Задания на презент континиус глаголы

The Present Continuous Tense. Упражнения (уровень базовый)

Продолжаем изучать английский язык на уровне для начинающих и вас ждут упражнения на Present Continuous, которое является одним из базовых времен английского глагола. В предыдущем уроке мы рассмотрели теорию довольно кратко: знание 4 правил поможет вам не совершить ошибок при выполнении упражнений. В конце урока даны ответы к упражнениям.

  1. Present Continuous. Упражнения (для начинающих)
  2. Схемы построения предложения в The Present Continuous Tense
  3. I. Учимся составлять утвердительные предложения в Present Continuous
  4. II. Учимся задавать отрицательные предложения в Present Continuous
  5. III. Учимся задавать вопросительные предложения в Present Continuous
  6. Present Continuous. Творческие задания. Уровень 2
  7. Present Continuous – упражнения для тренировки и правила образования
  8. Построение предложений в Present Continuous
  9. Утвердительные предложения в Present Continuous
  10. Отрицательные предложения в Present Continuous
  11. Вопросительные предложения в Present Continuous
  12. Exercises – упражнения на глаголы в Present Continuous для 5 класса
  13. Exercise 1 – упражнение 1
  14. Если Вы устали учить английский годами?
  15. Answers – ответы к упражнениям на глаголы в Present Continuous
  16. Упражнения для отработки утвердительных предложений в Present Continuous
  17. Exercise 1 – упражнение 1
  18. Exercise 2 – упражнение 2
  19. Exercise 3 – упражнение 3
  20. Exercise 4 – упражнение 4
  21. Answers – ответы к упражнениям на утвердительные предложения в Present Continuous
  22. Упражнения для отработки отрицательных предложений в Present Continuous
  23. Exercise 1 – упражнение 1
  24. Exercise 2 – упражнение 2
  25. Exercise 3 – упражнение 3
  26. Answers – ответы к упражнениям на отрицательные предложения в Present Continuous
  27. Упражнения для отработки вопросительных предложений в Present Continuous
  28. Exercise 1 – упражнение 1
  29. Exercise 2 – упражнение 2
  30. Exercise 3 – упражнение 3
  31. Exercise 4 – упражнение 4
  32. Exercise 5 – упражнение 5
  33. Answers – ответы к упражнениям на вопросительные предложения в Present Continuous
  34. Упражнение на сравнение Present Simple и Present Continuous
  35. Answers – ответы к упражнению на сравнение Present Simple и Present Continuous
  36. Творческие задания на Present Continuous
  37. Заключение
  38. 🔥 Видео

Видео:Все о PRESENT CONTINUOUS за 6 минутСкачать


Present Continuous. Упражнения (для начинающих)

Упражнение 1. Добавьте окончание -ing к глаголам ниже и, таким образом, превратите их в причастия. Переведите причастия на русский язык.

ПРИМЕР. sing – петь; singing – поющий

read, write, take, sit, play, look, swim, jump, run, go, do, buy, help, eat, clean, make, speak, sleep, listen, talk, fly, lie, die

Упражнение 1.1. Добавь окончание -ing к глаголам, распределяя их по строчкам в соответствии с написанием. Упражнение нужно выполнить письменно.

Come, clean, swim, do, write, make, shop, live, sing, run, dance, play, work, sit, sleep, take, have, eat, jump, cry

  1. cleaning, _________________________________
  2. coming, ________________________________
  3. swimming, __________________________

Упражнение 2. Напишите глаголы, от которых образованы данные причастия. Переведите их на русский язык.

  1. reading – _____________
  2. living – _____________
  3. showing – _____________
  4. giving – _____________
  5. cleaning – _____________
  6. opening –_____________
  7. sitting – ______________
  8. taking –_______________
  9. standing –_____________
  10. saying –_______________

Прежде, чем идти дальше, давайте вспомним схемы построения предложений в Present Continuous

Схемы построения предложения в The Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous. Упражнения. Схемы предложений

I. Учимся составлять утвердительные предложения в Present Continuous

Упражнение 3.1.
Выберите правильную форму глагола BE.

