speech there are endings, with the help of which the categories of time, gender, number, etc. are expressed. Therefore, the word order in the Russian sentence is free.
English belongs to a different language type and has practically no endings. But the need to express all those categories that the Russian language expresses remains. Therefore, the solution was found in a fixed word order.
This makes the English language more «logical», similar to simple mathematical formulas, which undoubtedly makes it easier to learn.
Compare: (2) I rarely watch (1) I (3) TV on weekdays.
(1) I seldom (2) watch (3) TV on week-days
Word order in an affirmative sentence
In an affirmative sentence, in the first place is subordinate,
In second place — predicate,
on the third — secondary members of the proposal.
(1) We (2) are (3) in the center of Moscow now.
We (are) in the center of Moscow now.
(1) Julia (2) is (3) a very nice girl.
Julia (is) a very nice girl.
Negative sentence word order
In a negative sentence, the word order is the same as in the affirmative, but only after the verb is the negative particle not.
(1) I (2) am Note (3) hungry.
I am not hungry.
(1) The children (2) are Note (3) attentive
Children are not (are) attentive.
Some minor members of the sentence may change their location depending on what the speaker wants to emphasize first.
Most often, circumstances may change their place in the sentence.
We usually go home together. — We usually we go home together.
Usually we go home together. — Usually we go home together.
There are impersonal sentences in Russian. That is, sentences in which only the subject or only the predicate is present. In English, both main members of the sentence must be present in a sentence. To express impersonal sentences in English, the turnover It is is used (it is),
where It — subject, and Is — predicate.
It is cold. — Coldly. (It’s cold)
It is late. — Late. (It’s late)
In colloquial speech, phrases that are not complete sentences can and are used:
— Hello! How are you? — Hey! How are you doing?
— (I am) Fine, thanks! — Thank you, OK!
A source: https://www.study.ru/courses/elementary/predlozhenie
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Predicted in English: types, rules, examples
Predicate in English (The Predicate) is used to denote the action or state of objects, persons, actions with which the subject is expressed. A predicate in English can answer a number of questions, namely:
What does the subject do?
What is done with the subject?
What is this subject?
What is it about?
This article will consider the main forms of the predicate in the English language, the methods and features of its formation, as well as illustrative examples for a better understanding of this topic.
Types of predicates in English
The predicate in English can take many forms. There are the following types:
- simple predicate;
- compound predicate.
Compound predicates in English are, in turn, subdivided into the following types:
- compound nominal;
- compound verb.
A compound nominal predicate is formed by using a linking verb and a nominal part.
The verb predicate in English is formed by using a modal verb and an infinitive.
At the same time, it is important to remember that the methods of composing a predicate are not limited to the above-mentioned basic scheme. So, for example, a compound nominal predicate in English is formed not only with the help of a verb-bundle in the form of different forms to be, but also with the help of special bundle words (to look, to seem, to turn, to get, to become, etc. ).
In this case, the nominal part can be a gerund, participle, numeral, infinitive, pronoun, adverb, adjective, noun.
A compound verb predicate in English is formed using modal verbs such as must, may, can, ought and others. At the same time, a construction consisting of some verbs + infinitive or gerund can also act as a compound verbal predicate.
It is necessary to dwell in more detail on each type of predicate in English:
Simple predicate
Simple predicates in English can be expressed by verbs in a personal form, while in any tense, mood and voice.
She wears a uniform. — She wears a uniform.
He looks at the window. — He looks out the window.
Mary is cooking her favorite cookies. — Mary makes her favorite homemade cookies.
It is worth noting that not only one word can act as a predicate in English, but several words at once. In this case, auxiliary and semantic verbs are used. Any voice of verbs and their various modified forms can express the predicate in English (the table clearly demonstrates this):
A source: https://www.englishpatient.org/articles/skazuemoe-v-anglijskom-yazyke
Subject and predicate in English
As you know, the subject and predicate are the main members of the sentence, called its grammatical basis. Without the semantic foundation that they constitute, it cannot exist.
