I never forget my holiday in london вставьте указательные местоимения

I never forget my holiday in london вставьте указательные местоимения

11. Doctors advised us that we have to exercise ______regularly in order to keep healthy.

12. In ______your problem is nothing to worry about.

13. She loves looking at______ in the mirror.

14. If you don’t behave ______, I shall put you all to bed early.

15. The music was so loud that I had to shout to make ______heard.

16. The teacher tried to make______ understood but she failed to get the class to understand.

17. We painted the room ______.

18. She was very pleased with ______when she got such a good job.

19. I think I’d go back to France. We really enjoyed______ there.

20. I don’t feel______ today. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.


Test 8. Fill in the correct demonstrative pronouns.

1. Which flowers do you want? ______or ______?

2. Excuse me, is______ your bag?

3. They talked about ______and ______.

4. Which shoes do you like most? ______or ______?

5. ______’s why they accepted his proposal.

6. ______is Ann speaking.

7. After______ they decided not to come.

8. ______will do.

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Указательные местоимения в английском языке

9. I’ll take______ books.

10. He’s been waiting______ three weeks.

11. She went to______ doctor and ______, no result.

12. ______day was the worst of his life.

13. I’m tired out.______ ’s why I’m going home early.

14. George likes Mary, but she doesn’t like him. ______’s what annoys him.

15. The engine starts and the light goes on. ______’s when you press the button.

16. ‘They’re getting engaged in April.’ ‘ ______’s marvellous.’

17. ______was the biggest mistake in his life.

18. ‘We’re moving to London.’ ‘ ______’s fantastic!’

19. ______ is what I think.

20. ______will help her to come in time.

Test 9. Fill in the correct demonstrative pronouns.

1. I never forget my holiday in London. ______was the holiday of a lifetime.

2. What are you doing ______ Sunday?

3. Didn’t you just love ______ striped trousers in the shop we just passed?

4. Mmm! ______ is the best cake I’ve ever tasted!

5. Do you see ______ boy over there? He’s my cousin.

6. Hello, ______ is Mr Cook. Can I speak to Mr Brown, please?

7. I can’t go out in ______ coat. It’s too tight.

8. ‘I’ve been accepted by my first choice of university.’ ‘Congratulations. ______ is fantastic!’

9. ______ were the days when we used to dance every night.

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Указательные местоимения в английском языке.

10. Don’t you think ______ new electronic diaries that we saw in the shop are really clever?

11. ‘______ belonged to my grandmother,’ said David as he slipped the ring onto Jane’s finger.

12. Don’t you think ______ jeans suit me?

13. ______ biscuits are delicious. Did you make them yourself?

14. ______ records you threw out were my original hits from the seventies!

15. Aren’t ______ girls over there your students?

16. ‘______ bike needs repairing.’ ‘______ is what I was trying to tell you.’

17. What do you think of ______ dress Ann was wearing last night?

18. I don’t go anywhere ______ week.

19. What’s ______ you’re reading?

20. ______ boy over there is my son.


Test 10. Fill in some, any, no, every.

1. I’ve met ______ people, but I don’t have ______ real friends.

2. ‘Is there ______ petrol in the tank?’ ‘Yes, there must be ______ left.’

3. I’m sorry but there are ______ cookies left.

4. Have you ______ idea what time it is?

5. She had ______ games, but she didn’t have ______ computer games.

6. ‘Have you got ______ matches?’ ‘Yes, I think I’ve got ______ in my pocket.’

7. I can’t talk to you now. I’ve got ______ time.

8. Could you give me ______ examples?

9. I see him at work almost ______ day.

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Русский язык 6 класс: Указательные местоимения

10. Everything was correct. There were ______ mistakes.

11. We get ______ letters from her month.

12. There weren’t ______ potatoes left.

13. There were ______ tomatoes left.

14. Would you like ______ milk?

15. I’d like to ask you for ______ advice.

16. Her car wasn’t ______ better than ours.

17. ______ of the information has already been used.

18. ______ country has a national flag.