  1. My friend (am, is, are) playing in the yard now.
  2. I (am, is, are) writing an exercise at the moment.
  3. They (am, is, are) doing homework at present.
  4. Look!He (am, is, are) smiling at us.
  5. Listen! The birds (am, is, are) singing in the garden.
  6. We (am, is, are) going for a walk.
  7. She (am, is, are) making a pie.
  8. Listen! The dog (am, is, are) barking at the door.

Упражнение 3.2. Вставьте нужную форму вспомогательного глагола BE (am, is, are) в предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.

  1. My friend __________ reading a book.
  2. I _________ drinking tea.
  3. They _______ making noise.
  4. He ________ looking through the window.
  5. She ________ helping about the house.
  6. We __________ watching TV.
  7. Granny _________ cooking dinner.
  8. The birds __________ swimming on the lake.
  9. The dog ________ sitting at the door.
  10. It _________ looking at me.

Упражнение 4. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы глаголы стояли в Present Continuous. Каждый раз добавляйте слово подсказку now или at the moment.

1. I open the door ( Present Simple ). 2. The cat sleeps on the mat. 3. The bоуs write letters. 4. We sing songs. 5. Mother makes a cake. 6. The bell rings.

Упражнение 5. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous.

1. It (rain) all day. 2. I (play) the piano now. 3. Mary (come) to see us. 4. The boy (climb) the tree. 5. The baby (drink) milk. 6. My friend (speak) English.

II. Учимся задавать отрицательные предложения в Present Continuous

Упражнение 6. Перепишите предложения, используя сокращенную отрицательную форму глагола BE.

1. They are not working in the garden now.
2. Mother is not having dinner now.
3. Granny is not sleeping now.
4. I am not listening to the radio now.
5. The boys are not making noise now.

Упражнение 7. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.

1. We are listening to the teacher. 2. I am writing on the paper. 3. You are learning English Grammar. 4. It is raining hard (сильно). 5. He is going to the cinema. 6. The horses are running very fast. 7. Mary is helping her mother to cook. 8. I am working very hard (много). 9. Tom’s brother is coming to the party. 10. You are singing well.

Упражнение 8. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол-действие в скобках в Present Continuous. Используйте сокращенные формы be (am not, isn’t, aren’t).

1. Bess … (not help) about the house now. 2. My friend … (not play) the piano now. 3. We … (not listen) to music. 4. The father …. (not work) in the garden. 5. The boy … (not ride) a bike. 6. He … (not look) at the pictures in the book. 7. Richard and Henry … (not swim) in the river in summer. 8. He … (not have) tea for breakfast. 9. She … (not make) a cake. 10. Kate … (not dance) now.

III. Учимся задавать вопросительные предложения в Present Continuous

Упражнение 9. Сделайте данные предложения вопросительными.

1. We are listening to the teacher. 2. I am writing on the paper 3. You are learning English Grammar. 4. It is raining hard (сильно). 5. He is going to the cinema. 6. The horses are running very fast. 7. Mary is helping her mother to cook. 8. Tom’s brother is coming to the party. 9. You are singing well. 10. They are having dinner.

Упражнение 10. Дайте краткий положительный ответ на вопросы ниже:

ОБРАЗЕЦ Is Ann swimming now? — Yes, she is.

1. Is Ann swimming now? __________________
2. Are you reading an interesting book now? ___________________
3. Am I playing with a cat now? _____________________
4. Is your mother watering flowers now? _________________
5. Are they going to school now? __________________
6. Is your dog sleeping now? ____________________
7. Are your parents having breakfast now? _________________
8. Is Tom listening to the radio now? __________________
9. Are they playing in the garden now? ________________
10. Are they riding a bicycle now? _________________

Упражнение 11. Дайте краткий отрицательный ответ на вопросы ниже:

1. Is your friend watching TV now?_____________
2. Are they sleeping now?___________________
3. Is she going to the cinema now?_____________
4. Are we standing at the bus stop?____________
5. Am I reading a book now?__________________
6. Is he going by car now?_____________________
7. Is your granny washing plates now?_____________
8. Are the girls making noise?_____________
9. Is your grandfather looking at the birds now?____________
10. Is the dog barking now?_____________

Упражнение 12. Составьте вопросы из данных слов. Помните о порядке слов.