Each language dictates its own rules regarding the construction of the grammatical base and its place in the sentence, and each of them has its own types and exclusive characteristics of the subject and predicate. The topic of their correct use is extremely important in the syntax of the English language.
After all, you perfectly understand that the correct construction of sentences and competent communication is not possible without a thorough study of this topic. Therefore, today we will focus on it and consider in detail the characteristic features of the subject and predicate in the English language, their types and correct formulation.
Subject matter
Subject types and ways of expressing it in a sentence
As we mentioned above, the subject is the main member of the sentence, and carries its semantic component. It answers the questions Who? (Who) and What? (What?)
How can it be expressed? You have probably heard many times that a subject can only be represented by a pronoun and a noun. Although this opinion is remarkably stable, it is not true. In fact, the subject can be expressed: a noun, a pronoun, an infinitive, a numeral, a gerund, a phrase, a phrase, and also a subordinate clause.
As you can see, the subject can be expressed as a word or a phrase, as a phrase or a sentence.
Complex subject
There is such a thing as a complex subject. It is a combination of a noun with a personal pronoun and infinitive. By the way, the infinitive can be in any form.
Subject and predicate matching
Subject and predicate in persons and numbers agree. When a sentence contains two or more similar subjects, the predicate is plural.
It is important to remember that the used number of a noun in English and Russian can be different. For example, a word in Russian may have a plural form, but in English it will not have this form.
Influence of the nature of the subject on the type of sentence
The nature of the subject is directly related to the type of proposal.
Depending on what the subject means, sentences in English are divided into three types:
2. Vaguely personal
In the personal proposal, the executor is precisely defined for the action. In the indefinitely personal, the performer of the action is, but he is not precisely defined. And the impersonal has no connection at all with any person, object or phenomenon.
A sentence that has no subject
As you know, in Russian, sentences are acceptable in which there is no subject. In English, however, a sentence cannot do without a subject at all and requires its indispensable presence. Of course, speaking about the obligatory presence of the subject, we do not take into account interjection formulations, purely colloquial constructions and abbreviations.
For clarity, we will give an example of such a proposal:
The word is an interjection. It has no connection with any members of the proposal. Here it acts as a one-part sentence, expresses emotions. Since its purpose is to replace a whole sentence, it cannot be said that it is a sentence without a subject.
As you can easily see, the English language makes the use of the subject absolutely necessary.
Formal subject
Despite the fact that it is impossible to do without a subject in English, there are a number of cases when it does not carry any specific meaning. It may not even have a translation in a similar sentence from the Russian language.
In this case, there is a formal subject. Pronouns such as it and there can be used as it. But these pronouns only syntactically replace the subject, while not carrying a semantic meaning.
And other elements of the proposal are responsible for it in such proposals.
The formal subject there is used to indicate the location of an item. In such sentences, the verb must agree with the number of nouns that follow it.
The formal subject it is used much more often. It is used in cases where the action does not have a performer. For example, to describe the weather.
Question to the subject
The words that start the interrogative are Who? (Who?) And What (What?). These interrogative pronouns represent full members of a sentence. Since they are assigned to the subject, they play precisely its role in the sentence. Questions can also begin with a word combination that includes a question word followed by a noun. The interrogative construction in such sentences plays the role of a subject.
Subject and predicate are closely related to each other, agree in number and case. The subject gives us the opportunity to learn about the topic of the sentence, and the predicate denotes what is specifically said about the subject, what action it performs in this sentence.
The verb in English has a rich variety of forms and can answer a variety of questions. Despite this diversity, questions can be classified into three main types:
1. What action does the subject perform?
2. What happens to him?
3. Who (what) is it?
Types of predicate
Since this member of the sentence is very complex, several of its types, as well as subspecies, are distinguished. For example, there is a simple and nominal predicate. We will pay attention to them further.