19. It hasn’t made ______ difference.

20. ______ child can learn to read and write.

Test 11. Fill in some, any, no, every or their compounds.

1. Is there ______ meat in the fridge?

2. There isn’t ______ fish, either.

3. Can I have ______ coffee, please?

4. Take ______ book you would like to read.

5. She said ______ but I didn’t understand it.

6. He went to the shop but he didn’t buy ______.

7. There is ______ in the box. It’s empty.

8. I can do this job alone. I don’t need ______ to help me.

9. They’ve got ______ cheese but they haven’t got ______ bread.

10. I’m looking for my keys. Has ______ seen them?

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42 This, that, these, those - английские указательные местоимения

11. ______ has taken my camera. I can’t find it.

12. He hasn’t got ______ eggs to make an omelette.

13. I heard a noise. There is ______ in the cupboard.

14. Look! ______ is sitting at the train station, waiting for a train!

15. ______ knows anything about her concert.

16. There was ______ selling tickets near the hall.

17. ______ Is in the room?

18. ______ student has to obey school regulations.

19. ‘Have you got ______ to tell me?’ ‘No, really’.

20. I walk with my friend’s dog ______ Sunday.

Test 12. Fill in some, any, no, every or their compounds.

1. There’s ______ milk in that jug. It’s empty.

2. She wanted ______ stamps but there weren’t ______ in the machine.

3. I’m afraid there isn’t ______ coffee left.

4. Is there ______ here who speaks Italian?

5. I’d like to buy ______ clothes but I haven’t got ______ money.

6. Would you like ______ juice?

7. She put her handbag down ______ and now she can’t find it.

8. Haven’t you got ______ friends in London?

9. We had to walk home because there was ______ bus.

10. Does ______ want a cup of tea?

11. I’ve looked ______ for my passport, but I can’t find it ______.

Видео:Изучаем английский вместе: Указательные местоимения these/those/17.02.22Скачать

Изучаем английский вместе: Указательные местоимения these/those/17.02.22

12. Come and have supper with us if you aren’t doing ______ tonight.

13. Are there ______ letters for me?

14. I’d like to make ______ friends, but I haven’t met _________ young people yet.

15. Jane is getting married to ______ she met on holiday.

16. Tommy is so nice. ______ likes him.

17. I can’t talk to you now. I’ve got ______ time.

18. I don’t know ______ about economics.

19. The accident looked serious but fortunately ______ was injured.

20. I am hungry. I want ______ to eat.

Test 13. Fill in some, any, no, every or their compounds.

1. I did Exercise 1 without ______ help.

2. ‘Would you like ______ more mineral water?’ ‘I don’t want ______ more.’

3. It was a public holiday, so there were ______ shops open.

4. My sister never has ______ trouble learning foreign languages.

5. This evening I’m going out with ______ friends of mine.

6. When we were on holiday, we went to the beach ______ day.

7. Why don’t you ask your father to lend you ______ money? I haven’t got ______.

8. Does ______ want a game of tennis?

9. What’s that smell? Is ______ burning?

10. I asked if ______ wanted an ice-cream, but ______ did, so I just bought one for myself.

11. Did ______ phone me while I was out?

12. Your face looks terribly familiar. I’m sure I have seen you ______ before.

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Указательные местоимения

Вставьте указательные местоимения.1. I never forget my holiday in London. .

Вставьте указательные местоимения.1. I never forget my holiday in London. . was the holiday of a lifetime.2″. belonged to my grandmother,» said David as he slipped the ring onto Jane`s finger.3. . records you threw out were my original hits from the seventies! 4. «bike needs repairing.» «. is wat I was trying to tell you.»

I never forget my holiday in london вставьте указательные местоимения

1. I never forget my holiday in London. That was the holiday of a lifetime. 2 «This belonged to my grandmother,» said David as he slipped the ring onto Jane`s finger. 3. Those records you threw out were my original hits from the seventies! 4. «This bike needs repairing.» «This is what I was trying to tell you.»

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