1. you/what/are/doing
2. cooking/are/you/what
3. tonight/where/you/going/are
4. playing/we/tennis/what time/are
5. crying/girl/why/is/this
6. dinner/are/they/for/coming/when

Упражнение 13. Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложению, начиная их словами данными в скобках.

  1. The cat is eating fish. (What?)
  2. The girl is crying. (Why?)
  3. My friends are skating on the river. (What … the friends…?)
  4. The bird is flying in the sky. (Where?)
  5. The dog is barking at people. (Who… at? — На кого …?)

Упражнение 14. Напишите по одному вопросу к подчеркнутым словам.

1. The children are swimming in the river.
2. Granny is cooking dinner.
3. We are going to the cinema.
4. The people are working hard.
5. They are sitting on the floor.
6. She is thinking of you.
7. I am leaving tomorrow.

Упражнение 15. Вспомните слова — подсказки на Present Continuous (4 слова). Вставьте слово still в предложения по образцу и переведите их.

ОБРАЗЕЦ. He is working. – He is still working. Is he still working? Why is he still working?

1. I am lying in bed. 2. He is having a bath. 3. She is washing dishes. 4. Mother is watering flowers. 5. Granny is knitting. 6. Dad is painting the floor. 7. The children are playing computer games. 8. Grandad is reading newspaper. 9. The dog is barking. 10. The cat is sleeping.

Present Continuous. Творческие задания. Уровень 2

Упражнение 16. Опишите картинку. Используйте слова и выражения:

Present continuous упражнения. Описать картинку In the countryside

  1. in the countryside — за городом, в сельской местности
  2. a stream — ручей
  3. grass — трава — домашние животные
  4. feed — кормить
  5. peck — клевать
  6. seeds — зерна
  7. give — давать
  8. drink — пить
  9. swim — плавать

Упражнение 17. Опишите картинку. Используйте слова и выражения:

Present continuous упражнения. Описать картинку At the seaside

  1. at the seaside — на побережье
  2. on the beach — на пляже
  3. under the umbrella — под зонтиком
  4. in the distance — вдалеке
  5. a ship — корабль
  6. a boat — лодка
  7. sail — плыть
  8. swim — плавать
  9. bathe — купаться
  10. play about in the sand — играть в песке
  11. play ball — играть в мяч
  12. watch — сторожить

Упражнение 18. Напишите мини-сочинение «Один момент из моей жизни» / The composition « One moment from my life»

Примерный план сочинения.
Это происходит СЕЙЧАС! Ты (где?). Вокруг тебя (обстановка, шум, тишина). За окном
(погода, природа). Ты (что делаешь?). Ты смотришь (куда?). Ты слышишь (что?) Твои ощущения, твои мысли, состояние души.
Начните так: « It’s happening now……..»

Для получения доступа, пожалуйста, оформите подписку «ОТВЕТЫ»

Видео:Глаголы, которые не употребляются в Present Continuous. Глаголы действия и состояния.Скачать

Глаголы, которые не употребляются в Present Continuous. Глаголы действия и состояния.

Present Continuous – упражнения для тренировки и правила образования

Present Continuous Tense или Present Progressive Tense – в переводе на русский означает настоящее продолженное (длительное) время. Чаще всего Present Continuous используется для описания действия, происходящего в момент речи.

Выполнение теста

Видео:Тренажер 14. Глаголы состояния | Present Simple и Present Continuous #английскийязык, #smartalex100Скачать

Тренажер 14. Глаголы состояния | Present Simple и Present Continuous #английскийязык, #smartalex100

Построение предложений в Present Continuous

Во всех предложениях Present Continuous используются:

  • вспомогательный глагол to be в нужной форме;
  • глагол с окончанием -ing (V-ing).

Формы глагола to be :

  • am(с местоимением I );
  • is ( 3-е лицо, единственное число – He, She, It );
  • are (множественное число – We, You, They ).

Изменения написания глагола с окончанием -ing:

  • немая гласная –e в конце слова – опускается:
    • make – making ;
    • lie – lying ;
    • bet – betting .

    Утвердительные предложения в Present Continuous

    Примеры употребления в предложениях:

    • I am playing football now.
    • He is looking at the picture now.
    • They are cooking now.