Simple predicate
A source: http://top100lingua.ru/blog/grammatika/podlezhaschee-i-skazuemoe-v-anglijskom-jazyke
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The use of the infinitive in English
In a sentence, the infinitive can act as different members of the sentence, except for the simple predicate. Let us consider by examples the use of the infinitive as part of a compound predicate, in the function of the subject, addition, definition and circumstance.
Subject infinitive
As a subject, the infinitive is at the beginning of a sentence, before the predicate. In this case, as a rule, it is translated into Russian either by an indefinite form of the verb or by a noun. This use of the infinitive is more typical for written speech.
To be or not to be, that is the question. — To be or not to be — that is the question.
To smoke is harmful. — Smoking is harmful (Smoking is harmful).
Infinitive as part of a compound predicate
As part of a compound verb predicate, the infinitive is used with modal verbs.
He should give her some money. “He should give her some money.
you ought to decide it now. “You should decide this now.
As part of a compound nominal predicate, the infinitive follows the linking verb to be (am, is, are, was, were, etc.), while the Russian language can be translated “means, that is”.
Our aim is to speak English. — Our goal is to speak English. (Our goal is to speak English.)
Using the infinitive as a complement
In the role of a complement, the infinitive comes after the predicate or adjective verb. It is usually translated into Russian into an indefinite form of the verb. As a direct object, the infinitive is used very often, but not after any verb.
There are a lot of verbs followed by an infinitive. Let’s list the most used:
afford (let), agree (agree), arranges (negotiate, organize), ask (ask, ask) Appear (seem), aim (seek), begin (start off), bother (worry), which (worry, worry) keep on going (continue), claim (assert, declare), choose (decide, prefer), decides (decide), demand (demand), desire (want), deserve (deserve), expect (hope), fail (fail) forget (forget), hate (hate), bite (happen, turn out) hesitate (hesitate, hesitate) hope (hope), intend (intend), (like), love (be in love), learn (learn to), manage (work out) mean (mean), offer (suggest), plan (to plan), I prefer (prefer), promise (promise), prepare (cook, cook), pretend
A source: https://myefe.ru/reference/verbs/infinitive/infinitive-functions
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Types of utterances in English
Like Russian, English has three main types of utterances: conviction, negation и question. Each of these types, of course, has different subtypes.
Since, unlike Russian, in English the word order is fixed, these types are easy to distinguish from each other, and most importantly, they are always built according to certain formulas.
If you figure out how to correctly build each of the types of utterance, then you will not experience difficulties in expressing your thoughts at any time in the English language.
Let’s consider each of the types of utterances.
1. Approval
The purpose of an assertion is to communicate that something is happening, that something exists, that someone is doing something.
In English, a statement always starts with subject (actor or object) answering the question «Who? What?».
It is always followed by predicate (action).
It can be a semantic verb denoting an action, but for some tenses and constructions, the predicate includes auxiliary (am / is / are for Present Continuous, have / has for Present Perfect, etc.), or modal verb (can, may, must, etc.). Without a verb, statements in English are almost never found. The predicate may not be translated into Russian, but it must be in the sentence.
The verb in the statement is followed by minor proposal membersthat answer questions «To whom? Whom? Where? When?» etc.
Subject (who acts) | Predictable (action) | Secondary members («When? Where? Whom? What?», Etc.) |
I I | am | a teacher. teacher. |
She She | works works | in an office. in the office. |
He He | wakes up wakes up | at 7 o’clock. seven in the morning. |
They they | phoned called | their friends. to my friends. |
Tom Tom | is reading reads | a book. book. |
We We | will go let’s go | to the cinema. to the cinema. |
2. Negation
The purpose of a negative sentence is to communicate that something is not true.
The negation must contain a negative particle not, which cannot be inserted by itself, it can be inserted after the auxiliary verb.
In colloquial speech, the negative particle not forms an abbreviated form with an auxiliary verb. Examples of abbreviated forms are shown in the last column.