    Отрицательные предложения в Present Continuous


    • I am not playing football now.
    • He is not looking at the picture now (or He isn’t looking at the picture now).
    • They are not cooking now. (or They aren’t cooking now).

    Вопросительные предложения в Present Continuous

    Формула образования:


    • Am I playing football now?
    • Is he looking at the picture now?
    • Are they cooking now?

    Краткие ответы в Present Continuous:

    Yes, I am.

    Yes, he is.

    Yes, they are.

    No, I am not.

    No, he is not (=isn’t).

    No, they are not (=aren’t).

    Видео:Пройди тест по Present Continuous | Speak all Week | Грамматика английского языкаСкачать

    Пройди тест по Present Continuous | Speak all Week | Грамматика английского языка

    Exercises – упражнения на глаголы в Present Continuous для 5 класса

    Exercise 1 – упражнение 1

    Напишите глаголы в форме Continuous:

    1. go;
    2. finish;
    3. jump;
    4. count;
    5. live;
    6. begin;
    7. call;
    8. have;
    9. get;
    10. ski;
    11. swim;
    12. due;
    13. eat;
    14. visit;
    15. watch;
    16. plan;
    17. happen;
    18. protect;
    19. build;
    20. paint.

    Видео:ГЛАГОЛЫ, которые НЕ употребляются в CONTINUOUS / Последние тенденцииСкачать

    ГЛАГОЛЫ, которые НЕ употребляются в CONTINUOUS / Последние тенденции

    Если Вы устали учить английский годами?

    Наши читатели рекомендуют попробовать 5 бесплатных уроков курса «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ДО АВТОМАТИЗМА» с Анастасией Божок.

    Те, кто посещают даже 1 урок узнают больше, чем за несколько лет! Удивлены?

    Без домашки. Без зубрежек. Без учебников


    • Научитесь составлять грамотные предложения на английском без заучивания грамматики
    • Узнаете секрет прогрессивного подхода, благодаря которому Вы можете сократить освоение английского с 3 лет до 15 недель
    • Будете проверять свои ответы мгновенно + получите доскональный разбор каждого задания
    • Скачаете словарик в форматах PDF и MP3, обучающие таблицы и аудиозапись всех фраз

    Answers – ответы к упражнениям на глаголы в Present Continuous

    1. going;
    2. finishing;
    3. jumping;
    4. counting;
    5. living;
    6. beginning;
    7. calling;
    8. having;
    9. getting;
    10. skiing;
    11. swimming;
    12. dying;
    13. eating;
    14. visiting;
    15. watch;
    16. planning;
    17. happening;
    18. protecting;
    19. building;
    20. painting.



    Упражнения для отработки утвердительных предложений в Present Continuous

    Exercise 1 – упражнение 1

    Дополните предложения в Present Continuous нужной формой глагола to be (am, is, are):

    1. We _____ singing a new song.
    2. Nicki _____ going to the museum.
    3. I _____ finishing my breakfast.
    4. Kate and Bill _____ helping their mother.
    5. The girl _____ listening to music.
    6. You _____ reading a book.
    7. Peter _____ visiting his grandparents.
    8. Sally and her son _____ going for a walk.
    9. Sue _____ wearing her new hat.
    10. My cat _____ playing in the yard.
    11. I _____ trying to work.
    12. My father _____ driving to the shop.
    13. It _____ raining.
    14. They _____ enjoying the party.
    15. Meg and Peg _____ playing the piano.

    Exercise 2 – упражнение 2

    Составьте предложения в Present Continuous Tense:

    Утвердительные предложения в Present Continuous

    1. reading/a book/is/the girl.
    2. the boy/in/is/the pool/swimming.
    3. TV-set/are/the children/watching.
    4. is/James/to his daughter/driving.
    5. taking/Liz/a shower/is.
    6. Our/are/we/trip/planning.
    7. Look! crying/is/she!
    8. tasty/cooking/granny/is/something.
    9. am/my/submitting/I/report.
    10. washing up/my sister/ is.
    11. a Christmas present/is/Lilly/finding.
    12. skating/we/in the park/are.
    13. is/Nancy/her bathroom/painting.
    14. their teeth/John and Tim/brushing/are.
    15. the children/running about/are/in the yard.

    Exercise 3 – упражнение 3

    Переделайте предложения так, чтобы глаголы стояли в Present Continuous, каждый раз добавляйте слово-подсказку now или at the moment :

    1. I prepare for it.
    2. The wind blows.
    3. We wait for Pete.
    4. Kate tells about her summer holidays.
    5. Brown writes the task on the blackboard.
    6. Bob and Nick play computer games.
    7. Our pets sleep in the kitchen.
    8. I decorate my room for the birthday party.
    9. They mend her computer.
    10. My mother cooks a birthday cake.
    11. Ann makes pizza for our friends.
    12. His brother plays tennis.
    13. Our friends buy a lot of souvenirs for us.
    14. My grandfather reads newspapers.
    15. Peter looks through the window.

    Exercise 4 – упражнение 4

    Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous:

    1. My neighbour (to wash) his motorcycle now.
    2. They (to have) dinner now.
    3. My father (to fix) a sink now.
    4. I (to make) my bed now.
    5. We (to go) to the skating-rink now.
    6. I (to study) my school task now.
    7. Minnie (to write) her second book now.
    8. Jessica (to have) a mathematic lesson now.
    9. My parents (to feel) tired now.
    10. I (to read) a new book now.
    11. The young lady (to walk) about the hall now.
    12. We (to have) sandwiches and fruit juice for lunch now.
    13. The kids (to make) a lot of noise now.
    14. He (to take) his sister to school now.
    15. Ann and Kate (to go) to the sea for a swim now.

    Answers – ответы к упражнениям на утвердительные предложения в Present Continuous

    Exercise 1 – упражнение 1:

    1. are;
    2. is;
    3. am;
    4. are;
    5. is;
    6. are;
    7. is;
    8. are;
    9. is;
    10. is;
    11. am;
    12. is;
    13. is;
    14. are;
    15. are.

    Exercise 2 – упражнение 2:

    Построение предложений в Present Continuous

    1. The girl is reading a book.
    2. The boy is swimming in the pool.
    3. The children are watching TV-set.
    4. James is driving to his daughter.
    5. Liz is taking a shower.
    6. We are planning our trip.
    7. Look! She is crying!
    8. Granny is cooking something tasty!
    9. I am submitting my report.
    10. My sister is washing up.
    11. Lilly is finding a Christmas present.
    12. We are skating in the park.
    13. Nancy is painting her bathroom.
    14. John and Tim are brushing their teeth.
    15. The children are running about in the yard.

    Exercise 3 – упражнение 3:

    1. I am preparing for it now.
    2. The wind is blowing now.
    3. We are waiting for Pete now.
    4. Kate is telling about her summer holidays now.
    5. Brown is writing the task on the blackboard at the moment.
    6. Bob and Nick are playing computer games at the moment.
    7. Our pets are sleeping in the kitchen now.
    8. I am decorating my room for the birthday party at the moment.
    9. They are mending her computer now.
    10. My mother is cooking a birthday cake at the moment.
    11. Ann is making pizza for our friends now.
    12. His brother is playing tennis now.
    13. Our friends are buying a lot of souvenirs for us at the moment.
    14. My grandfather is reading newspapers now.
    15. Peter is looking through the window at the moment.

    Exercise 4 – упражнение 4:

    1. is washing;
    2. are having;
    3. is fixing;
    4. am making;
    5. are going;
    6. am studying;
    7. is writing;
    8. is having;
    9. are feeling;
    10. am reading;
    11. is walking;
    12. are having;
    13. are making;
    14. is taking;
    15. are going.

    Видео:Present Continuous | быстрое и визуальное объяснениеСкачать

    Present Continuous | быстрое  и визуальное объяснение

    Упражнения для отработки отрицательных предложений в Present Continuous

    Exercise 1 – упражнение 1

    Перепишите предложения в Present Continuous, используя сокращенную отрицательную форму глагола to be:

    1. My uncle is not playing the piano.
    2. My aunt is not drinking a cup of tea.
    3. They are not moving the furniture in the dining room.
    4. The moon is not appearing in the sky.
    5. Sam and Liz are not listening to music on my player.
    6. The family is not having breakfast.
    7. Ben is not playing pin-pong.
    8. Ann is not having music lessons.
    9. My parents are not playing lotto.
    10. His mother is not driving a car.
    11. My younger sister is not sleeping.
    12. The boys are not watching an old film.
    13. The children are not going home.
    14. They are not feeding my rabbit.
    15. Pete is not singing my favorite song.