Subject (Who?) | Auxiliary | Negative particle | Main verb | Secondary members of the proposal | Abbreviated form |
I | do | Note | go | to school | (don’t) |
He | does | read | books | (doesn’t) | |
She | is | watching | TV at the moment | (isn’t) | |
We | are | playing | Beach football | (aren’t) | |
They | did | visit | her friends | (didn’t) | |
I | will | go | to the cinema. | (won’t) |
In colloquial speech, an abbreviated form is used.
Sometimes a negative sentence is formed using a word with a negative meaning. As a rule, such words contain No.: nobody, nothing, and others.
The word never also makes a sentence negative without the help of the not particle, because in English a sentence can only contain one negative element.
In the case when the negation is formed by a negative word, there is no auxiliary verb in the sentence, and in its structure it resembles a statement.
Subject (who acts) | Predictable (action) | Minor members («When? Where? Whom? What?», Etc.) |
Nobody Nobody | works doesn’t work | on Sundays. on Sundays. |
Nothing Nothing | happened didn’t happen | yesterday. yesterday. |
3. Interrogative sentences
There are four main types of questions in English:
A. General question.
B. Alternative question.
C. Special question.
D. Separated question.
Unlike the Russian language (where it is enough to simply change the intonation to ask a question), in English it is necessary to change the word order (in general, alternative, special question), or add an additional part of the sentence (dividing question).
A. General question
The purpose of the general question: to get an answer Yes or no.
At the beginning of a general question is always verb, but not subject. It can be a verb to be (am, is, are), an auxiliary verb (do, does, did, have, etc.), a modal verb (can, must, may, etc.).
Are you a manager? — Are you the manager? Do you study English? — Do you study English? Does he live in Russia? — He lives in Russia? Can you dance? — Can you dance?
Did he go to the USA? — He went to the USA?
B. Alternative question (choice question)
The beginning of the alternative question is the same as the general one, but the question offers two options for the answer. The second option is introduced using the word OR (or):
Are you a manager or a waiter? — I am a manager. Are you a manager or a waiter? — I’m the manager. Does he live in Russia or Poland? — He lives in Russia. Does he live in Russia or Poland? — He lives in Russia. Do you study English or German? — I study English. Are you studying English or German? — I study English. Did he go to the USA or Canada? — He went to the USA. Did he go to the USA or Canada? — He went to the USA. Can you dance or sing? — I can dance.
Can you dance or sing? — I can dance.
The alternative question cannot be answered yes or no, you need to choose the appropriate option, perhaps both, or reject both.
C. Special issue
The special question is again based on the general question with an auxiliary verb in front of the subject. The difference is that when asking a special question, we want to know the details, so we put a question word before the auxiliary verb (What? Where? When? How many? Etc.).
What (language) do you study? — I study English. What language are you learning? — I study English. Where does he live? — He lives in Russia. Where does he live? — He lives in Russia. When did you meet him? — I met him yesterday. When did you meet him? — I met him yesterday. Where did he go? — He went to the USA. Where did he go? — He went to the USA. What can you do? — I can dance.
What can you do? — I can dance.
The answer to the ad hoc question is a statement that provides the information you need.
D. Separation issues
The purpose of such questions: to ask again, to confirm the available information, to be convinced of something.
They do not change the word order. At the heart of the statement or negation, to which an additional part (tag) is added, which turns the sentence into a question. Any affirmation or denial can be transformed into a dividing question.
Tag is usually translated «Is not it?» or «Truth?». The tricky part is that the tag changes depending on the main body. If the basis conviction — tag is negative if based on negation — tag is positive. The tag usually contains an auxiliary verb (in the appropriate tense) and a subject.
A source: https://enginform.com/article/tipy-viskazyvaniy
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Predicted in English: the formation of various types of sentences, the rules of speaking and writing, ways of expression in speech
The Compound Aspect Verbal Predicate is represented by a combination of verbs expressing beginning, continuation and end of action, with an infinitive or a gerund.