    Exercise 2 – упражнение 2

    Сделайте данные предложения в Present Continuous отрицательными:

    Отрицательные предложения в Present Continuous

    1. The boy is reading an old book.
    2. The girl is swimming in the swimming-pool.
    3. Look! She is crying!
    4. Granny is cooking something tasty!
    5. The children are watching television.
    6. James is driving to his daughter.
    7. Minnie is taking a shower.
    8. We are planning our trip.
    9. They are skating in the park.
    10. Mila is painting her bathroom.
    11. My brothers are brushing their teeth.
    12. The kids are running about in the yard.
    13. I am submitting my report.
    14. My sister is washing the plates.
    15. Liz is finding a Christmas tree.

    Exercise 3 – упражнение 3

    Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол-действие в скобках в Present Continuous, используйте сокращенные формы be (am not, isn’t, aren’t):

    1. My boyfriend (to wash) our bikes.
    2. We (to go) to the country.
    3. I (to study) my school task.
    4. We (to have) brunch.
    5. My father (to fix) a sink.
    6. I (to make) my bed.
    7. Max (to write) his best work.
    8. His girlfriend (to have) her English lesson.
    9. We (to have) fruit salad for breakfast.
    10. The kids (to make) a lot of noise.
    11. She (to take) her sister to school.
    12. Ann and Kate (to go) to the river.
    13. My parents (to feel) cold.
    14. I (to read) a new magazine.
    15. The young lady (to walk) about the roof.

    Answers – ответы к упражнениям на отрицательные предложения в Present Continuous

    Exercise 1 – упражнение 1:

    1. isn’t;
    2. isn’t;
    3. aren’t;
    4. isn’t;
    5. aren’t;
    6. isn’t;
    7. isn’t;
    8. isn’t;
    9. aren’t;
    10. isn’t;
    11. isn’t;
    12. aren’t;
    13. aren’t;
    14. aren’t;
    15. isn’t.

    Exercise 2 – упражнение 2:

    Слова-спутники Present Continuous

    1. is not (isn’t) reading;
    2. is not (isn’t) swimming;
    3. is not (isn’t) crying;
    4. is not (isn’t) cooking;
    5. are not (aren’t) watching;
    6. is not (isn’t) driving;
    7. is not (isn’t) taking;
    8. are not (aren’t) planning;
    9. are not (aren’t) skating;
    10. is not (isn’t) painting;
    11. are not (aren’t) brushing;
    12. are not (aren’t) running about;
    13. am not (aren’t) submitting;
    14. is not (isn’t) washing;
    15. is not (isn’t) finding.

    Exercise 3 – упражнение 3:

    1. isn’t washing;
    2. aren’t going;
    3. am not studying;
    4. aren’t having;
    5. isn’t fixing;
    6. am not making;
    7. isn’t writing;
    8. isn’t having;
    9. aren’t having;
    10. aren’t making;
    11. isn’t taking;
    12. aren’t going;
    13. aren’t feeling.;
    14. am not reading;
    15. aren’t walking.

    Видео:Учим Время PRESENT CONTINUOUS - Просто и Понятно!Скачать

    Учим Время PRESENT CONTINUOUS - Просто и Понятно!

    Упражнения для отработки вопросительных предложений в Present Continuous

    Exercise 1 – упражнение 1

    Сделайте данные предложения в Present Continuous – вопросительными:

    1. Liza and Paul are telling about their winter holidays.
    2. White is writing the task on my paper.
    3. I am preparing for this celebration.
    4. The cold wind is blowing.
    5. Polly is waiting for her boyfriend.
    6. Bob and Nick are playing the guitar.
    7. Our pets are sleeping in the kitchen.
    8. His brother is playing tennis.
    9. Our friends are buying a lot of souvenirs for their families.
    10. My grandfather is reading an interesting book.
    11. I am decorating the living-room for the Christmas party.
    12. They are mending her computer.
    13. My mother is cooking tasty pasta.
    14. Ann is making pizza for our friends.
    15. Peter is looking through the book.

    Exercise 2 – упражнение 2

    Дайте краткий положительный ответ на вопросы ниже, используйте Present Continuous:

    Вопросы в Present Continuous

    1. Are his friends having brunch?
    2. Is Jane playing the drum?
    3. Are you going to the zoo?
    4. Is the rabbit sleeping on the chair?
    5. Is Jack having a shower?
    6. Are the children doing their homework?
    7. Are Kate and Liz helping their mum in the kitchen?
    8. Are your parents driving to work?
    9. Is Mike feeding his dog now?
    10. Are they playing basketball in the park?
    11. Is Megan singing an English song?
    12. Are you watching an old film?
    13. Is Billy going to the bank?
    14. Is John washing up?
    15. Are you reading a newspaper?

    Exercise 3 – упражнение 3

    Дайте краткий отрицательный ответ на вопросы ниже, используйте Present Continuous:

    1. Is granny reading a magazine?
    2. Is Colin doing his homework?
    3. Are Lucy and Mary playing table tennis?
    4. Are you read a poem?
    5. Are the kids playing with the dog?
    6. Is Tim singing?
    7. Is your grandfather driving a car?
    8. Are you riding a bike?
    9. Are they swimming in the lake?
    10. Is your sister working?
    11. Are the children listening to their teacher?
    12. Is Mila writing a letter?
    13. Are your brothers getting up?
    14. Are you taking a driving lesson?
    15. Is Pete going for a walk?

    Exercise 4 – упражнение 4

    Составьте вопросы из данных слов в Present Continuous:

    Вопросительные предложения в Present Continuous

    1. going/where/your sisters/are?
    2. the kids/in the garden/doing/are/what?
    3. looking at/are/our grandparents/us?
    4. helping/Lucy/her little brother/is?
    5. now/reading/what/is/your son?
    6. are/playing/where/tennis/Ted and Sam?
    7. your grandparents/walk/are/where?
    8. David/an interesting/is/watching/TV programme?
    9. tidying/the boys/are/their room?
    10. Billy/a show/is/watching?
    11. you/eating/soup/are?
    12. shining/now/the sun/is?
    13. Kate/roller-skating/is/in the park?
    14. are/having/tea/Sam and Larry/with apple jam?
    15. on the bench/sitting/Jane/is?

    Exercise 5 – упражнение 5

    Напишите по одному вопросу к выделенным словам, используйте Present Continuous:

    1. John is watering the flowers in the garden.
    2. Mary is talking with her friends.
    3. We are starting our trip.
    4. Jane is visiting her father after school.
    5. Alice and Jo are inviting us to the party.
    6. Polly is reading a book under the tree.
    7. She is finishing her first picture.
    8. My parents are taking a part in our conversation.
    9. We are meeting in the cafe.
    10. After breakfast Max is going to the train.

    Answers – ответы к упражнениям на вопросительные предложения в Present Continuous

    Exercise 1 – упражнение 1:

    1. Are Liza and Paul telling about their winter holidays?
    2. Is Mrs. White writing the task on my paper?
    3. Am I preparing for this celebration?
    4. Is the cold wind blowing?
    5. Is Polly waiting for her boyfriend?
    6. Are Bob and Nick playing the guitar?
    7. Are our pets sleeping in the kitchen?
    8. Is his brother playing tennis?
    9. Are our friends buying a lot of souvenirs for their families?
    10. Is my grandfather reading an interesting book?
    11. Am I decorating the living-room for the Christmas party?
    12. Are they mending her computer?
    13. Is my mother cooking tasty pasta?
    14. Is Ann making pizza for our friends?
    15. Is Peter looking through the book?

    Exercise 2 – упражнение 2:

    Образование Present Continuous

    1. Yes, they are.
    2. Yes, she is.
    3. Yes, I am.
    4. Yes, it is.
    5. Yes, he is.
    6. Yes, they are.
    7. Yes, they are.
    8. Yes, they are.
    9. Yes, he is.
    10. Yes, they are.
    11. Yes, she is.
    12. Yes, I am.
    13. Yes, he is.
    14. Yes, he is.
    15. Yes, I am.