- Verbs that signify the beginning of an action: begin, start, commence, come to (with an infinitive or a gerund); fall (to), set about, burst out.
- Verbs meaning the continuation of the action: go on, keep on (with a gerund); continue (with a gerund or infinitive).
- End of action verbs: cease (with infinitive or gerund); stop, give up, leave off, finish, have done (with gerund).
- examples:
- Leave off balancing on the chair.
- The child ceased to cry and the mother fell asleep.
- The case was a difficult one and they fell to thinking.
- The telegraph operator began to remember again, to see, to place one fact after another as they might be written down.
Combinations of would and used to with an infinitive, expressing the repetition of an action, should also be considered a composite specific predicate:
When we were children we would play hide-and-seek for hours.
Mixed predicate types
- In one predicate form, modal and specific meanings can sometimes be combined. Such a predicate should be considered as modal-specific:
- You should not begin to translate a sentence before you have read it.
- You really must stop talking.
- A combination of modal verbs and a nominal predicate is often observed; such a predicate should be considered as modal-nominal:
- Peoples must be determined and unwavering in their struggle for peace.
- You should be more considerate to your parents’ words.
- This girl could be a very good singer: she has such a lovely voice.
An exercise
Highlight the predicate. Determine its type. If the predicate has several parts, define the meaning and role of each part.
1) Maggie felt an unexpected pang. Suddenly she felt hurt. 2) I notice that when you get a letter you get flushed. 3) He got the sack for coming late. 4) The day was hot and sunny and with the exception of a few idlers not a living creature was to be seen outside.
A source: https://tutorblog.ru/glagoly/skazuemoe-v-anglijskom-yazyke-vidy-s-pravilami-i-primerami.html
Видео:Урок 1. Система времён английского языка. Спряжение глаголов DO, HAVE, BEСкачать
Predicted in English — types, forms, example sentences
Just like in Russian, the predicate in English is one of the two main members of the sentence and is responsible for expressing the action performed by the subject (subject). At first glance, it may seem that there can be no difficulties with the predicate — it is enough to find the verb in the sentence and that is enough.
In fact, everything is somewhat more complicated: English is characterized by forms of the verb, consisting of several links, which is less common in Russian. In addition, a predicate in an English sentence can occupy a solid part of a phrase, and therefore many simply overlook any of its elements. To avoid mistakes, let’s take a closer look at all the variants of the predicate that occur in the language with the same frequency.
Simple predicate (The Simple Predicate)
One of the easiest to learn variants of the verb predicate is simple. It is expressed only by a verb — and in any person, number and time.
Alice reads this magazine every week. — Alice reads this magazine every week.
Mark and Bridget live in that tall white house. “Mark and Bridget live in that tall white house.
However, this does not mean at all that a simple type can be expressed with only one word. The form of the predicate in English, among other things, depends on the time to which the action belongs. As you know, the times of the group Future, Perfect и Continous require a combination of a linking verb with a semantic verb — and, thus, in the predicate there are several words at once, closely related by a general meaning and a tense category.
He has arrived at the airport. — He came to the airport.
They are wrapping their gifts in Jill’s room. “They’re wrapping presents in Jill’s room.
I will tell him everything I feel. “I’ll tell him what I feel.
Also, pay attention to another very important point: stable phrasal combinations and phrasal verbs in English are also of the simple type, regardless of which parts of speech the predicate verb is combined with.
Pay attention to those two cars — they are the first to be fixed. — Pay attention to these two cars — they need to be repaired first.
You missed more than 3 lessons so you fell behind the group. — You missed more than three lessons, and therefore fell behind the group.
Composite predicate types
A composite predicate is distinguished by a more complex construction and includes a linking verb, as well as the second part, expressed using a verb or other parts of speech. Depending on the composition of the second part, a verb and a nominal predicate are distinguished. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.