    Exercise 3 – упражнение 3:

    1. No, she is not (isn’t).
    2. No, he is not (isn’t).
    3. No, they are not (aren’t).
    4. No, I am not.
    5. No, they are not (aren’t).
    6. No, he is not (isn’t).
    7. No, he is not (isn’t).
    8. No, I am not.
    9. No, they are not (aren’t).
    10. No, she is not (isn’t).
    11. No, they are not (aren’t).
    12. No, she is not (isn’t).
    13. No, they are not (aren’t).
    14. No, I am not.
    15. No, he is not (isn’t).

    Exercise 4 – упражнение 4:

    1. Where are your sisters going?
    2. What are the kids doing in the garden?
    3. Are our grandparents looking at us?
    4. Is Lucy helping her little brother?
    5. What is your son reading now?
    6. Where are Ted and Sam playing tennis?
    7. Where are your grandparents walking?
    8. Is David watching an interesting TV programme?
    9. Are the boys tidying their rooms?
    10. Is Billy watching a show?
    11. Are you eating soup?
    12. Is the sun shining now?
    13. Is Kate roller-skating in the park?
    14. Are Sam and Larry having tea with apple jam?
    15. Is Jane sitting on the bench?

    Exercise 5 – упражнение 5:

    1. Where is John watering the flowers?
    2. With whom is Mary talking?
    3. What are we (you) starting?
    4. When is Jane visiting her father?
    5. Who is inviting us to the party?
    6. What is Polly doing under the tree?
    7. What is she finishing?
    8. What are my parents doing in our conversation?
    9. Where are we meeting?
    10. When is Max going to the train?

    Видео:Present Continuous | Grammar quizСкачать

    Present Continuous | Grammar quiz

    Упражнение на сравнение Present Simple и Present Continuous

    Exercise (упражнение): раскройте скобки, используя времена Present Simple и Present Continuous:

    1. I (to ride) my bike now.
    2. I (to go) to the sea every summer.
    3. The children always (to help) their parents in the garden.
    4. My Granny (to like) to read in the armchair.
    5. Paul (to play) football at the moment.
    6. Look, Alice (to wash) up!
    7. We (to go) school every day.
    8. My grandparents (to drink) coffee now.
    9. Don’t speak! I (to write) a letter to my pen-friend.
    10. She always (to ask) a lot of questions.
    11. Zac (to watch) a good film about cowboys at the moment.
    12. My parents isn’t at home now. They (to buy) tickets.
    13. Dina often (to sing) in the bathroom.
    14. The water (to boil), turn it off.
    15. My sister always (to forgot) the keys.

    Answers – ответы к упражнению на сравнение Present Simple и Present Continuous

    Ответы на упражнение:

    1. I am riding my bike now.
    2. I go to the sea every summer.
    3. The children always help their parents in the garden.
    4. My Granny likes to read in the armchair.
    5. Paul is playing football at the moment.
    6. Look, Alice is to washing up!
    7. We go school every day.
    8. My grandparents are to drinking coffee now.
    9. Don’t speak! I am writing a letter to my pen-friend.
    10. She always asks a lot of questions.
    11. Zac is watching a good film about cowboys at the moment.
    12. My parents isn’t at home now. They are buying tickets.
    13. Dina often sings in the bathroom.
    14. The water is boiling, turn it off.
    15. My sister always forgets the keys.

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    Открытый вебинар: «Косвенная речь - это ...?» | МАСТЕР-ГРУППА | АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК

    Творческие задания на Present Continuous

    Напишите 10 предложений в Present Continuous на английском, что сейчас делаете Вы, члены Вашей семьи и друзья. В конце добавляйте now или at the moment.

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    Теперь вы точно разберётесь с Present Simple и Present Continuous🇺🇸 #shorts


    В повседневной речи часто используется Present Continuous. В грамматике русского языка нет аналога этого времени, поэтому так важно знать Present Continuous и тщательно его прорабатывать, чтобы уметь употреблять его в речи.

    Тренировочные упражнения онлайн на тему продолженного времени и на сравнение с Present Simple обязательно помогут понять этот раздел грамматики как взрослому, так и ребенку.

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