The compound nominal predicate (The Compound Nominal Predicate)
This type of compound predicates is formed with the help of a linking verb and a nominal part, expressed by any part of speech, except for the verb. Most often acts as a ligament to be, however, there are other options when the connecting function is taken on by other verbs, such as to look, to grow, to feel, to turn, to stay, to prove.
Jim looks frustrated. — Jim looks depressed.
I grew more nervous while waiting for the results. — I was getting more and more nervous while waiting for the results.
Stay calm and eat pineapple. — Calm down and eat pineapple.
Also, two more groups are referred to verbs capable of performing the function of a ligament — preservation of quality (to continue, to keep, to remain) and assumptions (to seem, to appear).
Please note that in this case, the predicate is expressed using verbs that are not a bundle in the original meaning. That is why be sure to focus on the context when translating such sentences.
And now — a little about the parts of speech that can become «partners» of the linking verb as a nominal part and give examples of the predicate in English:
- Noun He is an officer. — He’s an officer. She was a newcomer. — She was a newbie.
- The adjective Roses are red. — Roses are red. I am sure he will leave tomorrow. — I’m sure he will leave tomorrow.
- Pronoun The world is mine. — This world is mine. Those yellow flags are theirs. — These yellow flags are theirs.
- Sacrament Cigarettes are prohibited in my room. “Cigarettes are prohibited in my room. The seal on the envelope is broken. — The seal on the envelope is ripped off.
- Numeral My wife is 48. — My wife is 48 years old.
- The adverb The game is over. — The game is over.
A source: https://lim-english.com/posts/skazuemoe-v-anglijskom-yazyke/
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English grammar
I | Infinitive — an indefinite form of a verb | What to do? | to heat to give to give |
II | Past tense — Past indefinite | What they were doing)? What did (s) do? | heated heated (and) gave (and) |
III | Passive participle Participle II | What is it? | heated heated given given |
IV | Active participle Participle I | What is it? | heating heating, heating giving, giving |
1) These forms are basic for the formation of the predicate and all other verb forms, both simple and complex.
2) By the formation of the form by adding the ending (ed) to the infinitive of the verb, and non-standard, forming the II and III forms by changing the root vowel (to see, saw, seen), the final consonant (to build, built, built), from different roots ( to go, went, gone) and in other ways (see table of irregular verbs)
3) Participle I (active participle) — the form of the verb, formed from the stem of the infinitive of the verb by adding the ending — ing.
2. Formation of various verb tense groups
to be in personal form — is, are, am, was, were, shall be, will be | Participle I (active participle) | Continuous | He is writing He writes now |
to have — in personal form — have, has, had, shall have, will have | Participle II (passive participle) | Perfect | I have written a letter. I wrote a letter. have finished the work. They finished the job. |
Shall, will | Infinitive without the particle «that» | All groups in the future time | He will write a letter He will write the work |
3. Table of times. Active Voice
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Present | I help him. |
A source: http://linguisticus.com/ru/Grammar/OpenFolder/ENGLISH_GRAMMAR
Видео:Как выучить времена в английском языке. Простая система изучения основных времен глагола.Скачать
Compound specific verb predicate
The Compound Aspect Verbal Predicate is represented by a combination of verbs expressing beginning, continuation and end of action, with an infinitive or a gerund.
- Verbs that signify the beginning of an action: begin, start, commence, come to (with an infinitive or a gerund); fall (to), set about, burst out.
- Verbs meaning the continuation of the action: go on, keep on (with a gerund); continue (with a gerund or infinitive).
- End of action verbs: cease (with infinitive or gerund); stop, give up, leave off, finish, have done (with gerund).
Leave off balancing on the chair.
The child ceased to cry and the mother fell asleep.
The case was a difficult one and they fell to thinking.
The telegraph operator began to remember again, to see, to place one fact after another as they might be written down.
Combinations of would and used to with an infinitive, expressing the repetition of an action, should also be considered a composite specific predicate:
When we were children we would play hide-and-seek for hours.
Word order in an English sentence, part 1
Can interrogative word order be used in affirmative sentences? How to build a sentence if there is no subject in it? Read about these and other nuances in our article.
Affirmative sentences
In English, the basic word order can be described by the formula SVO: subject — verb — object (subject — predicate — object).
Mary reads many books. — Mary reads a lot of books.
A subject is a noun or pronoun that appears at the beginning of a sentence (who? — Mary).
The predicate is the verb that comes after the subject (what does it do? — reads).
An addendum is a noun or pronoun that comes after a verb (what? — books).
There are no cases in English, so it is necessary to strictly observe the basic order of words, since it is often the only thing that indicates a connection between words.
My mum | loves | soap operas. | My mom loves soap operas. |
Sally | found | her keys. | Sally found her keys. |
I | remember | you. | I remember you. |
The verb to be in affirmative sentences
As a rule, an English sentence is not complete without a verb predicate. Since it is possible to construct a sentence in Russian without a verb, we often forget about it in English. For example:
mary is a teacher. — Mary is a teacher. (Mary is teacher.)
I‘m scared. — I’m scared. (I AM I am scared.)
Life is unfair. — Life is not fair. (Life is unfair.)
My younger brother is ten years old. — My younger brother is ten years old. (To my little brother Yes ten years.)
His friends are from Spain. — His friends are from Spain. (His friends occur from Spain.)
The vase is on the table. — The vase is on the table. (Vase is/is on the table.)
To summarize, the verb to be translated into Russian can mean:
- to be / is / to be;
- be / stay (in some place or state);
- exist;
- originate (from some locality).
If you are not sure whether to be is needed in your sentence in the present tense, then translate the sentence in the past tense: I am at work — I was at work. If a linking verb appears in the past tense, then in the present it is also necessary.
Offers with there is / there are
When we want to say that something is somewhere or something is not somewhere, then we need to adhere to the construction there + to be at the beginning of the sentence.
there is grass in the yard, there is wood on the grass. — Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.
If in these types of sentences we do not use the construction there is / there are, then in English such sentences will sound less natural:
There are a lot of people in the room. — There are a lot of people in the room. (naturally)
A lot of people are in the room. — A lot of people are in the room. (less natural)
Please note that sentences with there is / there are, as a rule, are translated into Russian from the end of the sentence.
There is / there are also needed to maintain the basic word order — SVO (subject — predicate — complement):
There | is | too much sugar in my tea. | There is too much sugar in my tea. |
More details about the construction there is / there are can be found in the article «English grammar for beginners, part 3».
Pronoun it
We, as native speakers of the Russian language, in English sentences forget not only about the predicate, but also about the subject. It is especially difficult to figure out how to translate sentences like this into English: It gets dark. It’s time to get up. It was nice to talk to. In English, all these sentences must contain a subject, the role of which will be played by the introductory pronoun it. It is especially important not to forget it if we are talking about the weather.
It‘s getting dark. — It gets dark.
It‘s time to get up. — It’s time to get up.
It was nice to talk to you. — It was nice to talk to.
Negative sentences
If the sentence is negative, then we put a negative particle not after:
- auxiliary verb (auxiliary verb);
- modal verb.
If the only verb in the sentence is to be, then we put not after it.
Subject Verb to be Particle not Completion Translation
Peter | is | Note | an engineer. | Peter is not an engineer. |
I | was | Note | at work yesterday. | I was not at work yesterday. |
Her friends | Were | Note | polite enough. | Her friends weren’t polite enough. |
Word order in questions
First, let’s say that there are two main types of questions:
- closed-ended questions (questions with a yes / no answer);
- open-ended questions (questions that can be answered in detail).
Closed questions
To build a yes / no question, you need to put a modal or auxiliary verb at the beginning of a sentence. You get the following structure: auxiliary / modal verb — subject — predicate. The following examples will help you understand how to convert an affirmative sentence to an interrogative one.
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